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Nine Ball

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Posts posted by Nine Ball

  1. Love the feet, it makes him look like he could stride on water (which should be a job requirement of anyone who can call himself 'stealthy'). The raised shoulders look also adds to the intimidation factor. Overall, I think the MOC is well done. However, the color scheme feels very 'off', if anything. The blue pins stick out (I wish black friction pins were more widespread...), and that red piece in the middle clashes with the blue pins which clash with the black/grey and it just ends up looking messy. While I understand what you're trying to accomplish with the silver (and it's perfectly acceptable to have silver weapons for obvious reasons), the silver is poorly spread out among the rest of the MOC. I think you should replace those silver Bohrok teeth with black ones, so that it can relegate silver to weaponry only. Finally, I think there should be more grey incorporated into the color scheme. As it is now, it looks stuck between a sub color and a highlight color, so adding more grey to the MOC overall will stabilize the color scheme.Sorry about making the criticism part look more prominent than the compliment part...I think it is a good MOC, but the color scheme could use some work.

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