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Status Replies posted by Takanuvainika

  1. Ya should pobably get a new status... It's been a while since 5 posts.

    1. Takanuvainika


      Probably, it's been a while since I even looked at my own profile, I've been busy.

  2. Thank you for paticipating in my "Which Superhero Are You?" quiz! According to results, you are Iron Man.

    1. Takanuvainika


      You're welcome, although I was going for Green Lantern

  3. upgraded to regular member status, yipee not that i'm complaning but I thought i had to have 10 posts first, not 5

  4. I have begun to read the epics

    1. Takanuvainika


      Thanks, I've already read all stories on CBW so now I've started on the stories here. :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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