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Mad Scientist BioBeast

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Everything posted by Mad Scientist BioBeast

  1. So who exactly is in the Le-Wahi Jungles right about now?
  2. Gaol ~That First Jungle~ "Do you believe that Pit's slaughtering of thousands of Underworld mooks was immoral? 'Cause I have an entire army that says he's the most heroic person in the world." Gaol shook her head in disbelief. "Viridi, the Goddess of Nature herself said that Pit was far more dangerous than a reset bomb, so by following your logic, having Pit fight the entire war against the Underworld was far more immoral than using a bomb against Underworld enemies."
  3. OOC:Zacax, I'm gonna have to side with Austin on this one. I've gone over the scene in my mind a few times. A guy leaning on a tree does not simply dodge a short ranged shot. An injured guy leaning on a tree doesn't dodge attacks. At all. Unless you can provide a reasonable way he dodged that, you're gonna have to edit that. IC: Gaol ~That First Jungle~ "No, we're taking the bomb Zoltar. You can either stop protesting, or get even more injured."
  4. Gaol ~That First Jungle~ Gaol pointed the sword she wasn't using to hold herself up with at Zoltar. "Don't be foolish Zoltar. You couldn't best me in a fight if you weren't already injured. Your best bet would be to go and join Pyrrhon and Phosphora's group of followers."
  5. OOC:Sorry guys, I had some school that was keeping me from progressing the game. Would've done this a bit sooner if I hadn't been busy. Also, since I believe V-3/Pyrrhon/Toxicity has left BZPower, I'm going to have to end the boss battle for now. Gaol ~That First Jungle~ The human warlord struggled to her feet, using her sword as a crutch. "Zoltar, I'm sure this is you already realize this, but you are officially discharged from the human army." She glanced at Liam and Noel. "You've done well in delaying this 'god.' I'll make sure that you two are rewarded when we get back to the castle." Finally, Gaol turned to Moros. "I agree with you, 'God of Death.' This fighting is pointless, and only injuring these soldiers. That's why I'm taking this bomb now."Gaol quickly muttered an incantation, and lifted her hand. In response, the bomb lifted off the ground, and began levitating towards the teleporter. "Liam, Noel, Paradox, return to the teleporter. I'll keep Moros busy."
  6. IC:Ankt "Can do." Ankt replied. "But do I really have to lug his cage around? I mean, I can carry it, but it'd be bothersome."
  7. Sometimes "swirling Force" is just "swirling Force", no matter how many old geezers say "Oooh, destiny!"

