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An Archaic Predicament

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Posts posted by An Archaic Predicament

  1. Excellent chapter!


    Bit 1: Loving the view Alex has on his powers. Hopefully it'll make for some interesting dilemmas in the future?


    Bit 2: Annnnnnddddd... EERIE VISION TIME! Loving the spooky and mysterious nature of this vision. And does that C mean what I think it does?


    Bit 3: Enter Thompson! Now, I like this character! His motives are unknown (maybe...), and he's clever enough to evade Crux.


    Bit 4: Well, Crux doesn't seem too happy, does he? Wonder why...


    Bit 5: Well Thompson sure is eager to find more Marked. More eager than the Marked themselves, in fact...


    Bit 6: About time you had her find others!


    Great chapter! Awaiting the next one!



  2. EXCELLENT! Its nice to finally see this epic get its (long-overdue) continuation!


    Yikes. That poor Bone Hunter...


    YAY! PIROK! ...And Proditor... Yay...


    Well... Wasn't expecting Krahl to become a Gollum-like character quite yet, but I'm liking where its headed so far!


    Thanks for the compliment Wotz! My banners are normally some of my best work! (I've designed quite a few for this series of epics, ya know!)


    Looking forward to the next chapter!



  3. Hello, long-time lurker TFE here. This is my first shot at any type of real writing. I can't say for sure if there will be any more to this, and if there is, how often it will be updated. Review Topic: Here. Now, may I present...




    Kicking and screaming, pleading his innocence, Eredar was dragged into the dark chamber. The Ancients, Guardians of the Fallen culture, are ready to enact his ultimate penance. Staring into the darkness, Eredar is bewildered. Is this what the Ancients ultimate punishment was? To abandon him in a building far from the shores of civilization? "Eredar the Merchant," boomed Radomus, "Your crimes against the Fallen are unforgivable. You have broken into our most secretive facilities; you have poisoned the whole of the planet; and you have murdered Septum, the Ancient Supreme. What do you have you to say for yourself?"


    Angered and confused, Eredar is effectively silenced. What could he say? He had pleaded his case, even broken out of custody just to prove his innocence, and still his dedication to this truth could not make them see. "What do I say? I will not stand for this betrayal. If I was truly guilty, you would have some form of evidence besides Septum's word. And the word of a dead man doesn't hold well in this world."


    Enraged, Radomus swiftly reached forward and struck Eredar with such a fury as would live with the Fallen for the rest of his days. Eredar's once-yellow eyes, eyes that burned with such a passion for truth and justice, were now stained blood red by the fury of an Ancient, a conduit of his now-abandoned gods. "Let that be a taste of what's in store for you. Arlena, Bring forth the Hyperium."


    At that moment, Eredar's eyes widen in terror. They couldn't possibly... No one had ever been sentenced to the Hyperium before now. Arlena swiftly glides across the room, where a small console awaited an input, the only input it was ever designed for. Once again screaming, Eredar struggles against his bonds, desperate to avoid the only destiny he had left: Imprisonment. Slowly, the wall tore itself open, and what remained afterwards could only be described as a sphere, adorned with glowing blue lights.


    "Carry him over," Radomus commanded his two subordinates. Struggling, Eredar was inched closer and closer to his prison, until he opened his eyes and could see his new reflection in its metallic surface. "This sphere will be your new home. The only place you will ever see again. You will be the one and only individual to ever be cast into its depths. You will live out an eternal life, the last Fallen. That's what you wanted as a boy, wasn't it Eredar? To be immortal? Well... Congratulations!" screamed Radomus with an otherworldly fury, as he forced Eredar into the dark and cold embrace of the Hyperium...


    Review Topic

  4. Wow... I am LOVING this!


    Merely the analysis at the beginning was amazing, but then to follow it up with Rahkshi... Brilliance...


    And the introduction of the Makuta (I'm assuming Teridax?)... Its hard to put in word how fitting everything feels in this chapter!


    But the poor narrator... How will he ever get out of this mess?


    Looking forward to the next chapter!



  5. ... AMAZING...


    NIKARRA! NOOOOOOO!!!!!! Ah, well. We kinda saw this coming from the LAST chapter.


    Is it odd that the entire time I was reading those final paragraphs, I had 'Last of the Time Lords' playing in my head?


    Also, I get that Reichenbach is a traitor, but... You cruel, cruel paradox-eater! Joking aside, I LOVED Nekron's implementation of karma once 'The Storm' began!


    WHOOOO!!! Pirok! oh yeah, Proditor too. yay...


    Looking forward to April (and in the meantime I have Marked and Survivor to look forward to)!


    Signing off!


    -Scratch: Master of the 'Oh-so-detailed' comments

  6. Greatest. Penultimate chapter. Ever. Of all time. Not even kidding. I mean we start out with the arrest of Nikarra and Arkrak. Incommodo, who it appears has finally begun talking to himself. Enough said. Frustro is threatened be an unknown assailant, who gives him a very clear warning. And all the while, Nekron prepares his endgame. WOW. Looking forward to the next installment. -Eredar

  7. Wait... PIROK!!!The Mistix retreating? Somethings up...Inc stranded, the others go their seperate ways, meanwhile a game of shadows is played behind the scenes...The final chapter of Part I BETTER be EPIC!-Scratch

  8. *Dramatic music* Well it looks like everything is drawing towards its curtain call.'The Glitch'. Not very informative, but interesting regardless.To space? SPACE? SPAAAAAAACCCCEEEEE!! Back to business, I can't wait to see how this plan turns out!-Eredar

  9. Proditor... What a way to go...Anyway, back to the review. AMAZING return to form (and it figures you'd start out by killing a main character!)And the rift between Incommodo and Pirok continues to widen! Meanwhile that sneaky chronicler,(as I call him), continues to get his facts wrong.Wait... is it me or does Nekron seem a bit like Smith from The Matrix now? And what is the true nature behind Terror glitch and there are MORE of the Society of Shades?In conclusion, fantastic return chapter. Just, please don't make us wait too long for the next one!-Eredar

  10. Nikarra. I'm just throwing caution to the wind at this point. I stopped trying to see what will happen around chapter 9, so anything from here on out is a surprise to me. Feel free to share my history with the younger gentlemen, Vorex. :fear:- :s: :c: :r: :a: :t: :c: :h:

  11. First off... WHOA!Inc, what happened? I never expected Inc to threaten Frustro, especially not with a graphic and physical example of violence.Vorex on the move! Things are going downhill. We just have to find the Ta-Matoran...Things seem to be taking an explosive spiral downward for Incommodo and his group, but how will it all end?-Scratch

  12. First off... ARU, NOOOOO!!!!!Now that that's over, I love this darker, smart-alec Incommodo. He reminds me of me when I'm a bit ticked off.Poor Reichenbach. Only trying to help and Inc throws him out a window.Wow. Who knew a Shadow could be so harsh? XDWow. Pirok... Thats a bit harsh, but I suppose its true. The comedic, bright-minded Inc doesn't exist anymore. But just how far will Pirok follow before he decides that it isn't worth it any longer?Looking forward to wait I'm assuming marks the end of Part I (Its getting to the storm...)-Scratch

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