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Angrok Va Mata

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Status Updates posted by Angrok Va Mata

  1. Can't use the PM.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. a goose

      a goose

      Yeah, once you have 10 posts, you're fine. Topics don't need approval, posts don't need approval, basically, you're in spam heaven. Not that one would ever take advantage of that.

    3. P~M


      Huh, I never thought of it that way. Make 10 really good and thoughtful posts, then go off and spam the living heck out of BZP. :D

    4. a goose

      a goose

      @Piraka~Mistika: It's what I did, and look how I turned out! XD

  2. Display name changed to Battling Makuta! That was a bad mistake, for me.

  3. Got a Gravatar recently. Do you like it?

  4. Hello It's time I got signed up for once! I'm a fan of Bionicle. Shame it had to end.

    1. a goose

      a goose

      Too right. Visit my comics. please!


      Anyhow, good to see ya, Bio!

    2. Angrok Va Mata

      Angrok Va Mata

      Thanks Pirok-Va!

    3. a goose

      a goose

      Did you visit my comics? Randomness guaranteed. If you can find a more random comic, I obviously posted it in the wrong forum. =P

  5. How do I use the blog system?

    1. Sybre


      You need to be a premier member.

    2. Angrok Va Mata
  6. I have 10 posts! I'm now able to use the PM!

    1. a goose

      a goose

      Welcome to spam heaven. =P

  7. I know the answers you seek, Toa of Stone, though I wish I did not.

  8. Oh wait. I have the new episode on Majhost already!

  9. Oh, dude... Jason misspelled "premiere" as "premier".

    1. a goose

      a goose

      No, it's premier.

  10. Sigh this forum is too blue, if only this had the essence of the original, with it's colors.

    1. a goose

      a goose

      No offence, but I'm pretty sure the original was also blue. And I like the new forums, personally.

    2. Angrok Va Mata

      Angrok Va Mata

      Well, blue with a slight shade of grey.

  11. So I'm an Inhabitant, for the moment.

  12. Surprise! Changed my avatar!

  13. What do the symbols on my posts mean?

    1. a goose

      a goose

      I am not entirely sure. Could you be more specific? If it's the little circles with tiny lines and circles in them, I can get out my Rau and tell you. =P

  14. What status title do I get when I post 10 posts.

  15. What the heck's wrong with my posts? I put up an image, then it says I can't add photo extensions even though I already did. Then when I edit a post, it comes out as a part of my third post on my topic! What the HECK!?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Angrok Va Mata
    3. Angrok Va Mata

      Angrok Va Mata

      And I meant Piraka-Mistika.

    4. a goose

      a goose

      I know, but I'm just a very helpful person.

      Okay, so I'm not a helpful person, but I still wanted to help you.

      Okay, so what if I just wanted to seem a better friend than P~M?

      Oh. That.


      Anyhow, .PNG is the one I'd suggest. Larger files don't always show. =)

  16. Yay! 20 posts! I'm now a Tohunga!

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