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Posts posted by Blank0000

  1. Yeah, I am on like... 1-3 I think... I has green hair... XDBut yeah, this game is amazing and I would love to play with someone soon, so Ill exange friend codes with anyone who wants too...Edit: By "this game" I mean uprising, also, I took an anunouched break from bzp, so yeah, I'm back... Probably couldn't care less but I am...

  2. Ergh, all these new comics, just to let everyone know, I guess my comics here are post owneded. (I know what I did!!!) My computer broke down after seven years.... I am getting a new one soon...

  3. I thought that its probably one of the best ideas ever, although, Kingdom Hearts uses that same kind of idea... I guess they should get most of the credit...

    Kingdom Hearts just has difficulty levels. This lets you scale the difficulty from 0.1 to 9.0
    Ever played re:coded for NDS? In that game you can make the heartless have more or less health, if they have less health the item dropwill be more frequent... Pretty much the same ideaBut on a more kid Icarus note, I got my issue of game informer yesterday and to my surprise it came with a pit, kid Icarus card!
  4. Eh... I thought it was classic non the less... Anywho, I will try to make entries to derp less confusing and, will hopefully make sense... (Note to self, Green matoran NOT named Hark... Herpa a Derp)

  5. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Earth-collector/Drawings/awesome.pngSo, as we all know, the new game Kid Icarus for the 3DS is coming up. Its pretty much shaping up to be one of the best games for 3DS. It will have extremely good Multi-Player and an epic single player. Now I personally will be pre-ordering it and getting on launch. This will be the topic to disscuss anything and everything about the game! Also, once realesed this will be the topic that holds the Multi player disscussions.Multi-Player is going to be one big crazy mess if we don't make some BZP ranking, assuming they don't have leader boards and communities in the Game... So I suggest we send around friend codes once the game comes out and if you want you can post them here ahead of time, if you want, just give them to me and I will enter them up here. Just a heads up, if communities do end up showing up, then this will be for nothing, but still helpful non the less.3DS FC'sBjoacx, 1289-8761-2234So have at it!
  6. Sorry to be a topic changer but, has anyone tried out the metal gear demo? It is AMAZING!!! Oh, and quick little story, the other night I walked into gamestop, little did I know it was two minutes till closing time... I was looking at the 3DS games and this dude who worked at gamestop handed me a list with a ton of realese dates strait off the computer!!!! I ended up buying SSF 4 3D edition... I will post the realese dates up here as soon as possible, pretty cool huh?

  7. Oh of course, I was just making a funny, even if I knew how to do it I wouldn't...BTW: Anyone want to battle sometime later today in the new BZP battles group? If you want to beat someone I'm your guy... (Great at racing, a pile of poop at battling, I still like doing it though for some reason...)

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