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Blog Entries posted by JiMing

  1. JiMing
    So how do you guys feel about third-party accessories for game consoles? Me, I'm perfectly okay with using them. I know third-party accessories are notorius for being of poor quality, my experience with them has not been bad.
    My first experience was buying a Dreamgear Wiimote Charging Dock. I really did not like using regular batteries, which is why I bought the product. It actually worked pretty well for a couple of years, providing enough power for what I did, but probably not for marathon runs through games. However, it recently stopped holding a charge for very long, which for four years and twenty bucks, was an okay deal. I bought an Energizer Charging Station to replace it, and so far my previous statements on the Dreamgear charger are still applicable.
    I also recently purchased a pair of Nyko Wiimote and Nunchuck alternatives, the Wand+ and Kama. Aesthetically, I like how the Wand+ had a very nice satin coating, which made it very smooth and pleasant to the touch. It also had larger buttons than the stock Wiimote, which it also nice. However, if I have one complaint, it's that the D-pad is mushier and clunkier than the original Wiimote. Overall, the Wand+ is a decent alternative to the Wiimote, though not without it's flaws. For the Kama, I'll just get this out of the way, I prefer MUCH more than Nintendo's Nunchuck. First of all, it's larger, meaning I have a better grip on it than I did on the Nunchuck. The C and Z buttons are also much larger, and the Z button now has and extended back like that of a trigger. Overall, the Kama is a much better experience than the Nunchuck in my eyes.
    So yeah, that's my experiences with buying third-party gaming accessories. Feel free to share your experiences or comment about anything in this post.
  2. JiMing
    No, not because I ate a lot of chocolate or whatever.
    I got Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate yesterday, and played the HECK out of it.
    Got myself some awesome looking Tetsucabra armor too...... I'm satisfied with my 11 hours of progress so far!
  3. JiMing
    So I realized I hadn't touched the game in a while, and got back to playing it. Pretty good, after coming from Ocarina of Time 3D, the mechanics are very familiar and I had no problems jumping back into the game. Even though it's the Wii version, I still like the controls, and being able to swing the sword while walking is a GODSEND. I don't think that it was a good call to make the graphics realistic, as they have aged horribly in comparison to most consoles, even the Wii itself! I was never a fan of 'realistic' graphics, as the next console always makes the games look hideous in comparison. I much prefer Wind Waker's art style, as the graphics are still gorgeous today, and work well within the limits of the Gamecube, instead of pushing it to it's absolute limit. Of course, if they want to please both crowds, why not stick with the Skyward Sword style? But I'm getting off track here. What I meant to say was that HYRULE FIELD IS FREAKING HUGE. Ugh, now they've made Epona necessary in order to get anywhere within a reasonable amount of time! I didn't like Hyrule Field in Ocarina of Time, and I sure despise it here. Oh well, at least the dungeons are still cool, and the bosses are still easy but clever. I've only gotten to Death Mountain's dungeon, so I guess I still have a long way to go.
    Also, Wolf Link is cool, and I don't care what other people say. Biting my enemies to death is just so satisfying. And the teleportation thing makes traveling through Hyrule Field uneccesary. I wouldn't mind seeing something like this in another Zelda game.
  4. JiMing
    The premier perks are going to run out pretty soon, so I guess I'll have to say goodbye to this blog.
    Thanks too the few people who posted here, and also to everybody who read this blog too. I'll be seeing you elsewhere on BZPower.
    (Unless I win GSR's premier membership giveaway. Fingers crossed!)
  5. JiMing
    So in Portalfig's blog, a few of us noted how many of us had so many profiles made. After thinking of what to do, a few of us (myself included) wondered if we could have an RPG. So I ask, why not? Of course, I won't be the one to do it, because I don't have the skill necessary. But who knows?
    Also, I retook the test again. I only got better stats. Here they are.
    Ability Scores:
    Strength- 12
    Dexterity- 11
    Constitution- 11
    Intelligence- 14
    Wisdom- 14
    Charisma- 13
    EDIT: Bumped so this doesn't drop off the face of the blogs too soon.
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