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Status Updates posted by AID

  1. 5 star :)

    How did you get to be a beta tester? did they ask random lego accounts or something?

  2. adn adding longswords or spanwing new elite of spartan bipd). so once the modding community finishes the process i am going to take borders out of forge world first thing and go exploring :D

  3. aren't you mad about the leaks btw? i wish there weren't leaks I almost watched the whole opening cinematic (i didn't realize it was a playthrough of the actuall game lol)

  4. Aww man. you get it some time dude :)

    A real sword is pretty cool, don't hurt anyone :D

  5. by hacked profile i just mean a profile that was externally edited, like changing the profile data for reach for example. What you may have heard of may be people with jtagged xboxs who can really hack their profile, meaning customizing their avatar in odd ways like having blue skin color or something

  6. danget :D

    i hope you get a better connection then. FIOS is fastest, it goes underwater or something, but land line will definatley speed it up :)

  7. gave you five stars ;)

  8. got 1600 credits for almost completing the first level, and the cortana firefight voice is like 500000 lol oh well i was doing it on normal, heroic or legendary would prob up that :)

  9. haha yeah. people seem to be really against it, i don't really see whats wrong with it as long as you don't brag about it or go online with a hacked profile.

  10. haha yeah. thats sort of how the bungie system works, although im sure some super good halo reach player who has been playing for like the whole time got to inheritor by now, it is possible to get their legitly i believe. bungie did a lot of banning before and right after reach came out :D

  11. i don't think they are going to make it halo compatible, since you would need some real skill to do most of the stuff master chief does lol. you would prob run in place, but that would make it confusing. what they could do is in kinect sports you could have a master chief easter egg where you could do the sprint and javelin w/ master chief lol and the javelin would be a spike grenade or someth

  12. i need a reach countdown timer lol

    a javelin is a special spearish stick people throw and see how many meters they can through it, it sticks in the ground. its an olympic sport

  13. I really want gold now :D hopefully i will get it when reach comes out, when i really want it.

  14. i was going to use them since it was pretty funny on their voice samples. btw what armor effect are you thinking of getting? i want the pestilence thing but it is WAY to expensive lol

  15. I was thinking of buying the reach-themed xbox360, but it is insanely priced so instead i just preordered limited edition :D yay for microsoft compnay store :)

    k, talk to you then.

  16. I wasn't talking about that vid (you probally saw the second action short called "give and believe" or something like that.) the first one was really random, except the lost squad, but apparently its part of the plot.

  17. idk, probably i am going to try firefight next and maybe when i get gold do multiplayer online :) im definatley going to do the game on lengendary after i finish the normal version. its SO hard not to look at spoilers, but i have maanged it so far :)

  18. if you preorder from microsoft company store you get reach a day early :)

  19. Im not that rich, its $35 to preorder at the microsoft company store, and this is limited edition :P

  20. It is seriously amazing. the 10/10 for the IGN scores, metacritic, etc. were defintaley correct. the loadouts are awsome, the holograms are fun to use to mess with people, forge world is amazingly big, and the campaign is just great. althoough i've only played the first two levels lol

    The credit system is pretty nice too, but it is insanley hard to buy some of the firefight voices, I only

  21. just use the usb method to remove boundaries, since it is bassed on gametype i belive. hoepfully it will work :D if it idoesn't i might have to get the cd data and then edit the map directly

  22. lol how could i forget about the concussion rifle :D yeah it is pretty boss, unless you are on the other side of it :D then your screwed if you get immobilized.

    i tried what ign recocmmended and making me invurneable and using all skulls on legendary firefight, good way for farming credits :)

  23. lol now that i think about it that was a pretty bad example but you get the point, it would be a fail to have halo on the kinect. its nice to know that halo isn't going away after reach though, i wish 343 industries would be more open about the new game they are making though (or maybe they are waiting until after reach)

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