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Flying Mummy

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Blog Entries posted by Flying Mummy

  1. Flying Mummy
    So after I got back to my room after all that had happened I thought I'd take a shower to relax, but it was not to be, firstly the show nob required a herculean effort to turn, secondly the shower only releases a minuscule dribble and thirdly it's a bit hard to wash one's self when it hurts to move one arm's elbow and the other arm's hand (see previous post).
    Needless to say I'm not a happy mummy.
  2. Flying Mummy
    So I had to get this thing called a PIC line which is like an IV except that it goes into a vein in ones chest and the people that were doing it screwed it up and that was most painful thing I have ever experienced and it lasted for about an hour and then they had to put a normal IV in my hand on my other arm so now both of my arms hurt and then they gave me Valium so I couldn't walk and tomorrow they're going to try again but this time with me under anesthesia.
  3. Flying Mummy
    Well it's been 2 weeks and I'm still not out but I may get out on friday.
    I'm doing a lot better than I was when I came in.
    The food here is surprisingly not as bad as I had expected it would be.
    Still can't wait to play Borderlands 2.
    Also is it just me or does TV really suck?
    And what does everyone think of the Pre-Scratch Trolls?
  4. Flying Mummy
    Yes, friends, there is a troll among us, right here, in the blogs. It's your job to identify him/her, you can ask me yes or no questions or for hints.
    Let the search begin!
    Post comments or questions here.
  5. Flying Mummy
    Actually two: The first one was the pirates from Peter Pan and Jeffers from Hyperdrive on The God of Evolution's island with these blue-skinned sheep-people. The second was that I was watching a movie that was a combination of The Office, Transformers: Beast Wars, Transformer: Beast Machines and Hero Factory 3.0.
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