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Status Updates posted by fishers64

  1. In between multiple influences, competing for my attention.

  2. I'm out of upvotes.

  3. The measurement of the amount of blood in a forum is best taken with a level pollstick.

  4. Christmas haul: 1 carrot cake, $100

  5. In the ongoing contest between Dr. Bundy and Dr. Watson, Dr. Watson hath prevailed once again.

  6. BioniClassic has Teridax, new Bionicle has Makuta. At least we won't be confusing those two, right?

  7. I just got ninja'd four times today. Yow.

  8. Definatively snapperish.

  9. I might be a little in and out over the next couple weeks as I catch up with school.

  10. The more I see of new Bionicle, the better I think of it.

  11. ILL. So if I'm spaced out and typing crazy things, that be why.

  12. I just am not good at taking hiatuses from this place. Seriously.

  13. Mildly wackadoodle.

  14. Polls are amazing. *thumbs-up sign*

  15. Tahtorak 2016: Make Bionicle Great Again

  16. boom duh duh duh dack duh, duh duhduh da duhduh dack, duh duhduh dack dum, duh duh dack dack dum

  17. *retreats into the S&T forum to preserve sanity*

  18. New computers own.

  19. On BZP, forever young.

  20. Bionicle Gen2 = Bionicle Gen 1 thrown into a blender. Plus CCBS.

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