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Everything posted by Writ

  1. Ratio of Smileys per post in near-flame section:1:2 posts.Ratio of Smileys post-flame:2:1 posts.
  2. Yes, you have a point, but there's a fine line between being cooly logical and presumptuous, and the line gets blurred and hard to find when online. So, I agree, you're being logical and direct, but that does sometimes come off as slightly rude. And it didn't really come off as rude to me, but I'm also trying to remain cool and logical, so that may just be me.Try inserting every once in a while. Believe me, it helps.
  3. I respect your opinion, but I hold to mine. Sure! A list would be nice. Lists are easy.
  4. Thank you.However, I don't want or need a professional diagnosis; firstly, it's either expensive or inconvenient, and secondly, I don't need it. I can survive without special treatment; and I don't much care for government protection.I'm a Libertarian, and the less the government tries to help me, the happier I'll be.
  5. I always thought her special talent was drowning. :PNah, just kidding. I never really looked carefully at her cutie mark.
  6. I can't argue with you on this, because you seem intent on ignoring my perfectly valid points and insisting you're better than I am.
  7. More than qualified? After looking at two of my posts, maybe just one, you can say that I don't have Aspergers, when I've been me all my life and experienced it? Even my mom, who's been an outside observer, and my dad, can both say that I have Aspergers.Think of it this way: I don't have to go to a doctor to know I have a cold. Runny, clogged nostrils, lethargy, chills and a thermometer will tell me. Aspergers is just as blatant, believe it or not. People who talk to me still compliment my vocabulary; that's not just side effects of homeschooling. That's Aspergers. Even my parents notice me saying words, and they've been listening to me say 'prefer' instead of 'like' since I was 4 and a half.Another thing: Children with Aspergers start talking either extremely early or extremely late. I started talking at 12 months. And I don't mean "mama" or "dada." I mean "I want pie," or "I don't like that pop-tart."
  8. Unfortunately, I must disagree. You have no right, or qualification, to diagnose anything about me; firstly, because you've only seen a few of my posts, and secondly, Aspergers' is nigh on impossible to detect in an online community. From the Complete Guide to Aspergers' Syndrome, by Tony Attwood:Page 162:"For adolescents, Internet chat lines can be a successful social activity that can be an emotional repair mechanism. People with Aspergers' Syndrome may have greater eloquence and insight in disclosing their thoughts and feelings by typing rather than talking."Basically, the internet is a disguise for those with Aspergers.Also, you don't know me personally, and even if you did, you'd need at least base knowledge of psychiatric analysis to discover Aspergers.I know myself. I've gone through misfortune and hardship, and that's what helps you know someone: how they act under pressure. I know how I act, and I know I have Aspergers.You don't have any qualification to say 'no Aspergers for you.' I have that qualification.Writ
  9. Does anyone else feel like they can only debate? Casual conversation, no, but if I find someone with an opposing viewpoint, bring it on. Which is kind of bad for me, seeing as some people don't care if someone else is right, they just want to live their lives. :/…The only person I've ever been able to really talk to is my older brother. He's amazing. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png
  10. I don't like rap or electronica at all, really. Sharp cutoffs and repeated notes, no thank you. Especially when it's horribly high-pitched. Having Aspergers', I tend to get intensely annoyed by high-pitched noises or loud rooms.…Which is the main reason I find most of Harry Potter 7 Pt. 1 annoying. That Horcrux is screaming its bloody head off through three quarters of the movie… >.O Talking about Past Sins.
  11. So, Past Sins is amazing. I just finished.I loved the plot, it turned out brilliantly, and it surprised… me. I make stories. I know what makes them good. And it turned out well, even by my standards.The characters in that were even better than in the show; mainly because they can put more conflict in something the target audience isn't going to read. Twilight suffered beyond belief, Nyx went evil and still remained believable… It's the closest I've gotten to crying or laughing at a story since who knows when.Unfortunately, the prose is marred by forum speak. "*Giggles*" punctuate every other word by Pinkie Pie, when it should go along the lines of "She giggled" instead of the asterisk verbs. The writing was nothing amazing, but it got the job done well enough to get the characterization shining through.Overall, I give it a 7/10, only because of the horribly sloppy writing. So, great story. I recommend it.
  12. 'Tis very annoying.…But as soon as Nyx said 'Mommy?'Manly tears. They were shed.Lots of them.
  13. It's just a quote from the book; just to show he doesn't know how to write. He has Asterisk Actions inserted into the character's speech. Instead of "She gasped," it's "*gasp.*" And the formatting is wretched, but I won't even get started on that. :/
  14. I'm reading Past Sins. This guy knows how to make you pity a character, but he doesn't know how to write. “'Well... *sniff* If... if I keep them straight all night... that might work.'”That's a quote from the book. '*sniff?*' Seriously? It's kind of disappointing; it's a great story idea, and I'm totally in love with Nyx, but… *Sniff.*
  15. Same. xDOr even know where to get it.Well, I provide links to everything on my wish list, so that wouldn't be a problem… It would just be that they wouldn't be willing. XD
  16. I want to ask for pony shwag for Christmas…But I doubt my parents would get it.
  17. The music, in fact, was The Sorcerer's Apprentice, or at least a dramatically shortened version.And the flying broom was probably yet another TSA reference. XD
  18. I believe you were, what was the reference?And are we talking about the original legend, or the Disney movie?
  19. I've read worse, more horrific things than what I know about Cupcakes, but they had a point. If it's just plain horror, then I see no point in reading it. If it contributes to a plot where a hero fulfills a positive ideal, then I say go for it.…But if it's just horror for the sake of horror, count me out.Heck, I've written worse. Psychological horror. Torturing a character in my story to contribute to the conflict, but never just to drop a dead body from the ceiling.
  20. No, that's in almost every novel you'll read. Floating body parts is a common mistake among even professional writers. :PYour eyes just normally slide over it, but it's everywhere.
  21. No."Her eyes slid along the floor, until they reached the open safe door."That's disturbing.Read it carefully."He threw up his hands!"That's disturbing.Read it carefully.
  22. Favorite Singer: Fluttershy, closely followed by Twilight Sparkle.Favorite Song: Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up! Let's finish our holiday cheer!ALSO, HOW DOES ONE DISABLE THE CAPS LOCK KEY?!
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