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Blog Entries posted by Akano

  1. Akano
    Okay, I just came out with a new comic and no one has seemed to notice, so I'm going to redirect people to my comics topic to check it out. It incorporates that new idea I said I had earlier. The new idea was HAND DRAWN COMICNESS!
    My CGing skills haven't developed to the point that I could CG in two days and have it out, so for now the comic is just a sketch. I'll try to improve that aspect, though. Hope you all enjoy it!
    Also, I had a band concert on Monday that was with both band and choir as a Christmas concert. I must say, it was quite amazing. No, not the choir part, our part. Out of all the groups — Concert Choir, Symphonic Chorale, Show Choir, and Wind Ensemble — the Wind Ensemble was the only group to get a standing ovation. Boo-yah! I even had a solo at the end of Sleigh Ride for my trumpet — I made a horse-whinney sound. ^^;
    The crowd seemed to love it, though, and they loved when we played Trans-Siberian Orchestra's "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24." That earned us our standing ovation.
    The Concert Choir was terrible, though. And the choirs got to do more songs than the band. But, we're still the crowd favorite. ^^
    And now, as usual, a physics equation. I know you've all waited for this.
    For uniform circular motion, ΣF = mv²/r, where ΣF is the sum of the forces acting on the plane of the circle, m is mass of the object in motion, v is its velocity or speed, and r is the length of the radius.
    Of course, you could also say that v²/r = a, where a is centripital acceleration, bringing us back to ΣF = ma. ^^

  2. Akano
    Going to spend some time with KK, Tekulo, my mom and my roommate for the next week. I'll have BZP access, but I'm not sure if I'll actually be on during that time, so if I'm quiet for the next week, you now know why.

  3. Akano
    Hey, guys. Just wanted to let you all know that I've made a new topic. Basically, I'm rewriting Inventor of Metru Nui and I've made a new topic of it which you can find here. I'd like feedback on it, since I'm trying to revamp the old story with whatever skills I've gained since writing the original.
    In other news, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and hopefully I'll not be lazy and deliver you a comic by then.
    With that, I leave you another lovely Physics equation. ^^

  4. Akano
    I made these two images in Mathematica and tidied them up in Photoshop.
    They're graphs in the complex plane. The color indicates the phase, or argument, of the complex number, and for this function, curves of equal phase are hyperbolas. To animate it, all I did was let the phase vary linearly in time.

  5. Akano
    I was just at another competition, and I placed second in Entomology! I'm back on top!
    "But, Akano, second isn't on top. It's next to on top!"
    Yes, but the people I lost to were from the team whose coach wrote the test!
    The test was completely biased too. Who needs to know famous entomologists for an event in which you identify and cover basic knowledge on insects? Entomologists are people, not insects!
    That aside, my weekend's been great, and I get tomorrow off due to President's Day.
    Also, my 100th comic is coming up soon. I'm trying to make it a big comic and fill it with my old guest stars. More details in my comic topic.
    Now that I can't think of anything to say, I end this entry.
    But, first, a wise word from the "MOO" Obsesser. ©

  6. Akano
    Finished 4/5 problems on my quantum final today AND almost half of the fifth one. I'd say I thoroughly owned that test to the best of my ability. 8D
    Also, kudos to BZP's staff for keeping their cool and being able to bring the forums back. You guys are awesome.

  7. Akano
    I've blogged before about the physics of bouncing a particle like a neutron on a table or other similar surface. Well, someone at the University of Arkansas has made an animation of how the spread of said particle over space evolves in time if it starts out in a "Gaussian wavepacket," which is a fancy way of saying that the neutron starts out looking more like a particle than a wave by being localized in space. The animation is here, while the full page containing the full Quicktime movie is here.
    The red dot is a classical bouncing ball evolving over time (it's pretty boring comparatively). On the left is a plot of the probability of finding the particle at a certain height (the vertical axis) at any given time of the movie. The quantum particle does sort of bounce, become kind of wavy and messy, and then bounces again, but out of phase with the classical ball.
    TL;DR: Cool animation of doing mundane physics with a quantum system with results that are anything but mundane. Click the links to have your mind blown.

  8. Akano
    So, brickshelf and majhost's servers are down. Too bad I can't upload the comic I've totally finished and not at all procrastinated on.
    Seriously though, my apologies for the lack of updating of my comics. I have not had as much time this semester to do things I enjoy as I would like (we kinda hit the ground running). I do hope to inspired soon and start working on a comic.
    Another thing sort of slowing me down is that I'm getting used to using GIMP, which is quite different from Photoshop, which my new computer does not have. Thus, I have to make do.
    In other news, this semester I'm taking quantum mechanics version 2.0 and classical mechanics. In both classes (ironically) we're working with Lagrangian mechanics, as the classical Lagrangian (the difference of kinetic and potential energy of a system) is useful in deriving equations to describe systems in both the classical and quantum mechanical regimes. In fact, when one uses the Lagrangian as a way to formulate wavefunctions of quantum mechanics, Hamilton-Jacobi equation (a classical physics equation) pops out of the Schrödinger equation! It's as though physics is self-consistent or something...

