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Posts posted by Flipz

  1. -==IC: Amelia Zann==-

    Just then Sina began sniffing at Ellen's pack, but Amelia waved her off--even she wasn't the sort to condone pickpocketing a little girl. The shockingly pink Sneasel cocked her head, then shrugged, shifting her attention to the other Pokémon arrayed around them. With a wary hiss at Artemis, Sina edged around the others, smirking at Maturin and rolling her eyes at Duo before finally noticing Chrono. She started to whine a question to the Dark-type, before, for whatever reason, stopping herself and looking at Terry, almost as if asking permission to address the Purrloin.


    "Village Bridge, huh? Long way from home," Amelia commented absently. She looked up to the sky, as if seeing something writ in the great blue firmament. Finally she looked back to Ellen. "There's a storm coming. It's coming for all of us--Liberty, Rocket, even people like me who end up somewhere in between. You've got potential, kid, and lots of it. You'd make a good spy. If you're ever interested--in my services or my training--look me up. I like working for interesting people."

  2. IC: Ellen

    "People only see what they want to see?" Ellen repeated thoughtfully. "I guess I could see that. After all, Team Plasma didn't want to believe the Rocket-Liberty War even existed. Why do you think people would ignore such a striking Pokémon like Absol?" She thought silently for a moment before extending a hand. "I'm Ellen, by the way. What's your name?"

    -==IC: Amelia Zann==-

    "The name's Zann, Amelia Zann. And as for the why...well, Absol's a Pokémon that heralds disaster. But the people around here? They don't want that. Obviously." Amelia stood up and stretched lazily. "In olden days, they'd bring out their Pokémon and fight it off." Amelia mimed throwing a few half-hearted punches, then grabbed a Pokéball at random from her belt and sent out the occupant--in this case, Sina. "But people these days are complacent. So they just ignore it--stop believing in things they don't want to see." She slumped down lazily on the bench, her ladylike posture completely abandoned. "But you and I--we see things. Which begs the question..." Amelia leaned forward, uncharacteristically interested compared to her behavior the previous evening. "What is it that makes you important enough--interesting enough--that when you came here, disaster would follow?"

  3. -==IC:Amelia Zann==-


    "When Absol's gaze like kettle drums,

    Then something wicked this way comes."


    "Or at least, that's the superstition."


    A pair of green eyes stared at Ellen from behind a veil of red hair. The woman to whom they belonged swept the hair aside, the flash of abnormally pale skin beneath her fingerless black gloves almost blinding in the harsh sunlight. As the woman let her hand fall back to the bench on which she sat, Ellen could see she was wearing a lacy pink sundress, so pale as to help offset the unusual paleness of her delicate, creamy skin--a smart choice for the woman, but one that made the masculine roughness of her gloves an even more incongruous choice.


    The woman noticed Ellen looking and smiled. "I like you, kid. You're observant--not like the sort that usually passes through here. See that man over there?" The woman pointed out a construction worker, currently directing his Machamp to help another worker's Gurdurr in lifting a large steel beam from a pallet and carry it over to the portion of the seaport still under construction. "Yesterday I told him his job was boring--and that he was boring for doing it. Today?" She flipped her hair, the loose braid unfurling to let her crimson locks blow in the breeze. "He's walked past me three times in the past hour alone, and still hasn't recognized me." She grinned conspiratorially. "People see what they want to see--which means they don't see what they don't want to see. So to answer your question: no, you didn't just imagine that Absol...but good luck finding any dopes around here who'll believe they've seen it."

  4. Getting FTB to work is really frustrating!!! There's always something that's unstable or making everything crash!

    The FTB forums are usually a reliable place to get help; however, we do a LOT of testing before we release packs, so unless you've added or changed mods in the pack, it should run fine. Unless you're using FTB Unstable for 1.7...?

  5. From the chat, prompted by a discussion about the villainous teams in the games:


    "Sympathetic villains need to be either so pathetic that we sympathize in spite of their being evil (Dr. Doofenshmirtz) or so passionate that they don't realize they're evil.


    Otherwise, they come off as stupid, insincere, or both."

