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Status Updates posted by Henning

  1. A quick question, nothing in the Comic Rules says anything about no Alchohol/getting drunk. I would like to have this be a factor in the "Vegas" comics

  2. First topic posted. AWWWW YEEEAAAAAH

    1. Sir Ptolemic Of Zyglak

      Sir Ptolemic Of Zyglak

      Kudos :D it looks like your comics will be pretty AMAZING.

      That said, i should PGS....when i get home that is :P

  3. Greetings comrades.

    1. Utah


      Why did I read this in Spongebob's voice?

  4. I've been told I need to update a certain amount of times to post anything. Meh.

    1. Garda


      No.. You have to make.. Like 5-10 posts and they ended up being watched.. And then they'll let you post whenever and such.

  5. It seems I need to make a few more posts in people's topics. *Puts on safety goggles* let's do this.

  6. Reading with Utah and Henning. Best. Idea. Ever.

  7. To quote my uncle's famous last words: "TRUCK!"

  8. Utah! I discovered the solution for KWOW! Rainbows, C4 explosives, Rusty Nails, and a sparrow.

    1. Utah


      =O WE MUST TRY IT!

  9. Working on the "The Way I See It" book ^~^

  10. You:"This seems like it's gonna be a short frid-" Me: "OHMYGAWSH TAAAAAAAAAAANK!!!!"

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