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Posts posted by Respawn

  1. Haha, if only the coding was better than that, then ladders wouldn't be necessary. :PGood comic, but I suggest that the speech bubble outlines should be thinner.
    Thanks. I forgot to use 1-pixel line for this comic. :/
  2. Wait a minute... non-bionicle dimention + infamous charactor... is it vezon?

    Yup. PM me your address and I will mail you a cookie. Good job! I just realized the arm looks discolored, it's supposed to be dark dark blue. I wonder what happened.
  3. I am a big fan of Minecraft.. But I have just one question.. Where in here is this at all Bionicle or LEGO related..? Not trying to sound mean or anything, but don't things like this go in the Completely Off Topic Section..?

    This is a comic that is Bionicle-styled, shot in minecraft, and MSPA-style!

    That's from the comic post up at the top. It may be shot in Minecraft, but it is Bionicle-based. -Rez
    It may say it.. But if you actually read the comics.. Is it Bionicle related at all..? Or does it progress into Bionicle stuff..? Cause otherwise it's lieing.

    It progresses into Bionicle, the current character is actually an infamous bionicle. And, it's lying, not lieing
  4. Hello comic readers, Verniahk here.Since my last comic bombed, I decided to run a new one. This is about one Matoran's struggle to survive in an endless war. There will be new comics every week or so. I will sometimes put in more than one a week, but I will try to put in at least one comic per week, consistently. The drawing style is inspired by that of one of Tapika's comics. IF you wish to guest star, I am willing to oblige, but please no more than ten at a time. You do not need to give me a sprite sheet, only body color, eye color, and mask. I will sometimes include comic makers in comics, perhaps fighting in the background, or as a minor nonrecurring character. If you see yourself give me a holler and I will make a special comic for you.COMICSScalladrax part 1Scalladrax part 2Scalladrax part 3Scalladrax part 4GUEST STARS (me no likey that term) TEMPORARY SOLDIERS1. GUEST STARS (me no likey that term either) HONORED SOLDIERS1. hope that you all enjoy the comics, and I hope that they shall have some longevity. To all, happy reading!

  5. Aw come on, adapt adapt adapt adapt! This is a cool comic series. About exploding: If they exploded when angered/killed, wouldn't they evolve into Creepers? :P

  6. ';Yay I like Mr. Tree!' ';Now I hate Mr. Tree.'; ';He gave me 6 logs and 2 saplings!'; That made me crack up! Most people aren't really funny when they use that kind of humor. But you my friend are very good at this kind of humor. Stick to it. Keep up the good work! -Rez

    Thank you. If you think that the humor reminds you of who the character may be, if you guess right, I will give you a cookie.
  7. Not unless, you make a Minecraft Parkour video or creepy video. :P And I don't think people's vision is narrowed like that when they wake. :/

    Well it was the best way I could show early-morning blurry-eyedness. :PYay! I got comic 002 up! Feel free to read, and comment, and send me a suggestion PM!
  8. this looks like a good seris im also a comic maker ask me any questions too.i happen to play minecraft too.is the first character lewa. i wants cookie

    Nope, not Lewa. You cab haves cooky If u geus the charcafter. :P

    Cool Idea. I had an Idea a while similar to this... Oh well.Anyway, Great series. You MIGHT wanna change the font your using, but that's just me. I hope to see more from you. :)-:b::c::2::1:

    Glad you like the new series, I think I will use a different font for each character so you can easily define who it is.

    First off, in order to not make me have Seizures, I suggest that you tone down (maybe ALL the way off) with the FOV. It's a great idea though! I like it very much. It's playing minecraft but faster. XD

    Totally, I just did it like that because the character just woke up. I think playing on high FOV looks horrendous.
  9. So hello. There. Now I can be rude and burp and stuff. This is a comic that is Bionicle-styled, shot in minecraft, and MSPA-style! So this will be an adventure-style comic, and you guys will decide the fate of all that happens.COMICS:COMIC 001COMIC 002If anyone could teach me how to make it so that the link says 'COMIC 001' instead of an http, that would be awesome. Thanks Observance! If anyone can guess who the first character is, then you get a cookie. (No, I will actually ship you a cookie.)And now, time to play!

  10. A detailed description of her or her appearance A Toa Mata styled hero with a yellow body, yellow feet, hands, and mask. His arms and legs are dark grey.Weakness(es) Has a soft spot for females, very emotional, 100% cannot defend against Earth.Name DokrinSpecies ToaGender MalePowers and/or weapons Dokrin can wield the electric elemental powers. He may also use his cracked yellow Hau gfor weak shielding powers. He uses two gunmetal sabres.Alignment: Chaotic GoodPersonality and history Dokrin is very emotional because when he had first arrived, nobody had needed him and so he had been shunned. 13 cycles later, he is back and now will do anything for anyone at anytime.Anything else deemed necessary

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