  6. IC - Jupiter - Eterna City: Such a rattling off of information as this would, logically, require several moments for anyone to process. Jupiter was no exception. It took her around twenty seconds to sort through everything that Amanda had just said, and then another ten to reflect on it. All the while, she held her Tangrowth's Poké Ball forward, the slight shaking of her hand mirroring the terror that had ignited in her eyes at the prospect of meeting Envy again.


    At last, after much teeth grinding, she shook her head. "With that kind of attitude, you can't be anything but a Plasma robot," the Galactic Admin scoffed, lowering the Poké Ball. "Regardless, you don't appear to have been informed of exactly what happened to Team Galactic: The entire organization was destroyed, including our research and any personnel that happened to be in Nova during Envy's attack. There is little point in rebuilding when there is nothing to rebuild from." She cast her gaze in the direction of Nova's ruins, brow etched with bitterness. "Team Galactic is done."

    -==IC: Amanda, Pippi, and Wiggy==-

    "I am not certain of the source of your intelligence on Team Plasma, but Team Plasma not employ autonomous drones on missions involving unpredictible environments." Amanda opened her mouth to reply further, only to be interrupted by an unusually loud chirp.


    "Pipipipi!" The pristine Piplup chirped angrily at the woman and her Pokémon, an aged but surprisingly nimble Grotle loping up in the bird's wake--a very familiar Grotle to the Team Galactic Admin.


    "Grrrl?" the lumbering beast inquired. Though the Piplup seemed prime for battle, Amanda could tell from the Grotle's calm demeanor and the Piplup's frequent looks to the Grotle for guidance that both were trained Pokémon rather than wild animals.


    Amanda frowned, but held her arms outstretched in a posture of non-aggression. "I do not wish to battle at this time. It would be counter-productive to the schedule of my mission." She nodded to her Elgyem, which relayed the thoughts directly to the other Pokémon.


    Pippi shrieked and made to launch an attack, but Wiggy silenced the insistent creature with a grunt and a look. Inclining his head, he allowed the Plasma agent to pass, despite Pippi's look of clear mistrust. Amanda retreated her Pokémon and walked coolly by. She turned back to Jupiter. "Your decision regarding the future of Team Galactic is...unfortunate, and does not bode well for you nor your community. For the sake of the greater good, I urge you to reconsider. Nonetheless, I will be in the Pokémon Center if you still wish to engage my transportation services." Amanda turned on her heel, and was gone.


    Pippi narrowed her eyes and followed a few steps, but seemed unwilling to stray too far from Wiggy. The Grotle, on the other hand, was staring at Jupiter with a look of recognition--no, more than that, like it somehow knew what had been said and was trying to convince her of something...of what? Of the validity of Amanda's argument, perhaps? But why would this Pokémon even care...?




    As Amanda passed the pathway towards Nova, she turned her head to look at the remains of the ruined facility. There wasn't much to see, save for a large pile of metal and rubble, scorched beyond recognition. As she passed, she noticed...was that a person, kneeling amongst the ruins? It was too far away for her to tell, and she had promised Jupiter she would be at the Pokémon Center rejuvenating Elgyem. It would not be logical to investigate the disaster site, anyway, without her Pokémon ready to transport her out at the first sign of danger. Dismissing the thought, she continued on her way--a wise choice she would later come to regret.



    -==IC: DiDi==-

    Scampering along behind Lucia, the Dedenne shrieked loudly, reminding the Rocket agent that she was there. When Lucia turned around, she would see a serenely sweet electric mouse with her head cocked to one side, exuding an aura of sassily-feigned innocence.

  7. OOC: Jam with Blade inbound.


    -==IC: Amelia & Alistair==-

    The two blows collided, force of the Scizor's Bullet Punch only serving to propel the two of them faster and harder towards the wall. It would not be a matter of which Pokémon fainted, but rather of which did first...


    ...and that Pokémon was the Carvanha. The overgrown fish snapped weakly before unconsciousness overcame it, prompting Ameila to return her to her Dive Ball. The Trainer took courage in the fact that the Scizor didn't look to be in much better shape--her opponent would at least have to see if it was all right he was still intent on harassing her. Still...just to be safe... Subtly withdrawing a tiny whistle from the band of her glove, she blew a quick series of notes into it. The high-pitched tones would be inaudible to human and even most Pokémon ears, but there was one particular pair of ears she cared about.


