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About Zarohum

  • Birthday 12/19/1994

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  1. Nicholas Cage is not a vampire, and the fact that some people are stupid enough to believe it makes me feel very sorry for future generations.

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    2. bioniclehero01


      My money's on publicity stunt. I mean, it's a stupid publicity stunt sure, but it's worked so far. I even saw him on a talk show the other night talking about it, while simultaniously promoting his new Ghost Rider movie. So I'd say this has much to do with it. At least I hope so, for humanity's sake.

    3. Zarohum


      Nope, it was started on a guy on the internet. Seems like every popular person on the internet is out of their mind.

    4. bioniclehero01


      Still, it just seems too coincidental to be THIS CLOSE to Ghost Rider's release. I mean, who do you think the cool dudes of our generation would rather see play ghost rider? An actor, or an immortal blood thirsty Nicholas Cage? Seriously, people are weird.

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