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Posts posted by tosha96

  1. I want to help out if there's any danger to BZNui, but I'm a policematoran. Maybe we can have some kind of bill that allows policematoran to be temporarily instated as military if there's an immediate need?

  2. I'm no senator, but would the government consider passing some kind of law to provide support for the police officers? As it is, we have to all pay for our own weapons and other equipment, and as we start to see newer tech coming to BzNui, its going to end up being expensive to keep up with the times and get efficient equipment. Even just a small fund set aside that would pay for maybe 30-60% of the police force's costs would be very helpful.

  3. I would like to buy a Model J6 Laser Guided, and 2 Baclo Berries. The total payment comes up to 64 widgets, which leaves me with 136 left.One quick question: When you have multiple weapons, can you use them at the same time? For example, if I bought a second Model J6 Laser Guided, would I have a better chance when fighting against someone who only had one?

  4. I'm not totally sure what this discussion is focusing on, but B:NG was mentioned so I figured I would drop in.For one thing, the B:NG models aren't as incredibly high poly as everyone makes them out to be. I've imported a few of the higher poly ones in unity, and they've ran fine. I'm not sure exactly what kind of game is planned, or how many would be rendered at once or in what engine, but I wouldn't think it would be a huge issue.If you guys did want to use the models, an agreement could probably be worked out with the leadership team. There's another project that's already done something similar, and if due credit was given, I don't think it would be a problem.Thats all I have to say, really. If you have any other questions about B:NG models or whatever, feel free to message me or respond on here. Good luck!

  5. Haha, your emotions in the first comic remind me of when I had my first comic series....These look as though they are going to be really good!And who cares about how fancy your backgrounds are? It's the humor or the story of a comic that counts! ^_^AND YOU KNOW WHAT? I think I might just Guest star....

    Thanks for the positive feedback! And although I'm not really sure how I would use a guest star, you can send your sprite set in a PM if you want.
  6. Tosha96's Efficaciously Capacious Comic Series.

    So, I decided I would try my hand at making some comics. I do kinda suck at image editing, so the graphics may not be that great, but hopefully the jokes are ok. :P They will be mostly humor based, and not really focus on an ongoing plot. I'll make more whenever I have an idea for one, and finish the sprite editing. I have a few planned, though, so expect some more soon.


    Thanks for reading!

  7. Alright, thanks. On that note, I'll be re-entering my RPG from last contest with a bunch of changes. It did OK, but not really well. I think part of the problem was that the character and race concepts were so abstract, that it was hard to imagine the world. Hopefully, it will get farther this time. Also, I'm probably going to end up using some of the 3D models from the B:NG project to make my ideas stand out, so that will be cool.

    +Dov, that is totally a Bay of Hodor you are seeing. :)

    If it is the bay of Hodor, it needs to have a little island on it called Bran island, or something to that effect. :P
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