    "Still want to make it two for two? Or have you reconsidered your strategy of molesting random women in the night?" she bluffed, knowing full well if he called her on it she'd have nothing to back it up.


    Alistair sighed, as he recalled Scizor quickly. "I never planned on that at all; I tripped over my cloak while checking to see if you were okay." Alistair said, as he reached for his Magnezone's Pokéball just in case...


    It wasn't there.


    "Looking for something?"


    Alistair looked back up to see a shockingly pink Sneasel standing next to Amelia, who was casually tossing his Magnezone's Pokéball in the air. "Up for a trade? Your name, for your Pokémon." Amelia sniffed haughtily. "Sina here's a bit of a Pickpocket. Comes in handy when dealing with unscrupulous sorts like yourself."


    Alistair sighed, not wanting to deal with this. "My name is Alistair Hakuda, and it was an accident." Alistair said, resisting the urge to slap his palm to his face, which wouldn't help things at all.


    "An accident? The only accident here is your name." She threw the Pokéball past Alistair so he'd have to retrieve it, before walking towards the other end of the alley. "Know this, 'Alistair Hakuda'. No one molests Ameila Zann--unless she wishes it." She gave a quick whistle, and a green reptile slithered out of the underbrush to her side. With one final glance, she was gone.


    Alistair caught the Pokéball as it soared past him, but he blinked, and sighed. Seriously, that wasn't planned... Alistair thought, as he shook his head, reaching for the Pokéball that held his Lucario... Before realizing that he had given it away. He reached for his Weavile's Pokéball... it was gone too. Dragonair? Nope. Okay, yeah, was gonna start over, but of course this happens right at this moment.

  8. -==Alex (Didi)==-

    Didi squealed in surprise and released a belated Parabolic Charge that missed the fleeing Team Zephyr members by a mile. She hopped down to the ground, ran around Jamie and Lucia's feet a couple times, and scurried back up onto Lucia's shoulder, squeaking furiously the whole time. She looked inquiringly to Lucia, almost as if she was awaiting orders.


    OOC: Permission given for Blade to bunny Didi as needed. ;)

  9. IC - Jupiter - Eterna City: The teleportation-induced blurriness obscured Jupiter's vision, briefly hiding from her where, exactly, she had been taken to. When she was finally able to recognize the vague, but familiar shape of the Dialga and Palkia statue, however, she immediately yanked her hand away from Amanda. Any confusion on the Plasma Agent's part would have been easily excusable, particularly as the Galactic Admin quickly stepped back, drawing a Poké Ball from her belt.


    "There is no way you're with Plasma," she said, voice quavering with panicked fury. "They wouldn't have sent someone to bring me here, of all places, to get me out of danger--not a day after my entire organization was annihilated." Jupiter held the Poké Ball forward. "You'd better explain yourself. Now."

    -==IC:Amanda Zarth==-

    Amanda frowned slightly, somewhat confused by the Team Galactic Admin's reaction. "On the contrary, if it is safety you are concerned about, this is most likely the safest location available to you; studies have shown that criminals are statistically unlikely to return to the scene of their crimes, and law enforcement activity in the area should be exceptionally high, though I will admit thaat it is unusual that we have not yet encountered them since we arrived. Furthermore, returning you elsewhere would be contrary to Team Plasma's interests and, by extension, interests of the local and global community; delaying the start of the reconstruction efforts would only serve to reinforce the economic panic that has set in in response to the crisis, not to mention the significant hit to economic, social, and political morale that would occur on both local and regional levels in response to Galactic Admin Jupiter deeming Eterna no longer safe for her residence. The greater good and stability of the region logically depends on your conducting, or at least authorizing, the reconstruction of Nova. Nonetheless, as I originally stated, my services in transport are at your disposal just as soon as my Pokémon has had a few minutes' rest." The Plasma Agent did not add that her superiors would also be interested in any firsthand data she could record on the exact status of Nova; given Jupiter's apparent emotional state, Amanda considered it possible that the Galactic Admin would take a request to do so unfavorably.


