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Status Updates posted by Lielac

  1. -enraged gukko screech about brain-breakingly shoddy worldbuilding-

  2. ... Chronicler's Company as "Toa Mata", or the independent attempt to find the Great Beings... wait, I can have multiple windows open at once. Write ALL the things!

  3. ... that'll be MoC Toa Team #16,777,216, then. Okay, probably only the eighth or so. Still! It keeps happening, I keep making them! Addiction is a powerful thing...

  4. ... wrote the words "flying lavaboard ride" and now I have "A Whole New World" stuck in my head SEND HELP

  5. 1379 words yay (the chronicler's company as toa will always be my favorite go-to AU)

  6. Biomechanical plot bunnies are chewing on my ankles. Back to the word processor...

  7. bionicle nuva and bionicle olda

  8. Bionicle/Hero Factory crossover. Oh, the things my mind comes up with...

  9. did you know that beingf sisck is the worse

    1. Lielac


      all typos intentional

      and by intentional i mean i endentionally


      didn't go back to fix them

  10. Guys. Guys. According to BS01, Matoro can /sing/. Like I needed any more reasons to fangirl over him.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lielac


      YOU SHUT UP :C

      Also, him being dead in no way precludes me writing things set before that tragedy.

    3. CeeCee


      Yeah, but no matter how much you write, no matter how much dream, no matter how much juice you fill the glass with. Matoro still ends with the same sad and lonely fate. He is, an always will, half a glass

    4. Hexann


      He will always be half a glass chocolate milk, half a glass of tea, and et c.

  11. Hah. I think I may have tripled my post count. BZPRPG for the win!

  12. Having way too much fun writing Treespeak. Also? "Windlady". gUESS WHO I'M WRITING ABOUT HEHEHE

  13. i am sick and in pain so clearly the best thing to do is mess around on bzpower

  14. I have 1337 notifications. I am far too amused by this.

    1. Cambion


      *opens notifications* [hacker voice] i'm in

  15. i have been up bleventeen hours because my sleep schedule is deranged, send help

  16. I have too many story ideas and not enough discipline to pick one and stick to it

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lielac


      ... shut up I totally knew BBCode doesn't work in this

    3. 25K Now!

      25K Now!



      Olmak shenanigans would be interesting. If done well.

    4. Lielac


      Well, yeah. Anything can be interesting if done well. Are you saying specifically that Olmak shenanigans need a deft touch so they don't come out contrived? (I agree, FYI.)

  17. I love Bionicle, but by Mata Nui it was a tangle of literary kudzu by the time it ended.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lielac


      Quite, quite expansive. It could use a good machete to cut through to the good bits and some regular trimming.


      ... yeah I don't know where this metaphor is going either.

    3. 25K Now!

      25K Now!

      It was like a guy who'd hadn't shaved for ten years.


      I think he's finally gotten around to using his razor.

    4. Lielac


      -cackles- Perhaps!


  19. kvetch kvetch kvetch

  20. kvetchy mckvetchington

  21. lol playing MNOG 2 again

    1. Banana Gunz

      Banana Gunz

      How far have you gotten? I swear it's always those Kholii games...

    2. Lielac


      I got frustrated with the first Kolhii game and ragequit. Still got 15 air bladders, though, I might go do some more speed training...

  22. Macku/Kotu? Macku/Kotu. Hewkii/Macku/Kotu? HEWKII/MACKU/KOTU.

    1. 25K Now!
    2. Lielac
    3. Lielac


      I'm writing my Chronicler's-Company-as-Toa fic, and at one point Macku grabs Kotu's hand because she's nervous, and then Kotu squeezes Macku's hand to reassure her. My mind, being gleefully overattuned to such things, immediately went for the "ALL HANDS ON DECK, NEW SHIP DETECTED" route. But Hewkii/Macku is still one of my One True Pairings, so of course that means polyamory is the way to go.

  23. next person who tries to tell me that the great beings planned /every/ event in bionicle gets a madu cabolo to the face

    1. 25K Now!

      25K Now!

      All according to plan.

  24. Oh, hey, I have an avatar now! Unfortunately I had to give up trying to animate it. Bluh.

    1. 25K Now!

      25K Now!

      Don't think we can have animated avatars.

    2. Lielac


      It animated fine on my profile page, but for avatars methinks you're right. Piffle, I have this awesome gif of her walking and the lightning around her hands sparking.

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