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The Lonesome Wanderer

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Posts posted by The Lonesome Wanderer

  1. SAO Extra Edition is out-


    only to be a 100 minute recap with some sequel hooks added in.



    I was looking forward to maybe some new content outside of a post-plot scene thats made to promote SAO2




    Oh, and I finished Durarara!!

    And I think it might be a bit better than Baccano IMO.



    Yes the HUD stretches. I got mine set at 1366x768 (my laptop). I can see that your game can reads some local settings, why don't you just have it read the resolution, and auto-set it.

    Because I have been stupid and let the view code live its own life of spite towards good monitors everywhere. :)




    Translation: Katuko did the sizing a long time ago, and forgot to add that.

  3. IC:Kitane

    Huh, looks like something has gone wrong on the Invincible.

    "hey, is everything all right over here" I yelled.

    But for me, yelling was like talking normally.


    OOC: As I recall I am on Daylaria's boat.

  4. Tvtropes Explains


    "What do you desire? Money? Glory? Power? Revenge? Or something that surpasses all other? Whatever you desire - "
    "That is here."
    This is a topic for discussing the webcomic Tower of God.
    ToG is about a young boy named Baam, and his quest to find his friend, who is somewhere within the legendary Tower of God. Whoever reaches the top will gain anything they desire.
    As a result, there are a large number of people trying(and usually failing and dieing) to climb the tower.
    There is lots of drama and backstabbing, and some REALLY AWESOME battles.
    Does anyone else on BZP read it?
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