  8. IC:Ankt "Killjoys." Ankt muttered, walking away. "It's not like I was gonna kill anyone. Just have a little sparring match. Is that too much to ask?" He wandered over to where Verak and Mahdrik were. "You know, I could take him away from the village for you. I mean, his employer sounds like a strong opponent, and if I'm not allowed to fight here, then I might as well find someone else to fight."
  9. OOC:Sorry I took a while to respond, my computer broke around three days ago and it just got fixed today. IC:Miha ~Mark Bearer Temple~ Miha kept quiet throughout the entire thing. Echelon being revealed as the mastermind, the two master marks, everything. After a while, she glanced down at her Mark, and noticed it was glowing very brightly. What the Karz? Suddenly, darkness erupted from the mark, enveloping Miha in a chamber of darkness. In the darkness, Miha glanced around, looking for any way out. She could not find one. Panicking, Miha ran deeper into the darkness, blindly attempting to find a way out.All of the sudden, a brilliant flash appeared in front of her, and she was suddenly in Virthee’s hut. She was talking to her adoptive father, asking him the question that led her to become a doctor. “Virthee,” Memory!Miha asked Memory!Virthee. “Why won’t you let me be a doctor like you?” Memory!Virthee chuckled, and sat Memory!Miha on his lap. “Well Miha, to put it simply, being a doctor is all about sacrifice. A doctor has to be willing to devote his entire life to becoming a doctor. Being a doctor means you have to be willing to sacrifice time and personal desires to help anyone who needs help. You can’t refuse to give someone help just because you don’t like them. Every life is precious, even the lives of people who have hurt you. And I’m not sure you’re quite old enough to understand that Miha."Miha watched as her live flew by, her training under Virthee, her anguish as Kirgon and Moylan left Virthee, swearing that they never wanted to see Virthee, or Miha, again. The tears that were shed when Dreenan left, swearing to Miha that she would come back one day. The fight Miha and Virthee had, Virthee finally accepting Miha’s request to be trained as a medic, Miha’s Gukko Force training, her encountering Nikaron and Joske at Virthee’s hospital, finding her Uncle’s ransacked house, everything up to the present time flashed through her mind in seconds.Miha was back in the darkness, this time with Iris. “You’ve done well child.” Iris taunted. “You’ve managed to keep me from taking complete control over your body. That takes vast mental prowess. But I’m afraid that ends here. The time has almost come for you to either keep your mark, or rid yourself of it forever. I know you plan on doing the former, but seeing as that would leave me without a body, I can’t just let you do that.” Iris chuckled, then began bombarding Miha with every failure she had ever lived through, every painful memory he could dig up, every time she had been told she was not good enough to do what she needed to do, and leapt at Miha, forming a sword in his hand. Miha smirked, feeling a surge of determination. “I’ve lived through all this before Iris and I survived. And I’m going to keep living through all the Karz that happens to me. That’s just what I do. I just keep pushing on, past the pain, past the hurt, because I know that everything is not about me. And that’s why I won’t let you push me around anymore.” A gust of wind, summoned by Miha, blew Iris to the ground, pinning him to the pitch black floor. Miha formed a disk launcher in her hand, and walked over to where Iris was laying. “This is my mind Iris. So get out.” Miha activated the launcher, sending a disk through Iris’ head, banishing the psychopath from Miha’s mind and mark, forever.Suddenly, Miha was back in Xa-Koro, with the rest of the bearers. “What the Karz just happened to me?” She murmured to herself as she picked herself up off the ground.
  10. IC:Ankt Ankt sighed. "Fine. But I just want it to be said that you all are a bunch of killjoys."
  11. @We Are LegionThat's the problem. She wouldn't care at all. Hence the problem of her motivation for not attacking.
  12. So...Now I'm stuck trying to find a legit reason why Miha isn't attempting to kill Echelon... I mean, the MBs can move if they really want too, right? Or did I read something wrong?
  13. IC:Ankt The Toa chuckled. "Oh don't be a stick in the mud." Ankt said, rolling his eyes. "We'll be careful to not break anything, or anyone. And watch the language little boy. It's quite rude."
  14. IC:Ankt The Toa laughed. "Where is the shame in loosing to a girl? I've seen some girls that could outclass our little messenger friend in an instance." He grinned. "But of course, I'd be pleased if you could make one thing clear for me." He looked at Plagia. "What element are you exactly?"
  15. IC:Ankt "I believe the question is why this man believes that I want to fight him." Ankt said, rolling his eyes. "I have no want to engage in battle against some wimpy, yellow bellied, second rate, messenger." Ankt replied, spitting out the word messenger as if it was the worst word he could think of. "Now the guy frozen in Ice who took on like, all of you, he seems like an awesome opponent."
  16. IC:Miha Miha, the Mark Bearer of Determination, appeared where all the other Mark Bearers were. She was a little late, but that was because she had to walk all the way there. And she couldn't swim. The Mark had forgot that when it attempted to make her do so.OOC:Dumb mistake. Edited.
  17. IC:Ankt Ankt glanced at Freebird. "I may be a 'savage' but I do follow some rules. We should take this fight outside. Bring two or three of your friends and we'll continue this fight as soon as possible."
  18. IC:Ankt "I attempted to punch you in the face!" Ankt said, rolling his eyes. "He probably thinks I came here to save him. Which means he's pretty stupid, 'cause I just came here 'cause I saw a fight that looked interesting." Truth be told, that wasn't all a lie. Ankt did interfere because he wanted to join in on what looked to be an interesting fight. It's just that he also interfered because his partner was in trouble.
  19. IC:Ankt "Dude, I refer to all my fellow Toa as Brothers." Ankt said, rolling his eyes. "It's a thing some of us Toa do."
  20. IC:Ankt "Which is why I'm not going to waste my time fighting you. Go train for a couple years or so, and then you might be able to last a little bit against me."
  21. IC:Ankt "You're also a Skakdi with some wicked awesome fighting potential, who also believes in having morals." Ankt replied. "Tell me, when you delivered the news to your overlord, were you expecting him to attack you? 'Cause, if you were, you're arm wouldn't have been cut off, and you wouldn't have been sold into slavery. You would've beat him in battle, escaped, and lived a happy life of solitude."
  22. IC:Ankt Ankt's face fell. "Oh, you're one of them." He turned away from Freebird and walked towards the where Verak was getting frozen solid. "The complainers. The guys who sit down and cry to their mommies when life is nice enough to give them lemons."
  23. IC:Ankt "Morals?" Ankt looked at Frii'Glokk(who shall now be known in my posts as Freebird, as that is easier to spell). "What use would I have of such worthless things? The way I look at it, is that life's a game. Fighting's the only way to enjoy it properly. And if you die in those battles, then that simply means you were too weak to win."
  24. IC:Ankt ~Pala-Koro~ "What was what for?" Ankt asked. "I just like a good fight against a strong opponent. You looked kinda strong."
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