    OOC: Speculation as to whether or not Amanda has a soul in 3...2...1... :P


    -==IC: Alistair==-


    Alistair raised an eyebrow at the tactic, impressed.

    "Nice work." Alistair said with a smile from behind the scarf.

    "Scizor, you know what to do." Alistair said, as the Scizor spun around, taking the Aqua Jet like the Carvahna had done; and then following that up with a reverse order attack of what he just did; using the X-Scissor first instead because of being so close, then a Bullet Punch to attempt to attack after that.

    OOC: Auto hit granted.


    -==IC: Amelia Zann==-

    Amelia grinned as the stranger and his Scizor fell for the gambit. "Van, you've got this. Take him."


    The Carvanha rocketed forward, its already high Speed increasing even further, to the point where the Water-and-Dark-type was a mere blur of aqua and green. Its fangs bared, it clamped onto the Steel-type with vicious fury, preventing its attack as it flinched back in pain. Fangs still clamped onto the Scizor, Van Aqua Jetted them both against the wall of the alley, the bricks cracking slightly from the force of impact. Only the blow of a Bullet Punch finally forced her to release her deathgrip, but both Trainer and Pokémon smirked (if a solid row of razor-sharp fangs could be said to "smirk") to see a nasty bit wound where the force of the Carvanha's jaws had nearly punctured through its opponent's armor.


    The satisfaction was short-lived, however; though she resisted the Scizor's Steel-type attacks, Van would not be able to take another one, and the creature's stronger Bug-type blow would do her no favors either. With only one option available, Amelia commanded her Pokémon forward. "Aqua Jet," she called, and seemingly having anticipated the command, Van shot forward on one final jet of water, aiming to slam the Scizor between herself and the wall one last time before she went down...


    OOC: Alex/Didi post tomorrow, it's late here. :)


    EDIT: OOC: Aah, knew I'd forgotten something...


    -==IC: Adam (Pippi)==-

    Pippi scrambled up the hill just in time to see a strange-looking woman shove a Pokéball in her companion's face. She couldn't quite understand what they were saying, but just as she was about to get closer, the Elgyem beside her turned and noticed the new arrival.






    "Pi pi pi!!!" Pippi shrieked at the unfamiliar sensation of mental contact, and scurried away down the hill as fast as her little legs could carry her. She didn't know what the strange creature was, but she knew just who could deal with it, and she was going to make him come back with her to help pay the odd little thing back if it was the last thing she did.

  10. -==IC: Alistair==-


    Alistair smiled, as he pulled his scarf over his mouth, getting serious, as his Scizor seemed to steel itself for an impact... And then shot up quickly like a drill and then returned to normal as it slammed downwards with a Bullet Punch toward the Carvahna.

    "Come on and slam..." Alistair said, as the Scizor whirled and used X-Scissor on the Carvahna right after that.

    "And welcome to the jam."

    "Van, Aqua Jet, now!" Unable to dodge the Bullet Punch, Van took the Steel-type hit like a champ, her Water typing helping her resist the hit. Propelling herself forward between the Scizor's legs on a lightning-fast jet of water, she dodged the X-Scissor by inches, spinning around and repeating the attack directly now that her target was off-balance and facing away from her.

  11. -==IC: Amelia==-

    "One, you're a mysterious guy in a dark cloak roaming the alleys by night. Not the most trustworthy modus operandi. Two, you apparently sneak up on and tackle women for unknown, possibly nefarious purposes. Don't think I need to go further. Three..." Amelia's lips curled into a savage grin. "You were too stupid to run. Bite!"


    The grin did a good job of hiding it, but Amelia was unnerved. The embrace, however brief, followed by the rush of danger had sparked something in her subconscious...and somehow she knew that when she figured out whatever it was, she wouldn't like it.

  12. -==IC: ?? - Ellen Time, Lilycove City==-


    The man in the blue cloak looked at the girl oddly, and waved his hand in front of her face, to no reaction. Standing up, he shrugged, and began to walk away, however, paused, and began to walk back. However, as he did so, he accidentally tripped over his own feet, and then fell right on top of her by accident.

