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Blog Entries posted by JiMing

  1. JiMing
    So I realized I hadn't touched the game in a while, and got back to playing it. Pretty good, after coming from Ocarina of Time 3D, the mechanics are very familiar and I had no problems jumping back into the game. Even though it's the Wii version, I still like the controls, and being able to swing the sword while walking is a GODSEND. I don't think that it was a good call to make the graphics realistic, as they have aged horribly in comparison to most consoles, even the Wii itself! I was never a fan of 'realistic' graphics, as the next console always makes the games look hideous in comparison. I much prefer Wind Waker's art style, as the graphics are still gorgeous today, and work well within the limits of the Gamecube, instead of pushing it to it's absolute limit. Of course, if they want to please both crowds, why not stick with the Skyward Sword style? But I'm getting off track here. What I meant to say was that HYRULE FIELD IS FREAKING HUGE. Ugh, now they've made Epona necessary in order to get anywhere within a reasonable amount of time! I didn't like Hyrule Field in Ocarina of Time, and I sure despise it here. Oh well, at least the dungeons are still cool, and the bosses are still easy but clever. I've only gotten to Death Mountain's dungeon, so I guess I still have a long way to go.
    Also, Wolf Link is cool, and I don't care what other people say. Biting my enemies to death is just so satisfying. And the teleportation thing makes traveling through Hyrule Field uneccesary. I wouldn't mind seeing something like this in another Zelda game.
  2. JiMing
    So I decided to download the Bravely Default demo, since I've been hearing/reading good things about it. I knew I was going into a traditional, Final Fantasy-esque JRPG. Shouldn't be too bad, right?
    Few minutes in, I die in my first battle.
  3. JiMing
    I am not surprised at all by this revelation, but it's still the best news I've heard about the game yet. I choose to take it as a testament that maybe classic mechanics, plot, characters, etc. aren't bad. Experimentation is great and all, but the general opinion I can see of the Final Fantasy franchise as a whole now isn't very positive. =P Hopefully the game's good sales leads to the localization of Bravely Second worldwide, and maybe a new franchise that can get up there with the JRPG kings that were Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest.
  4. JiMing
    I posted this in my feed:

    I like my games looking pretty as much as the next guy, but I'd want to play the next Zelda game over Battlefield 4 or Halo. Not that they're bad games, I just don't really have much interest in the current exclusives for Xbox One or PS4 as I do for Nintendo's exclusives. SMASH 4 CANNOT COME OUT SOON ENOUGHHHH
    *ahem*, sorry about that. I don't know why I posted this, maybe I just felt like sharing my sacrilege-according to my classmates.
  5. JiMing
    I did pretty much nothing today.
    Hopefully your day was more fun.
    Oh, and for those who don't celebrate Christmas, Merry all the winter holidays I'm too lazy to look up.
    This has been a random message from JiMing.
  6. JiMing
    Are you a Kid Icarus fan? Are you an RPG fan? Are you all of the above?
    Well then check out Kid Icarus: Unanswered Prayers, the ultimate RPG!
    Are you a human or a spirit? Will you ally with the Human Army or the Underworld? Or will you even aid Pyrrhon and Phosphora as they try to uncover the mystery of what happened to the gods?
    YOU get to choose! Have fun!
    (I'm advertising this because it has a severe lack of players. Well don't just stand there, check it out!)
  7. JiMing
    Yay! Embedding YouTube videos! It is happy day! To celebrate, how about some awesome songs from videogames?
    For our first entry, we're looking at songs from two fangames, Sonic: Before the Sequel, along with After the Sequel.
    Now, I have to say, the soundtracks from both songs are amazing. It's proffessional quality stuff, made by extremely talented people(one of which is working on Final Fantasy!) Both soundtracks have an amazing variety of songs, and I will list some of my favorites below.




  8. JiMing
    BZPower was chilling like a cool person (not cool dude) does, until every website in existence walked up to it and said (in unison), "U are not good website, we beat you up!"
    Then BZP laughed at their faces and said "Nu-uh, you guys can't stand up to my awesome!" BZP then showed off it's awesome, scaring the website.
    "Anyways," BZP said, "Fight!"
    Yeah so it's BZP's twelfth anniversary, so because the site has been around so long, it's obviously very awesome! Let's show every other website how freaking awesome we are because go BZP!
    But seriously, happy twelfth birthday BZPower!
  9. JiMing
    The premier perks are going to run out pretty soon, so I guess I'll have to say goodbye to this blog.
    Thanks too the few people who posted here, and also to everybody who read this blog too. I'll be seeing you elsewhere on BZPower.
    (Unless I win GSR's premier membership giveaway. Fingers crossed!)
  10. JiMing
    And I'm okay with that. Even though I'm in high school.
    Not to rain on the parade of anyone who is in a relationship, that's fine and I'm happy for you. But I'm not exactly in a rush to get a relationship. Whether that's normal or not I don't know and I don't care.
  11. JiMing
    So I've been playing even more of the demo, and after figuring out the Brave and Default mechanics, actually changing the classes around for my characters, and grinding, I can say that I've enjoyed my time with this game. Later on, I might actually buy the game, though if I transfer my progress, the whole beginning of the game would probably be easy as heck. =P But I'm still surprised at how much control they give you over the game, allowing newer players to the JRPG genre to ease their way into the game, without taking out the things that hardcore players want.
    I did mess around with the classes, and have come up with the following: Tiz as a Swordsmaster, Agnés as a Ninja, Ringabel as a Valkyrie, and Edea as a Red Mage. I have no idea whether these choices are smart or dumb, as I am a newbie to the JRPG class of RPGs. =P If someone could evaluate this setup, that'd be nice.
  12. JiMing
    Everyone, you probably don't know this, but my friend here Sybre has an OTC comic series going on called Sonic: Pure Chaos.
    It's an original plot with fan-characters, and I think it holds a lot of promise, so I'm putting this on my blog as an attempt to get his series more exposure, as he could use the comments and(constructive)criticism.
    Thank you for reading this entry, and I suggest you give the series a go!
  13. JiMing
    Yes, I posted a picture of myself. It's also the one that looks absolutely ridiculous.
    By the way, this was taken on my birthday this year.
  14. JiMing
    I thought this was interesting, so I'll share this with you guys.
    Due to the rise in mobile and social gaming, console games have seen a lack of support. Due to this, one person set up a group of people to make a console that would revolutionize the gaming industry.
    Enter the Ouya. It only costs 99 dollars, making it very economical. The actual size of the console is around that of a Rubik's Cube, making it smaller than the controller, even. Each console can be opened easily with a standard screwdriver, turning any console into a development kit, without the need for licensing fees. It's even hacker friendly, allowing anyone to customize their Ouya, and hacking or opening an Ouya does not void your warranty.
    Every game on the Ouya is free at least to try, with upgrades to the full version, or microtransitions throughout the game. Many popular games, like Minecraft could find themselves on the Ouya. The console is expected to ship in March 2013.
    Did that interest you? if it didn't, I don't know what will.
  15. JiMing
    A Mafia game, to be exact. Requiem of the Dead, the next side game in the series.
    To tell the truth... I'm kind nervous at how this'll proceed, since I've never hosted a game previously. But if I'm careful, everything should be fine. Oh, and if you wanna sign up, feel free! There should be a few spots left.
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