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Posts posted by WeatherDragon

  1. @Mieko: Oh. I apologize if it is fake information. (and just when it sounded like the temples and mystisism was returning....)I suppose we will have to wait, though I hardly care. Until they return to what 2011 was, I am turned off.@Gata: With all due respect, my friend, Tik Tock is what turned me off entirely. I am a fan of Japanese mystisism and adventure and all the vehicles and videogames and pop-references and dancing and turning my favorite character into a robot just ruined it for me. I am a fan of Ninjago 2011.

  2. As much as I dislike the new NINJAGO, I have to announce this:The same source that released correct (but lousey) info on the 2012 series, the IMD (I...think), has released 2013 series info.The new series will be centered around ninja vs pirates. There will be two pirate armies, the undead army and the half-seacreature half-human army. (PotC, anyone???)It will also feature the return of temple sets (I think) and possibly a 'Destiny's Bounty 2'....wonderous....So, thoughts...? I'm not too excited...

  3. Thanks for the info, Aanchir. And yeah, we've discussed elsewhere with Spinjitsu Master why Ninjago is actually true to Japanese style anyways; he seems to assume vehicles aren't part of what's Japanese, for example, but they are. And there were vehicles from the start...

    Oh, I'd rather not start that with you again. You seem to be deaf when I point out the first year was tradition vs. machine, and this is machine vs. machine.
    I'm not deaf, and indeed I appreciated the technology-vs.-tradition motif of the first year. But I like the new sets just as much as the first year of sets, and it's extremely pretentious of you to assume that because you don't appreciate the newer sets other people who do like them need to "come to their senses".
    I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to bonesiii, notice I quoted him. I seem to understand where you are coming from, but bonesiii is unreadable.
  4. Thanks for the info, Aanchir. And yeah, we've discussed elsewhere with Spinjitsu Master why Ninjago is actually true to Japanese style anyways; he seems to assume vehicles aren't part of what's Japanese, for example, but they are. And there were vehicles from the start...

    Oh, I'd rather not start that with you again. You seem to be deaf when I point out the first year was tradition vs. machine, and this is machine vs. machine.Not only is this post spam by adding nothing to the discussion, you're also disrespecting one of the staff. There's nothing wrong with having a civil debate about something if it encourages discussion. Both parties may learn something. Do not, however, make another post similar to this one. - Watashi Wa
  5. ....What happened to the old Ninjago???A jet? An all terrian vehicle? A motorcycle?What about the ninja things??? The...the Dojo...the Dragons...the mystism...I miss you so...I hope people come to their sences and boycott the vehicle sets so LEGO changes it back. I will only be buying the spinners and the sets without modern twists.

  6. Lol @ Modernization being 8 year old stuff. What is even with that.

    Do Power Rangers ring a bell? Little children fall for vehicle sets every time. Hence why Star Wars is such a popular theme and that the Clone Wars has been the most popular part of that popular theme. And I realize Ninjago always consisted of Modern and Oriental, I am simply upset at how they are leaning toward the modern side, being an avid lover of Japanese culture.@bonesiii: You can easily tell what they were going for. The Ninja having traditional aspects and so on. While the villians have vehicles. They set up a feeling, and now they go and change it. =/
  7. Well, here are my full thoughts on this. Some might agree.I feel very ashamed because when people hear I like Ninjago, they will think I like the pop song and the vehicles and all that 8 year old stuff. I really like the ancient, mysterious, extensiveness. Not the modern twist.I am still buying 2011 sets, that is how much I miss the root of Ninjago. So, friends, as you can see...I am on the Oriental side. The farthest I go is letting the enemies have vehicles.

  8. Which part of Ninjago do you like best?Do you like the modern-ish twist and/or the traditional oriental-ness?Personally, I believe the root of Ninjago has always been the oriental nature. And 2012 has hidden, but still kept, that root. I think that LEGO should do away with every modern tie they have and go back where they were. (the Serpentine can keep the vehicles, I suppose, just take the jet-packs away from the ninja.)So, what do you like best?

  9. I don't think its sexist to make feminine things. People like Mattel and Hasbro have been doing it for decades, and it has worked out pretty well so far. Many girls on BZPower have been asking for something like this, and they're finally going to get it. Great. There's no crime in getting girl things, ladies.

    I completely agree. Many companies make themes like this, and young girls love them.
  10. I am sadly dissapointed in LEGO for making foolish modernized twists. It was not so bad the first year, but now....I just want to see more traditional Japanese things, that's what makes Ninjago such a good theme....Please LEGO...drop the horrid vehicles and bring back the Dragons!I am not saying it is horrible now...I am just dissapointed in LEGO. Maybe things will change.

  11. I kind of like ninjago, my biggest complaint is the modern feel of the skeletons. I have the starter card set and the 2 smallest sets.

    I agree. I don't like the punk feel they gave them. I rather have the ninja's sets, with all the Oriental architecture. :D
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