    -==IC: Amelia Zann==-

    In her sleep, Amelia felt the impact of something heavy and warm against her body. It wasn't entirely unpleasant--for the split second before her combat reflexes kicked in.


    Jabbing her knee upward rapidly, she immediately reversed the motion, launching herself into the air. A moment later, she was suspended from the brick wall several feet above the man by a shuko climbing claw. The other held a Dive Ball with a deep red band painted around its center, the device pointed straight at the man as it released its occupant. A moment later, a bright-green-and-aqua Carvanha sat on the pavement, snapping its jaws harshly at the blue-cloaked figure.


    "Got a good reason Van here shouldn't tear you in half, stranger? 'Cause I've got at least three why he should."

  13. -==IC: Adam (Eterna City)==-

    In the City of Living History, a lone blue Pokémon wandered the abandoned streets. Though the city had escaped major devastation from the attack that felled Nova just north of the city, the panic the base's destruction had caused had prompted the local authorities to instruct the residents to remain in their homes for safety's sake. The enforcement of the curfew, however, was light, as the superstitions amongst Eterna's populace ran rampant even amongst the city's law enforcement, resulting in nearly the entire force being too busy looking over their shoulders for monsters from childhood fairy tales to properly perform their duties. The end result was a seemingly empty city, virtually unguarded, through which visitors and Pokémon could freely wander unimpeded.


    As the Pokémon wandered, she saw a flash of pink light atop the hill ensconsing the city's famous monument. With a chirp of meddlesome inquiry, Pippi raced forward to investigate.



    -==IC: Amanda==-

    Amanda frowned as the events unfolded around her. Nodding to Jupiter, she looked back at the girl who'd had such an odd response to her arrival. "Amanda Zarth. We should talk later."


    Recalling her Magnezone, she took Jupiter's hand. "Elgyem, we're taking Admin Jupiter home, on my mark." Switching her Pokéballs for her C-Gear, noting the time before repeating the gesture that had brought her there.


    A flash of pink light later, and they were gone.


    ---Eterna City, Sinnoh---

    The two materialized atop a hill, the statue of a combined forme of Palkia and Dialga looming large over them. "Eterna City," she stated, releasing the other woman's hand. She returned her C-Gear to its pocket, swapping it this time for a Pokéball and a business card. Transferring the Pokéball to her other hand, she offers the card to Jupiter. "If you'd like transport elsewhere, my Elgyem will require only a brief rest before it is ready for further transit. Otherwise, we hope you will call on us again if you pick up any additional intelligence on the force that destroyed Nova." Though it features the Plasma Agent's name and C-Gear number, it is otherwise a generic Team Plasma card, with contact info for the general communications hub printed in smaller typeface beneath her own.

  14. -==Amanda==-

    "'That girl'?" She queried. Amanda considered the locations she'd likely have encountered her fellow Plasma agent. "From when I worked as assistant manager of the rapid transportation division, perhaps?" Normally, her response would be one of disapproval towards the agent's unprofessional behavior, but something ticked at her. There is more to this than just that.


    My focus is too divided. I must take steps to ensure success of the mission. She clicked the button on a Pokéball, an enormous Magnezone emerging forth in a swirl of energy before hovering several feet above the ground with Magnet Rise. "Cover us," she commanded, and the Pokémon complied, preparing to Lock On to the first hostile to approach them and discourage them with a powerful Flash Cannon.


    -==Alex (Didi)==-

    The miniscule Dedenne perked up at Lucia's mention of her name and chirruped, apparently counting the woman as familiar enough to be trustworthy even if she couldn't completely remember her. She skittered within reach of the Rocket agent and chirruped again, seemingly expecting to be picked up.

  15. -==IC: Adam Zynthic==-

    Adam leaned against a tree, basking in the shafts of light that broke through the canopy of the Eterna Forest. Nearby, Wiggy grazed peacefully, a flock of Murkrow taking off and landing near and on him and occasionally grabbing berries from the tree on his back. Eterna...it's been a long time since I've been here. Last time I passed this way, Garrison had come out to see me off. Wonder if he still throws those parties? Adam sighed. Feels like an eternity ago. Heck, it was. He looked up to the treetops, a pair of Slakoth lounging casually in the branches as he reminisced. I shouldn't have left. I belonged here. I could've stayed. Moved into the Chateau--bet it's still empty even now--let the war pass me by. But I could have been here. I'm so tired--tired of being alone. Of being betrayed. That's one thing Galactic never did to me, even in the worst of times. Maybe...maybe I'll join, next time they ask. Settle down with them. For a while, anyway. Like I should have all those years ago.


