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Status Updates posted by Dark_Stranger

  1. "Darkness falls across the land, / The midnight hour is close at hand. / Creatures crawl in search of blood / To terrorize y'all's neighborhood."

  2. "Remember, remember / The Fifth of November, / The Gunpowder Treason and Plot."

  3. "The angel Gabriel from Heaven came; / His wings as drifts of snow, his eyes as flame."

  4. "The Rider's going to come out...he'll destroy whoever's got it coming..."

  5. "The time has come!" the Walrus said

  6. [insert something witty here]

  7. A big thank you to everyone who helped with my Brickshelf question!

  8. A final exam is sort of like a final boss. You have to fight through all their lesser minions to get to them, and you'd better be ready, or they'll kick your arse. Now, if you'll exuse me, I really need to study.

  9. Aaaaaand back to the grindstone we go.


  11. Ah, my last college finals week as an undergrad...I hate it already.

  12. Ah, my old enemy--Writer's Block. We meet again!

  13. And January is still two-and-a-half months away...drat.

  14. Between health issues and just being busy, I'll probably be posting pretty sporadically for the next few weeks. Apologies.

    1. Sergei Rahkmaninoff

      Sergei Rahkmaninoff

      No worries. Real life comes first.

  15. Beware The Woman in Black...she has returned.

  16. But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight / "Merry Christmas to all; now go get out there and start looking for a freaking job!"

  17. Curse you, FAFSA!

  18. Dang, my connection is sloooowwww....

  19. Ever have one of those moments when you can practically feel a bit more of your faith in humanity being chiseled away? 'Cause I'm having one as we speak.

  20. Ever have onents were you can practically feel a little bit more of your faith in humanity being chiseled away? 'Cause I'm having one as we speak.

  21. Finally got around to changing my username...now I'm having trouble with my avatar. Frag.

  22. Finally got around to joining an RPG. Now all I have to do is pray it doesn't go horribly wrong.

    1. avmatoran


      If you need help, you can ask one of the other players.

  23. Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengance = "####, yes!"

  24. Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance = "####, yes!"

  25. Hair is not a vegetable.

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