  9. Akano
    Yesterday, February 22nd, was my birthday. Unfortunately, it had to fall on one of the busiest days of my schedule, with Science Olympiad, Pit Band, and Jazz Band all dominating in one foul swoop.
    I had a decent time, though, and my friends got me some nice gifts. I got cookies and a card today from some of my friends in band, and another friend got me a CD. Oh, and I got cupcakes. Can't go wrong with cupcakes.
    And waiting at home for me after all this was a Chipotle burrito with my name on it, which I saved for today's lunch.
    Tomorrow is Regionals for Science Olympiad. Yes, Nerdfest 2007 — the part that counts — is on.
    Wish me luck!

  10. Akano
    I hate being sick. Even though I'm home today, I really wish I could be at school. Well. Alive.
    I'm stuck with this really annoying cough and a fever. The cough I've had for days. Like, since Saturday. The fever I just got yesterday. It really stinks. I want to be back.
    I'm somewhat wondering if this is bacterial. Like maybe strep. That would stink.
    What's worse is that I went to bed last night thinking that I'd be better today. Nope. Had a fever this morning. Took my temperature and it was at 101°F.
    And I have a Calculus test tomorrow. Really would've liked to be in class to review for that…
    Hopefully the "MOO" Obsesser will be back to his old, well self. Sorry for the dreary blog entry.
    And, I think this is a record. I updated within 3 days. Woot.

  11. Akano
    I went for a couple walks yesterday and today, and everything feels perfect. The air is crisp, the hoodie/jeans combo is perfectly comfortable, and the smell of fallen leaves permeates everywhere.
    Now if only all the trees decided to finally change color to match the rest of the mood.

  12. Akano
    So, I'm off to Alaska early on Sunday morning for an astronomy conference. KK has already been to the untamed land, so now it's my turn to conquer it with my charm.

  13. Akano
    So, lately I've been playing Sonic Generations as a fun way to pass the time. It's a fantastically good game that I recommend to any Sonic the Hedgehog fan. It brings back the play styles of the 2D platformer and that started by Sonic Adventure. (Though the final boss is really lame.)
    I also like a lot of their remixed songs. (Green Hill Zone and Chemical Plant Zone sound really cool!)
    In A Link to the Past news, I've rescued the maiden in the Dark World version of the Lost Woods and am now in the Village of Outcasts trying to find out where the next maiden is being kept. I'm also getting thoroughly thieved by the denizens of said village. On an unrelated note, my roommate and I also got shiny Dialga at GameStop recently. That's pretty sweet.
    And tomorrow I have my first class. Looks like my summer's officially over...

  14. Akano
    I had a whirlwind of a time these last few weeks. I'll try to break it down simply.
    Week of May 23: Attended the DAMOP conference in Providence, RI to present my research in poster form. It was all right, but probably my least favorite DAMOP thus far. (Last year it was in Columbus, OH, which meant I got to see friends during the week, and the year before it was in Madison, WI, which was an absolute joy because Madison is a rarity in that it's a city I actually kinda like.) My roommate and I left the conference on Thursday to attend a wedding, which happened Thursday evening. The ceremony was one of my favorites I've attended thus far.
    The following day I left on a plane to go to Columbus to attend the bachelor party, rehearsal, and subsequent wedding of a friend I've known and kept in touch with since 6th grade. It was wonderful.
    Week of May 30: Went back to my childhood home and had a Memorial Day dinner with family and friends, played the role of babysitter with Tekulo (we earned major brownie points, both with the kids and their mothers). The next day I chilled at home and spent time with my family, with the evening punctuated by an awesome bonfire that was probably against local fire codes. Saw my next door neighbor unexpectedly and got a chance to catch up. Wednesday featured more catching up with some college friends who live about 40 minutes away from my parents' place. We played some Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit and watched YouTube videos.
    Thursday was the beginning of a roadtrip from Ohio to Wisconsin, with the ultimate goal to meet up with KK and hang out for a few days. Among the people we saw along the way were two of my fellow grad students who were working in Chicago, my roommate's (Friend: Toa of Friendship) cousin, KK, and friends of Friend: Toa of Friendship's girlfriend (did you keep track of that? ). It was awesome, but rather short, and we'll definitely have to do something again.
    I got back to my apartment Wednesday night and am now enjoying time off relaxing before I go back to the lab on Monday to start up summer research mode! Huzzah!

