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Unauthorized Autobiography

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Posts posted by Unauthorized Autobiography

  1. So, are you going to do rendered box covers?


    I'm not sure if we have decided on this yet, but since I'm the 3D modeller, I'll roll the dice and say that we will most likely be Photoshopping pics of the sets for the boxes. 3D rendering every single set would be a heck of a task, and I'd probably run out of time before they are released.


    Yeah, I actually meant that I'll tell Ben. Of course I wouldn't take the choice myself cosnidering Ben's the bossman. (also: though I am not listed here in the topic, I actually am on the set design, story and media team, just that of the first two I'll have to wait until 2015 to release the story and the latter... well not much to do anyway yet.) Now we should actually get back on topic to avoid a post war. :P


    This is the official list as of November 24, 2013. Everyone is one one team alone, and their team is listed here, so Guu, you are only on the game design team. Staff discussion is not meant for this topic, so please keep it out of here.



    Oh well. Fail. :P


    So now we're back on topic officially.

  3. Yeah, I actually meant that I'll tell Ben. Of course I wouldn't take the choice myself cosnidering Ben's the bossman. (also: though I am not listed here in the topic, I actually am on the set design, story and media team, just that of the first two I'll have to wait until 2015 to release the story and the latter... well not much to do anyway yet.) Now we should actually get back on topic to avoid a post war. :P



    I don't think and good that it's official (just saying) but who knows i could be wrong.


    Rephrase, please? :P



    But i do like to help with Set Design because i have ideas of weapons and Glatorian Helmets.


    We'll have you in mind, thanks! :)


    it's really not up to you who gets to join the set team, Guu. that being said, SWH, we'll consider you. however, i'll warn you that we already have Modalt doing custom pieces, and we may not need anyone else for that.



    I clearly said that we will consider him, not saying "you're on!" just like that.


    Just clearing that up, let's get back on topic. :P

  5. I could take the time to carefully reply to every single post but that would be an incredible waste of time as I see that no staff member is actually seeing my point.


    Just one more thing.


    If B6 doesn't have the "abilities" to prevent this kind of thing (don't look at me, you said this), why doesn't he search for someone who is willing to help? I bet there is a ton of people who would want to do it.

  6. I don't want to be the dude that everybody is gonna be replying "oh what a troll you are" to, but let's be honest here.


    Nobody on the BIONICLE community gets paid for their sites.


    Think you are the only ones in the whole world who run a site as a hobby? And still, I am able to make backups everyday. The BMP as well. We don't accept money donations, however you do. I think it is clear enough that if someone should have the motivation to make constant backups, it's you.


    It's not like you are the only people who have a job, other hobbies, family or such stuff. I am disapointed by the staff in general, but especially B6. There is a goddarn 1-click-bakcup fuction in IP.Board, for crying out loud!


    A backup daily is the best. A backup twice a week is good. A backup twice a month is poor. A backup once a month is pretty bad. A backup once in two months of more is unexcusable.


    This is an evident, all out "I don't care anymore" kind of things.



    Now that both the Bionicle websites are gone, I'm very sad. :( I liked the websites a lot for a long time since they were released. :( But I will never forget them and my happy times in there. They gave me some of my happiest memories of my life. :( (crying in tears while being depressed. :() This makes me cry in tears while I'm depressed about this now. :( (still crying in tears while being sad. :()


    Well, all the games and memories are right here, and there's even a backup of BIONICLEStory.com. :)




    There's a backup of BIONICLEStory.com?!?!?!?!?!?!



    Dish me the link, bro.








    Darker green? Where'd you get that?

    The original HF villains had them in a darker green. It was not like DARK (instert creepy music here :P) green but it was darker than the classic lime green. My personal favorite was the scaled-like design that came with the Toa Phantoka, which was reused with Furno in Breakout.


    I never got mine with any HF sets, I don't own any :P Here's a pic http://i.imgur.com/zlit16M.jpgAs you see, the one at the top is much darker than the usual lime shade.


    Where'd you get that?


    Looks like they're from the Piraka. That's what I was saying about a lot of two-colored blended Zamor Spheres. The ratio of colors in the blend can be... finicky. Some spheres will be extremely light, and some will be extremely dark, and almost none will be a color that properly matches anything.



    Yeah. I like all colors though so I don't really give a dang. :P



    Darker green? Where'd you get that?


    The original HF villains had them in a darker green. It was not like DARK (instert creepy music here :P) green but it was darker than the classic lime green.


    My personal favorite was the scaled-like design that came with the Toa Phantoka, which was reused with Furno in Breakout.


    I never got mine with any HF sets, I don't own any :P Here's a pic http://i.imgur.com/zlit16M.jpgAs you see, the one at the top is much darker than the usual lime shade.



    Where'd you get that?


    But I can tell you that 99% of kids under the age of 12 haven't seen Jurassic Park.

    Alright, bring in the "I AM THE 1%" memes



    Holy, I loved Jurassic Park movies when I was 4. XD


    And I'm of this generation.


    So I guess it's 2% now. :P



    Also, LEGO DID do a few Jurassic Park sets. As a part of the studio line. Pretty lame, but still.


    The Simpsons isn't too much different from other licensed themes. The Spider-Man 1 and 2 sets, Lord of The Ringws, Indiana Jones, Star Wars...

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