    A loud cawing roused him from his thoughts. It seemed two of the Murkrow had gotten into a tussle over one of Wiggy's berries, and their battle had roused the whole flock into a fury. Without missing a beat, Adam threw out a Pokéball, releasing the Piplup inside. "Pippi, Icy Wind."


    The Piplup nodded, flapping her wings as she released a beam of icy snow from her beak. The chill wind rattled the flock, driving all of them away--save one. Adam readied Wiggy's Pokéball--the Grass-type would not fare well in a fight against the Flying-type.


    The Murkrow narrowed its eyes and fixated on Wiggy. Letting out a loud caw, it wheeled before Adam could react, its eyes beginning to glow brightly as it released a ring of dark energy in a Mean Look at the Grotle.


    Pippi wasn't about to let that happen, however. She dove into the way of the attack, the Mean Look dissipating harmlessly as she stared down her opponent with what could almost be described as a smirk. The Piplup unleashed another Icy Wind at her Dark- and Flying-type opponent, the attack doing serious damage and limiting the Murkrow's mobility as it froze feathers together.


    Adam frowned as he--with some reluctance--retreated Wiggy. Did the purple bird seem...familiar somehow? He quickly found himself distracted from his line of thought as the fight continued. The Murkrow cawed with rage, directing its Torment at Pippi. Adam couldn't understand what the bird Pokémon was saying, but it didn't matter--he knew Pippi, and he knew the prideful water-bird wouldn't take the provocation well.


    Sure enough, when the enraged Pippi tried to repeat her attack, it fizzled, leaving her wide open to the Murkrow's retaliatory attack, a spinning Drill Peck that threw her across the clearing. Seeing Pippi nearly downed and preparing to launch another futile attack, Adam called out a new order. "No, Pippi--use Aqua Ring instead, follow up with Peck!" After a moment's hesitation, the water-bird complied, surrounding herself in a revitalizing veil of water. And just in time--the Murkrow's repeated attack would have defeated her had it not been for the momentary healing...but this time, Pippi was ready, and her retaliatory Peck left the dark bird screeching in pain. Curiously, it threw Adam an almost betrayed glance. Why? the Trainer wondered.


    Sensing the Pokémon was weakened, Adam went for a Pokéball, before remembering he had none--he'd given them up for his journeys outside Sinnoh, and hadn't thought to buy more since his return. Shame--I feel like I ought to know this creature...well, no sense crying over spilled Moomoo Milk. Instead, he ensured the opposing Pokémon would no longer be a threat to his own. "Now--finish it! Icy Wind!" As the purple Murkrow swooped over for a final attack, Pippi unleashed her icy fury, blowing the airborne bird against the upper branches of a tree and icing its wings to the trunk. The Pokémon slumped, overcome by the force of the attack.


    "It's over," Adam stated, relieved. He quickly released Wiggy, unwilling to keep his companion confined for too long. The great grass-beast rumbled its thanks to its Trainer and fellow Pokémon. Returning his attention to the fainted Murkrow above, Adam saw it open its eyes, studying him carefully, with reproach in its gaze. Shaking free of the ice on its wings, it took flight, using Tailwind to avail its escape. Pippi made to pursue, but Adam held her back with a gesture. "No," he said, "we're done." Sitting down on Wiggy's back in a huff, the Piplup grudgingly began to preen its feathers, though it was mostly a show for others' benefit--her own Trainer knew her too well to be fooled by her act. She was proud of her performance, and he knew it. "Good job, Pippi. Come on, Wiggy--let's get moving." Together, Pokémon and Trainer walked out of the forest.


    -==IC: Amanda==-

    Amanda sensed someone looking at her, and glanced over to her fellow Plasma agent. Odd--I've seen her before. Have we met? She filed the information away for later analysis--right now she needed her wits about her, in case Jupiter kept stalling and this situation deteriorated any further.