  15. Akano
    So, this past week was my Fall Break, which allowed me to enjoy the comforts of home and gave me the opportunity to say hello to people who are still at my undergrad.
    I also received and played intensely Pokémon White 2, hence my lack of blog posts. I just beat the 8th Gym today (Marlon is weird...) and now have to prepare lecture for Wednesday. :\

  16. Akano
    Well, it's been a week since I started my course, and it's not too bad... But taking those tests is murder... @@;;
    Anyway, first week of summer break and it hasn't been all too bad. I finally decided to take apart Keetongu and let my brother build Voporak...which means he only built his right leg and I had to build the rest. XP He's quite awesome. For a bulky combiner, he's built very sturdily and completely. In short: I likey. 8D
    Hopefully after we get some schweet pics we'll build the Shadowed One, the last of the '05 combiners we haven't built. We've built most of the previous combiners. I'm not all that sure about the Rahkshi Kaita and Bohrok/Kal Kaita. >>;
    Anywhosit, I hope summer's just as good throughout the weeks. You know how Avak in the Piraka movie puts his Zamor launcher on his own tool? I did that. *grin* It's pretty schweet. Leaves his other hand open for strangling Matoran.
    I can't wait for the Inika to come out. Hewkii has yellow pieces, and I'm gonna take full advantage of it. 8D And he has yellow Zamors. I think it's a dream come true. And I'm gonna get Nuparu, who I believe has orange Zamors. Fun fun. ^^
    Well, that's all I can think of to talk about today. Maybe later I'll talk about things that don't make you sleep. XD

  17. Akano
    It's been a while since something like this happened. I was shocked and amazed Friday night.
    Our band got a standing ovation.
    It was amazing how much better our dance and our spirit was compared to that of last week. The crowd got pumped, they cheered, and we danced. It was amazing. I haven't felt that pumped in a while.
    It was the best show for our homecoming game.
    Oh, and we won.
    Rock on.

  18. Akano
    Oooh, cool, a blogthing! This means I have to type here and stuff, doesn't it?
    Well, good, I could use a little extra space.
    Hmm, well, if you guys had noticed, I've been gone from BZP for a couple weeks. Why is that, you may ask. Simple my friends: Science Olympiad National competition.
    Now, I wasn't on the official team, because I belong to my high school's team, and the middle school team was the only one that made it. However, I am proud to say that the middle school placed in the TOP 5 TEAMS IN THE NATION!!! WOO HOO!
    And I am also proud to say I helped coach the national champions of Entomology! ^^
    I was so dang proud of them. I was in hysterics the rest of the night. >>
    And the rambling continues.
    Another reason I haven't been here is because finals week is upon my school, and it stinks. I should be back in gear soon, if I don't die first. >>
    Another thing: My comics topic reached its two year milestone! Yes, I kept a comic topic alive for over two years. I consider that a great accomplishment. No, I haven't got a single bit of ego. >>;;
    Hopefully I'll be able to update this thing once in a while. >>

  19. Akano
    It's been a while since I posted something, eh?
    Last week I went home to visit my family for a couple of weeks. It's been pretty low key so far; visited some friends over the weekend, mowed the lawn (so lovely), and tried to get things a bit cleaner around the house. I also ate way too much food at various gatherings.
    This weekend my dad and I pick up KK from grad school (he successfully defended his Master's!) and will enjoy two long, arduous, 10 hour-long trips. Then, I fly to Wisconsin for a conference, so that should be fun.
    I also got the Back to the Future DeLorean LEGO set, and I must say it's a very nice representation. Also, Doc Brown's "Great Scott!" face is perfect.
    I really want to make the purple skateboard in that set an actual hoverboard using magnets and a superconductor. One of these days...

  20. Akano
    Yeah, it's been two weeks or so. I told you I wouldn't update this regularly. Anywho, time to fill y'all in on what I've been doing these past couple weeks.
    My SAT class thingy is over! I get a break before school starts! Woot!
    I have two little kittens, one's black and the other is white. He seems albino, but we don't know for sure. The black one is Cosmo and the white one is Comet. They're so cute.
    My brother, KK, and I built The Shadowed One for the first time. Not a very sturdy combiner, but he's very menacing. His staff is kinda odd in that the rip cord is also part of the top of the staff, but it's original, I guess. His Rhotuka kept falling off him. His arms are badly designed, being only Vahki legs and hands. I actually had to switch his hands because it made more sense that way. Also, it's hard to adjust one part of him without his whole body shifting. Really bad. ><;; In short: TSO looks sweet, but is horrible setwise.
    Also, I built the Mahi MOC that gifboy99 came up with, and it's really neat. Really original idea, and very accurate to the flash episodes/MNOG.
    That's another thing. It's Mata Nui Online Game, not Mata Nui On Line Game. Online is one word, people. One word. It really annoys me seeing MNOLG.
    KK used his Brickmaster edition of the May-June Lego Mag to create Protodax (he's not a Brickmaster member, so I'm not quite sure how that works). He's pretty schweet. Quite beastly indeed. But, I wanted my Avak back together, so we demolished it. He's quite menacing, especially when you know his Zamor brings you down to the size of a protodite where millions of those things lurk.
    I built stuff with my old Master Builder Kit, too. Ussal, Husi, Takea, you name it, I probably built it.
    And now, currently, I'm on vacation at my cousins'. I'll be spending the Fourth of July up here and remain here for another week or so. Fun Fun.
    Oh, I have a new comic up, BTW, if anyone's interested.
    And now, the signoff.

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