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Elrond of Rivendell

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Blog Entries posted by Elrond of Rivendell

  1. Elrond of Rivendell
    Well, I wake up this morning to a little suprise.
    BZ has changed... again.
    I have mixed feelings about this. It feels as if we are trying to move backward instead of forward.
    On the other hand, we no longer have that mix of eyesore blue and white
    On the whole, I like it. It's an ideal balance, though I would have rather seen black and neon green
    What are your thoughts?
  2. Elrond of Rivendell
    Well, this is a little late, but Brave is still in theaters, so I'll review it still.
    The plot is one of the strangest plots I've ever seen for a princess movie. For a character that will probably join the endless ranks of princess-related items, Merida broke the steryotype. She didn't have the "find-prince-get-married" that is expected in so many of these movies. In fact, the plot relies on that. But more on that later.
    The characters are well fleshed-out, though I thought that Merida's father could have had more screen time. He seems like the typical father, with the normal instincts for hunting, fighting, and just having a party with the other guys. I think he could have been less ordinary.
    Merida's mother drove the plotline. She is the constant behind Merida, the one that pushes her to always be better than she is. Although she hates Merida's sloppiness, and constant tom-boyishness, she finally realizes in the end what's the most important thing.
    Finally, comes merida. (Not you, Kraggh ) She broke every rule in the princess handbook. She slouched, fought, ran, and didn't comb her hair. Although she loves her parents, she feels misunderstood; something kids relate to. She wishes that she were a boy, or allowed to do what she wants. This breaks into the storyline, as Merida turns to witchcraft to change her fate. If you were to describe Merida in a word, it would be feminist.
    In summary, Brave is not your ordinary princess movie. It's feminist, and although it does not disappoint as a Pixar movie, It falls short of other movies like UP, Monsters Inc. , and the Toy Story movies.
  3. Elrond of Rivendell
    So we get premier membership perks for about a week.
    Life just got that much sweeter.
    Anyway, life is sweet in the BZPRPG. I'm counting down the hours until Nuju gets back, but I'm busy anyway with the new RPGs.
    A dark hunter war is taking up all my time
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