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Blog Entries posted by Soran

  1. Soran
    Here's a question.
    "What wild animal would you want as a pet?"
    In this hypothetical situation, let's assume that the pet would behave and wouldn't try to rip your head off or whatever. You'll be able to train it, feed it, pet it, etc. without any issues.
    I'm honestly torn between three animals. I'd either want a pet barn owl, a pet fox or a pet tiger. They're all pretty neat.
    So what about you?
    What wild animal would you want as a pet?
  2. Soran
    Simple question.
    Let's say you're given a (1) million dollars. What do you do with it?
    Personally, I'd probably try to knock out the essentials such as buying a house, getting a car, buying other needed materials and then probably investing the rest and continuing work. What about you?
    What would you do with a million dollars?
  3. Soran
    Simple question.
    "What would you like to be famous for?"
    Often times for some people it's their personality, or maybe their talents. Some don't want fame at all.
    So what about you? Do you want fame and if so, what would you like to be famous or well known for?
  4. Soran
    Simple question.
    "What's a bad habit you have?"
    Everyone has a bad habit, some may be worse than others but it's almost certain everyone does to some capacity. What's yours?
    For me, it's that I have this odd habit where I tend to overwork myself until I just burn out. Those who follow my comics should be familiar with this to some degree. I think it stems from the fact that I have to a lot of long-term projects that won't be completed any time soon and I lose patience and just want to accomplish something. This results in me working on smaller things that I can feel mini accomplishments for (such as comics, kits, drawings, etc) until I end up overloading myself and just stopping.
    So what about you?
    What's a bad habit you have?
    Follow up question:
    Do you have any plans to fix this bad habit?
  5. Soran
    Here's a question:
    What's an interesting quirk about yourself?
    Literally anything applies, whether physical or mental, good or bad, etc.
    Mine is that I have better control over my left side of my body (but I'm right handed). So my left thumb is double-jointed but my right isn't, and I can move my left ear but not my right, etc.
  6. Soran
    Here's a question:
    What's the coolest weapon or tool?
    This one is tough for me, since I just think of many iconic weapons in stories. The main one to come to mind for me is the Master Sword from The Legend of Zelda. What's yours?
  7. Soran
    Recently I was having to write about my character, Soran, in various instances and I noticed just how tragic of a character he is. Just in his iteration in "Soran's Comics", he already is rather depressing.
    Tragedies of the character Soran:
    Died due to inactivity in making comics.
    Brought before the pearly gates, but because he's equally good and equally bad he's sent back to his body until he's either more good or more bad.
    He's brought back as a zombie and gifted his mortality again but it's completeness is taken away from him after his body decomposes.
    He must stay as a ghost for the rest of his time and change from being his usual morally good person, to being something he isn't; all to preserve the one thing he truly cares about in life, his mortality.
    Even in his mortal state he cannot do much. As a ghost he cannot be without a host for so long, otherwise he'll disappear. He can try to possess people, but those around him are too strong-willed for him to force. He can possess mechanisms but the only thing he can possess at the moment is a blender.
    He's given up everything that previously defined him as a person in an effort to preserve his own mortality or find a way around it.

    It's made me realize that a lot of characters in stories I write (whether it's stories I actually release or personal ones) end up being tragic characters.
    So I'm curious what your favorite tragic character is?
  8. Soran
    Here's a question:
    "Which day would you relive?"
    Pretty interesting question to me. Many of us have fond memories, situations in the past that sometimes are better than the present. Does one particular day of yours stand out among the rest? If so which is it?
    For me, I'd probably want to relive my 8th birthday. It was probably one of my best days of my life. It was so carefree, fun and oddly peaceful. I felt connected with people and loved. It was pretty great.
    What about you?
    What day of your life would you want to relive?
  9. Soran
    Here's a question:
    "Which myth would you bring to life?"
    I think it's an interesting concept. There's various myths and folklore that tell some interesting stories or result in some interesting events or creatures. From some mythical creatures such as Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster to mythical locations such as Atlantis or El Dorado. There's various types of myths or folklore which would seem interesting to bring to life.
    I think for me I'd probably pick the tales of King Arthur. I think the events of it seem interesting to me and I'd love for them to be true.
    What about you?
    Which myth would you bring to life?
  10. Soran
    Here's a question:
    "Who would you bring back to life?"
    I think it's an interesting question because of the different reasons one might have to bring someone back to life. Perhaps you're interested in seeing how a person of old adapts to modern day, maybe you'd like to bring back an old leader, or perhaps someone more personal to you.
    For me, I think I'd like to bring back to life my cousin. He was very young when he died and it breaks my heart to know that someone so jubilant and full of life could fall victim to fate through a simple accident.
    So what about you?
    Who would you bring back to life?
    Follow up question:
    Let's say in this hypothetical situation that in order to bring someone back to life you had to sacrifice yourself. Would that change your decision?
  11. Soran
    Pretty straightforward question.
    "Who's your favorite person?"
    I would say that most people have a favorite person, whether it's someone they personally know or someone they simply admire. From inventors and great leaders to childhood friends or family. Maybe it's an actor or even your parents. Who knows?
    I think at the moment my favorite person has to be one of my cousins. Their influence on my life has been eye opening and just their support has been enough to really set myself straight.
