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Posts posted by ~Shockwave~

  1. this question is for those of you have been to jay vincents site:there was some music playing during the most today's episode that i did not recognize.one playing where the bird was looking at the snakes.(i'm going to assume that's vague enough to not merit a spoiler tag.) and one more that i didn't recognize. are they done by jay, or someone else?

  2. ....What happened to the old Ninjago???A jet? An all terrian vehicle? A motorcycle?What about the ninja things??? The...the Dojo...the Dragons...the mystism...I miss you so...I hope people come to their sences and boycott the vehicle sets so LEGO changes it back. I will only be buying the spinners and the sets without modern twists.

    Your free to not buy them, nobodys making you.Asking people to "come to there senses" to do that is a bad way of putting it.I must say the dragon is cool. And that mech is awsome. I want it.
  3. ummm. no.the closest building block to lego quality would probably be kre-O, and thats a stretch, the kreons have stress marks out of the box.it sort of annoys me that hasbro will throw a fit when someone copies their molds, but they almost directly copies lego's bricks, cuz that makes sense.

  4. "Then, as your humble servant, shall I ready the space bridge to bring forth the Decepticon army you have surely gathered during your three years in space?""They have no protective shell! If they get underfoot, they will go...squish.""I wouldn't.""Oh, but I MIGHT...""I hold no illusions about engaging your army, Megatron. But I might derail its objective...by removing its head."[Holding up an exhaust pipe] "Maybe it needs one of these doohickeys...""You're a motorcycle, Arcee. Shouldn't you know how to build a motorcycle engine?""You're a human, Jack. Can you build me a small intestine?""I get to be your bodyguard for once. How cool is that?""Raf found the first one here, right?"(lights turn off for a second and Bulkhead screams loudly)"Did you just scream like a little girl?""No! .... Maybe.... Can we talk about this later?""I'm still picking shrapnel out of my backside!" "I'm not surprised, given the size of your backside.""Is that so? Tell me, Si, what's the market price for a Dingus these days?""What makes you think we intend to sell it, Agent Fowler?"of all the things it could've been called...Arcee: Have you guys seen Jack?Miko: ...not since we last saw him.Arcee: They're racing, aren't they?Raf: Just this once.Arcee: Did you know about this?Bulkhead: NO. Maybe. A little."If this is my subconscious... WHAT ARE YOU DOING INSIDE MY HEAD?!""Prime! You spot any Decepticons wearing hula skirts lately?!""No, Special Agent Fowler, why?"Um Starscream, I don't quite understand how this could've happened.""And yet, it DID! Can you imagine my horror? There I am, minding my own business when my arm just falls off! Clearly, Megatron inflicted more damage upon me than you realized! Doctor..."i think it goes like this...van klyse isnt to be touched.oh I wont lay a finger on him! [turns arm int the bfs, to get beat up by six]

  5. why is the news team so interested in lego friends?

    Better question: Why not? Perhaps it´s just because LEGO Friends is a unique series not only introducing many new colours and a new kind of minifigure, but also targetting a new age and gender group. But maybe it´s just me. :P~Gata. ;)
    Considering none of them are in that age group...My sister dosnt like them, or pictures of them. Granted she's 14.
    Do you mean none of the News Reporters are in the age group for LEGO Friends? True, but then again, they aren´t in the age group for BIONICLE and HERO Factory either. ;)~Gata. ;)
    Well played, well played gata. :PYou win this round. but i'll be back!What I meat was that appears to me that its less of a candidate for older fans, whereas bionicle and hf appeal to most of us hereSo next time listen to what I meant, not what I said. :P.
  6. why is the news team so interested in lego friends?

    Better question: Why not? Perhaps it´s just because LEGO Friends is a unique series not only introducing many new colours and a new kind of minifigure, but also targetting a new age and gender group. But maybe it´s just me. :P~Gata. ;)
    Considering none of them are in that age group...My sister dosnt like them, or pictures of them. Granted she's 14.
  7. I am looking for this set as well as Furno. I was looking for Breeze and Thornaxx, but sadly they do not come out until summer in the U.S.A. :(

    How do you figure that? I've seen breez.They are winter sets.on a differant note, that spider thing is adorable
    Have you seen them in the US? So far, I am pretty sure they have only been released in Europe.By the way, the reason why there is no piece count on the box is because that is how packaging is outside American countries.Thanks for the review! :) I take it you are going to review Breez?~Gata. ;)
    I could've sworn I saw a breez...Why are the others shipping than?
  8. i was playing the jailbreak game and noticed some interesting things. (other than the fact that it ran awfully)surges shoulder armor pieces are facing the opposite direction. so they don't look like shoulder spikes.and the hero core seems to be of a different design more like the 2.0/3.0 ones

  9. chuck norris can believe its not butter.his tears can cure cancer, too bad he never cries.chuck norris and mr. t walked int a bar, it exploded. no building can handle that much awsomeness.chuck norris won a staring contest with the sun.they wanted to make chuck norris the main charecter in terminator, unfortunately that version of the movie lasted about thirty seconds.he can cleanly stab somebody with a ball.

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