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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. OOC: NOOOO!!! I was going to do that! :P Curse you MoC1!ONE!!!!234!!! Nujanii Nujanii staggered to his feet, faced the ten Hafus and summoned two of each of the members of the Cronicler's Company. He then sent the two Cronicler's Companies to attack the Haf- I mean Taipus. Nujanii then grabbed another conviniently placed sign, drew a dagger, and decapitated Kokahu. Picking up Kokahu's head, he tossed it to Kokahu, saying "Catch." Hey, wait a minute, am I at 400 posts!?

  2. Nujanii Nujanii was quite glad that his fire attack had hit ToD before the forest grew up to cover him. Nujanii wasn't glad for long, he was sent to the ground by a rather random bowling ball. Seeing it coming back, Nujanii grabbed a conveniently placed sign and knocked the bowling ball to the ground. Coincidentally, the sign said "stop." Nujanii planted the sign in the ground, put the bowling ball in his pack, and flew ten feet thanks to Taipu's snowball. OOC: I thought I'd bring back the conveniently placed sign. EDIT: OOC: ####, I forgot I can summon armies now!

  3. Nujanii Maintaining his stream of fire that had been shooting at ToD with absolutely no chance of missing for several minutes now, Nujanii incresed his elevation and caught the dagger left handed. He then inexpertly threw it at Kohaku or whatever MoC is calling his character. Nujanii finally stopped his stream. After blasting ToD with white hot flame for ten minutes or so, Nujanii hoped ToD had been damaged somewhat.

  4. Nujanii Nujanii watched the illusionary guardian. With his right hand he recieved the glass of iced tea, with his right hand, he directed the flow of flame at the unresponsive ToD. With his right foot, he kicked the shadow entity back five feet, and with his left foot he kicked the real Guardian (Or whatever MoC1's character name is). All this time, his disk launcher kept him 3 feet off the ground. Nujanii then threw away the illusionary cup of tea. Nujanii rocketed back into the storm, out of reach of the shadow, and kept watch on Guardian while, all this time maintaining a frightfull blast of fire directed directly at ToD.

  5. Nujanii Nujanii quickly shattered the ice covering himself, at least, that which had not been melted by his trusty launcher/jetpacks. His launcher remained active when he fell to the ground and probably saved him from a hard fall. As it was, Nujanii landed softly, and turned to Guardian. Realizing that this was likely an illusion, he quickly rocketed into the air, keeping an eye on ToD, and kept a wary eye about him in case of ambush. He resumed his highly concentrated white hot stream of fire aimed at ToD's chest, but this time remained wary, looking about him for Guardian's next attack.

  6. Nujanii Nujanii rocketed into the air and at ToD (the illusion Nujanii copies mirrored his actions) and yelled "This is MATA NUIIIIIIIIII!!! As he soared upwards, Nujanii drew both daggers and summoned a stream of white hot fire and sent it directly at ToD's heartlight.

  7. Nujanii Nujanii then remembered Cole. He chucked a fireball at him. Nujanii then dodged a snowball and chucked a fireball at ToD. ToD had better be careful or he was going to be up in the middle of his storm and half melted!

  8. Nujanii Nujanii lowered his altitude to find himself in a blizzard. Dodging a snowball from Huki, Nujanii then altered his spelling of Hewkii's name to avoid a lawsuit from Lego. Having dodged two attacks in one post, Nujanii felt rather agile. He proceeded to add his own set of combat skills to the mix. landing quickly, Nujanii donned his Garai and pulled out a Kanoka disk of levitation. He decided with an evil grin to throw it at ToD. ToD had no reason to summon the flying bucket, so the playing field was now even. Nujanii smiled as the disk flew on its way. 2 feet away and ToD had not yet noticed. Nujanii smiled. Then he landed face first in the dirt thanks to Huki-I mean Hewkii-'s snowball. OOC: Nice to have a fresh start on this owneding!

  9. It's back! Alright! Now I can summon armies again. I can't turn into a fikou at will anymore though... Anyway, I'll just use my sig to find my profile and copy and paste. Maybe I'll modify it just because I can... Name: NujaniiWeapon: disk launcher with many, often advanced, disksDouble daggers for occasional usePowers: control over fireKanohi GaraiKanohi Kakama, switches rapidly apperance: Toa of fire, rather tall and thin. Protosteel Jumpsuit, which is resistant to all electric attacks and allows resistance to falling from great heights (ie. being thrown off a building won't have much of an effect)

  10. I know you're doing a lot, and I understand that. I must say though, that the amount of work that is put into the game will dictate the quality. The more in, the more out. For example, it'd be a lot more interesting to have 4 species instead of 2 that can be played as. In fact, I'd say that 4 playable character types would be twice as interesting. As for where I went, let's just say I am greatful to Black Six for getting me out of a little mess concerning my account. As for the midak skyblaster, I say we have a small ball of light about the size of the fire secondary attack, and have it deal the same damage as it does now with two exceptions. First, I would like a 10-20% damage boost when wielded by a Toa of light. Second, I'd like it to have a knockback effect on Rahkshi, makuta, and Toa of Shadow. Now, concerning species types, I think that we can manage 4. :) I here's what I say. Toa: Strong element+melee+kanohiBohrok: weak element+strong melee+kranaRahkshi: flight+elemental power+meleeSkakdi: Elemental powers with a weapon+Vision OR Kanohi powers+Strong melee Skakdi elemental with a weapon=Toa elemental=Rahkshi elemental>Bohrok elementalBohrok melee>Skakdi melee>Rakshi melee>Toa meleeToa Kanohi=Skakdi Kanohi

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