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    Sentai Mountain... naw, few hours east of the Rocky Mountains... that's more like it.
  • Interests
    I am a Christian.<br /><br />I am music-obsessed. Absolutely love Anberlin's sound, but their lyrics aren't the greatest. Nevertheless, I still listen to them from time to time.<br />It's hard for me to pick a favorite band, but I would have to say Red. Other bands I listen to include (but are not limited to):<br />Thousand Foot Krutch<br />Stellar Kart<br />Relient K<br />Becoming the Archetype<br />Demon Hunter<br />My Epic<br />Switchfoot<br />... yeah, those are the ones I listen to regularly. There are some others (Cool Hand Luke, Abandon, Owl City, Philmont, Subseven, The Chariot, etc), from whom I like a song or two but don't really "get into" the rest of their music.<br />I have an iPod classic, which has over 1,000 songs on it now.<br /><br />Books? I used to be a complete bookworm, but lately I'm not as into reading anymore. I still read fiction here and there (most recently Steven James, Joel C. Rosenberg, and Ted Dekker, plus re-reading some Tolkien), but lately I think I'd rather read non-fiction... like John MacArthur's book Hard to Believe. (The joys of being homeschooled... Mom is having me read Hard to Believe for school. xD)<br /><br />I have a tendency (which I am currently trying to break) of spending way too much time online. Mostly message boards and stuff.<br /><br />... and I don't know why I even filled this out, because I most likely will never even post here. I'm only checking the site out at all b/c I know two of its members in real life. I don't even like Bionicle.<br /><br />By the way... if you didn't know, Hitomi is the female pilot in Lego EXO Force.

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  1. Hello, fellow non-BIONICLE fan. Welcome to BZP. :D

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