    So what about you?
    Who's your favorite person?
  12. Soran
    World building.
    An interesting concept for anyone. I particularly find it to be entertaining and exciting. I've done lots of world building for my own personal stories I've written (Outside of BIONICLE), in fact it's probably one of my favorite parts about the story writing process. This is no different with my latest series, "The Road to Home".
    It's weird to me. I enjoy coming up with my own worlds and stories but I still feel deeply connected with the BIONICLE world that was laid out for us. A world that for the most part was hardly ever explored, which is a shame really. But it paved the way for people to create stories involving those elements that paved the way.
    I've got this interesting layout that I've been working on in regards to the TRUTH series. I'm basically making it a game inside of a comic. I want people to interact and I was to see just what people are interested in. This has come up with me focusing on world building. With the basic layout of what I had pre made for the series, I had roughly… 30-40 characters. However minor or major these characters are, they were featured on those 7 or so islands that the comic takes place in. Then I started thinking about a Non-BIONICLE story I'm writing, which deals with the concept of what makes something "human". What qualities of humans is most important?
    I've transitioned this to what makes a person or character seem alive. Sure, I can add a random character to a story and throw a sob story in there but it wouldn't do much for the audience. It is just a character that they won't care about. I started thinking about what makes something seem alive. So I decided to analyze a movie that displays this very well. A move probably most of you have seen. Wall-e.
    Through rewatching this movie I was able to garner just what it is that makes a character seem alive or almost human. They must be intelligent, they must show compassion, curiosity, and various different emotions. But something I had only realized through rewatching Wall-e was that another trait that made Wall-e appear human was the fact that he had a job. He did actual work. I always just forgot about that for whatever reason but it's truly one of the things that matters most. It's makes the character relatable because they have ambitions.
    This then had me thinking about the MNOG everyone loves. The world building in the game was fantastic. It worked out well. I realized then that it was also because even the smallest of characters seemed alive because of their work. Their work often defined them as well. This matoran is a part of the Ta-Koro guard. why? Because he cares about the protection of his home and his peers. This next person is a scholar. We can deduce that he's a curious person who questions everything relating to the life around him. He ponders the essence of the world. From taking pre-established character traits from elements (like Ko-Matoran being rather cold and calculated in personality) and combining it with a job that defines more of their personality, you can create a fully fleshed out character using nothing more. You've given the character ambitions, a personality, and work. These traits alone give you an interesting character that can only be expanded on further through dialogue, conversation and story.
    This has been my thought process as of late as I realized something the other day. Metru-Nui is small. I mean, in comparison to the many other islands in the matoran universe, it's like a small to medium sized landmass. It had hundreds or even thousands of matoran. The island that Soran is on currently, the Northern Continent, is considerably larger. I don't even have over 100 characters spanning 7 islands. I'd like to think that I was super duper planned but I really had little to go off of in the series. Probably more in contrast with other people who make up a story as they go, but much less for what I've got planned. So I resolved to fix that. I've decided to come up with different cultures, characters, protagonists, antagonists and so on on each of the islands. I've got so far a pretty decent spread for the northern continent so I'm rather excited. Being able to figure out the different points in time in the actual BIONICLE storyline that connect, that's been fun. Hopefully this project goes on well for me. I can't imagine that I'll get bored by it but I can tell that there's a chance I could get burned out. Creating some of the elements for the comic has been a lot more difficult then I originally anticipated. But I suppose that's a topic for another time.
    For now I will say that lately I've been world building. Actually now that I think about it, does anyone remember the World Builder game from LEGO? That game was neat, I really miss it.
    Anyway, that's about it for this entry. I thought it was interesting.
  13. Soran
    Simple question. If you could dress up as anything perfectly, meaning you could look like the character in its entirety, what/who would you dress up as? Essentially it's, "What character would you shape-shift into?"
    I'd probably go with… Toon Link. It'd be pretty entertaining being this cartoonish, small character who only speaks in "Hyah!"s. Also the vast arsenal I would have is tempting.
    So if you could dress up as anyone perfectly, who would you dress up as?
  14. Soran
    Here's a question:
    You can have any super power, what do you pick?
    Pretty simple question although I'd like to point out that super power doesn't necessarily have to be what's most commonly associated with super powers. Literally any power that you've seen a character have in some form of media, comics, literature, whatever is valid.
    My Answer:
    I've always been a fan of the power of foresight, to be able to look into the future and predict the movement of others around you. It seems like just the right amount of overpowered-ness.
    So what about you?
    If you can have any Super Power, what would you pick?
  15. Soran
    Here's a situation.
    "You have 24 hours to live. What do you do?"
    Pretty common situation. If you have 24 hours to live, what would you do?
    For me, I'd probably call my loved ones and tell them what they mean to me. I'd write some sort of story about my life and I'd organize some of my stories, concepts and ideas into files with instructions on how to expand on them. I'd probably write some sort of will as well.
    What about you?
    If you have 24 hours to live, what would you do?
  16. Soran
    Here's a situation.
    You're a ghost and you're able to haunt a place but you can't move. You can also haunt an individual person but you must follow them.
    Who or what do you haunt?
    Personally, I'd haunt a movie theater. Free movies.
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