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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Portalfig

  1. Portalfig
    I am just really terrible at blogging. Geez.
    Study Abroad almost over, only a month left. Currently in Stuttgart for the end of fall break.
    It's wet and cold and really cool.
    Hope you all are doing well. Hopefully I'll be able to actually be a thing again during Christmas Break.
  2. Portalfig
    So. Funny story.
    I was given the keys to my dad's truck yesterday, with the intent to move it from way out in the parking lot to in front of the building the rest of my family was in. It seemed like a little thing, no big deal. I had to move it maybe a hundred feet, and the parking lot was pretty much empty already. So I walked up to the truck, confident that this wasn't going to be anything noteworthy.
    Of course, if it wasn't noteworthy I wouldn't be writing about it, would I?
    Have you ever had one of those days where you just don't feel like yourself? Maybe you feel a little sick, you are just tired beyond belief, or you just aren't quite right. Well, yesterday was one of those days. Why I felt so bad, I had no idea, but I didn't feel particularly myself. In many ways, I was moving the truck to try and make myself feel better and more like me.
    So I got to the truck, opened the door, and slid into the drivers' seat. In an instant I begin my process to prepare to drive. I buckle my seat belt, I check all the mirrors and adjust as necessary, I look all around to see what I would have to avoid and I don't see anything special to avoid.
    Easy. I think as I put the truck into drive. I immediately start rolling backwards when I let go of the brake, and I can't turn the steering wheel at all for some reason. I step on the brake quickly, and begin looking around for explanation. This was only my second time behind the wheel of the truck, so I began looking for a parking brake or the like, thinking that it would help with the wheel.
    After a few minutes of searching, I see my dad walking up with a very confused look on his face. I open the door, and ask him where the parking brake is.
    He looks at me for a long moment and then asks "You haven't turned it on yet, why would you need the parking brake?"
    I look back down at the steering wheel, and see that I had only inserted the key and turned on the radio.
    I shifted back into park, and I turn the truck on successfully this time. I was getting frustrated at this point, so I tapped the gas, but I don't get anywhere with it. I look around, searching for answers, and I found out that I forgot something else.
    I had put the truck in park again.
  3. Portalfig
    I got my package today from JMJ's November Raffle, and boy was I surprised.
    Look at my loots! =D
    Not only did he promptly send the prizes as soon as the holidays were over, but he also put a Series 11 Minifigure(Scientist btw) and a $15 Lego Store Card in it.
    Like, my goodness. This is amazing.
    Here's another thank you, JMJ, because this certainly was a fantastic surprise today. =D
  4. Portalfig
    Thanks to everyone for coming out and playing the map not once, but twice! I had a blast, and I hope you all did too! I learned a lot of stuff I have to fix, and I think that thanks to you all, the map will be much better when it is released. So, thanks once again everyone! =)
    Also I decided that I am going to be a part of the next BZPc, and nothing you say can stop me! *evilgrin*
  5. Portalfig
    I, too, am doing NaNo this year.
    Will be working on a compilation of everything that I should have finished writing by now(looking at you, Mafia II: Electric Boogaloo and [REDACTED]), as well as writing a first draft of a stageplay.
    It'll be pretty fun.
    Going as Tavahka, so you should add me so you can tell me to kick my butt into gear.
  6. Portalfig
    Come play BIONICLE Mafia VIII: The Sound of Darkness with us! We have two more slots available, so come quick before you are left in the cold! =P
    (This is the best I can do on mobile lol)
  7. Portalfig
    I've always wanted to say that. [/endStandardBlogWelcome]
    So, I bought myself a Six-month Premier Membership. So now I can jabber at all of you all I want, and (almost) nobody can stop me! =D
    First off, thanks to B6 for poking Dimensioneer until he finally accepted my money, I was very nervous that I messed up all week long. But I didn't seem to mess up, yay! ^^
    Secondly, after this current Mafia game I will be making an entry for post-game discussion. I've always kinda missed having something like that. Also on the topic of Mafia, I am still progressing on the epic, albeit super slowly. That is due to my deadlines on my other project, and the fact that the play I wrote was on stage last week, so I spent all of last week directing and acting in that. It went amazingly too! =D
    Thirdly, I will tell you about my other project soon. It should be coming up fairly soon, and I want all you BZPer's to be able to try it before anyone else. Hopefully you guys like it!
    I do believe that is it for now, thanks for reading! =)
  8. Portalfig
    I will be there on Saturday, and possibly Sunday. So, if you see a sorta nerdy looking guy walking around in a red BZP shirt you should say hi.
    man I can't even wait
    (also I brought hats for if i come sunday. jus' sayin')
  9. Portalfig
    I told myself I wasn't gonna post any blog entries during anniversary week because of obvious reasons, but I gotta say, wow. I like that all these changes that have been talked about forever are finally being added in. I am excited about the future of BZP again! =D
    So, thanks to everyone on the staff who puts their time and effort into this website. It really is a great place, most of the time. There is nowhere else on teh internets that I would rather be. =)
    Also I is back from camp
    In case you didn't notice.
    ...Just thought I would let you know.
  10. Portalfig
    That went far better than expected.
    The meanie father from the last "Rage" entry must have heard me, because he got his son to the play on time and everything. During an OU and OSU game, for that matter, which is normally a pretty big deal in OK. I have never really cared about it, but meh, that is beside the point. =P
    So we got a rehearsal done before we started the play at four, and everything went... okay. We had some really major screw-ups, but we corrected every one after we finished and felt fairly confident. Everyone got ready, costumes were put on, make-up was applied, we cleaned up the theater, then it was time to start.
    ...And thus began one of the best performances I have ever been a part of. Like, seriously that performance went far better than expected. We had over 100 people watching this one show, and we managed to hit every cue and every beat and scene went flawlessly. I am still in shock about just how incredible that was, and how it all worked out that well. We had about 6 rehearsals throughout the week that we missed, and yet this was by far one of the best shows I have ever been a part of putting on.
    And then, after it all, came one of the most important moments of any semester. It was time to give out the Ethan Award.
    The Ethan Award commemorates a member of the drama group who passed away a few years ago. This is the most prestigious award that can be given in this group, and it is a huge deal to win it.
    I didn't win it, but I did win it a couple of years ago during my first semester with this group. However, after winning you are just taken out of the voting for the next semester. This year, though, I got second place, becoming the first person to get nominated for the award twice. And that was just insane and extremely unexpected.
    So, all in all, I will just leave you with this.
  11. Portalfig
    I am leaving tomorrow for nine days, during which my BZP activity will be very limited. I will try to get into both of the mafia games, and I will try to respond to any PM's as soon as I get them. I also have another entry set up to show up in about three days time, hopefully the Mafia game is over by then. =P
    Yep, that is about it. Also my project got delayed like two weeks, but I should be giving you all details on that when I get back.
    Thanks for reading!
  12. Portalfig
    It's been like 12 hours since Voltex's blog post about it, so here we go. You should go vote in G&T Contest 1.
    Because it was kinda the best. So go read all the games and the criterion for the games and such and go vote to your hearts content.
    (only works if your hearts content is one vote)
    woot woot party over hereee
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