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Status Updates posted by fishers64

  1. I'm back. Slowly digging through all these topics. Please stand by. Scanning...

  2. I'm bored. Let's bounce.

  3. *looks at S&T forum* *rubs hands together* Time to bite the bullet.

  4. Finished all the quests in Chima Online. :) Character is level 24. I'm wondering whether leveling up into level 25 is worth it. :shrugs:

  5. If I have to shove my mind open with a crowbar...

  6. When you are alone in a room, your voice tends to echo back, and resound hollow in your ears.

  7. And so the summer rush has begun.

  8. Back on my computer. Thank goodness.

  9. Is Majhost down again?

  10. I win the know-it-all award. Again.

  11. QuickTime Player produces better sound than Windows Media Player.

  12. You know your life is bad when you can't keep track of whether you're dead or not.

  13. *turns on dime* *dime melts hole in the pavement*

  14. Very busy. Possibilities exploded.

  15. The word driveway is not a legal term.

  16. Master of Disintegration Unchained.

  17. S&T debate. Yes.......:D *two-thumbs up*

  18. My face is sore from smiling.

  19. Once your opponent has resorted to insults, the odds of what she/he's saying having any logical basis diminish considerably.

  20. Back in town. Back to work. :)

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