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Kopakas Kool Kompanion

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Status Updates posted by Kopakas Kool Kompanion

  1. Just go to kopkaskoolkompanion.tumblr.com because honestly I'm on BZP every other month

  2. Makooti, I am your father...!

  3. Wait how does this work?

  4. Okay but what if a fish actually could climb a tree

  5. I... CAN... FEEL... THE POWAH!!!!!!

  6. Hero Factory 2.0- NEXt EVOlution! TLG, you're killing me. (Yes, it did take that long for me to get the joke)

  7. I'm no ruki when it comes to making Bionicle puns.

  8. Ever noticed that if you fold up the Bohrok and then fold out the shields alone, it looks like a little Haro?

  9. My Malum figure keeps falling apart as I'm trying to put it back together. this further proves my point that Apple products stink.

    1. avmatoran


      Only if it uses iOS.

    2. Kopakas Kool Kompanion

      Kopakas Kool Kompanion

      It was a play on words. The Latin word malum means both evil and apple. Thusly, Malum is an apple product.

  10. The most probable reaon one will not find darkness in children is because all of them have the scream of a Klakk. *All* of them.

  11. Good to know my avvie is only 50X38! Thanks, windrider!

    1. -Windrider-


      I'm not sure why the board's doing that; it might be due to some weird property of the picture you uploaded. In any case, you can check dimensions yourself by right-clicking or equivalent on the image and looking at the properties.

    2. Kopakas Kool Kompanion

      Kopakas Kool Kompanion

      Nah, I think I just had put a small thumb so I would have an acceptable size.

    3. tahukan


      100 x 100 is what I use when I make my avatars

  12. Anyone else think the ending of Metroid: Other M was just a rip of Fusion's ending?

    1. MT Zehvor

      MT Zehvor

      Kind of, but a lot dumber.

    2. Kopakas Kool Kompanion

      Kopakas Kool Kompanion

      Very true. The game itself was though too.

  13. It's been a while, BZP!

  14. In case you didn't notice since the server was down, I turned way old!

  15. Awright, in case you haven't noticed, I've been trying to get on this everyday! Yay! More of my annoying updates!

  16. Finally back!! Oh, man, BZP. I've been away a long time, haven't I?

  17. Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew!

  18. Gargoyles?

    1. Klak


      Yes indeed! Thank you, finally someone knows where it's from :P

    2. Kopakas Kool Kompanion

      Kopakas Kool Kompanion

      Do I get a prize? Because I do enjoy prizes.

    3. Klak


      You get an internet high five, a free "All is going according to plan" quote, and a "Go watch some Gargoyles on that site which shall not be named note!"


  19. In case no one's noticed... I JUST GOT REALLY OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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