    -==IC: Amelia==-

    Amelia was asleep. All in all, this was not surprising, given the darkness of the alley and the lateness of the hour, but what was surprising was that, for once, she was alone, undefended, all her Pokémon either wandering elsewhere or retreated.


    -==IC: Alex (Didi)==-

    At Lucia's look, the little mouse squeaked with surprise and fell back onto her hindside. At the woman's look of seeming recognition, however, the Dedenne tilted her head curiously and sniffed the ear. Heedless of her master's state of helpless worry outside, she crept towards the woman, sniffing furiously as if it would somehow reveal Lucia's identity or her inner thoughts.

  16. -==IC: Alex Zyther==-


    [The Fourth]

    Outside the Celadon City Department Store, Alex Zyther was in trouble.


    The Blissey he leaned on crooned with motherly concern, but there was nothing she--nor either of his other Pokémon--could do about his condition, especially with the department store evacuated and a team of Rocket agents inside.


    Alex slipped a little, his Blissey catching him as his Eevee weaved unhelpfully between his legs, an innocent but unfortunately counterproductive way of trying to help. At least Didi is being smart enough not to zap me today, he considered a bit mournfully.


    Alex looked up suddenly. Where was the Dedenne?


    "Didi? Di-di..."


    Unfortunately, the call was lost amongst the general hubbub of the other patrons kept outside by the police. He was in a bind--even if he was physically capable of climbing over the barrier (which he wasn't), he would be hard-pressed (literally) to escape the pressure of the crowd currently pushing him up against said barrier, not to mention his complete unwillingness and inability to defy the officers of the law dutifully watching the disturbed patrons. Of course, the fact of the matter was that without his crutches, he wasn't going anywhere--even Blissey outright carrying him would quickly become unbearable, on both him and his Pokémon. You know that, Didi, so why'd you run off? He decided to try calling out again.


    "Excuse me...officer? Hello?"


    As before, his voice was lost amongst the crowd, and he was in no position to start waving his arms to attract attention. Didi...whatever you're doing, be careful. I'd hate to see you caught up in trouble...




    Inside the Celadon City Department store, a minute Pokémon scampered cautiously across the floor. She was clearly searching for something, but anyone watching would be hard-pressed to tell what. And anyone in the room would be watching--the Dedenne's bright glow made her instantly obvious to pretty much anyone with eyes in the darkened space. It was only thanks to the officers' distraction and the brightness of the outside that she'd been able to sneak in; she'd have to rely on luck that they wouldn't check in while she was still conducting her search.


    A quiet murmuring ahead of her, followed by a crash, attracted her attention. Momentarily forgetting her mission, she pranced forward to investigate.


    "...stick together, after all, they could be so stron-" One of the voices began to chuckle. "Still can't say that without laughing."


    The Dedenne was now sitting at the end of the hall, unaware in its curiosity that it would be fully visible if any of the four Team Rocket operatives decided to look behind them.

  17. -==IC: Amelia==-

    Amelia awoke from her nap just in time to hear a pair of high-pitched voices coming from outside her alleyway. Too lazy to get up and look, she closed her eyes and listened.


    "..eyes met, we have to battle!"


    "W-well...I gue--"


    "Go! Kirlia!"


    "Uh...you know what to do, Kadabra."


    What a boring fight, Amelia complained to herself. Well, they're psychic types, so at least I won't have to listen to their whiny voices calling out--


    "Kirlia! Use Confusion!"


    "Kadabra...Psybeam attack."


    ...I stand corrected. In truth, she lay slumped bonelessly against the wall, but the fact remained: she was annoyed. Raising two fingers to her mouth, she gave a high-pitched whistle, calling Sina back from wherever she was wandering.


    "Hey, what the--"


    "What's going on?"


    Amelia smirked. Stupid kids. Then she frowned. Stupid, showoff Sneasel. Now they're gonna--


    "Hey lady!"


    Sure enough, one of the kids--about twelve, by the looks of him--had led his buddy and their Pokémon to follow Sina into the alley. Sina...!


    "Excuse me, miss..--"


    "Lady, tell your stupid kid to stay out of Pokémon battles before he--hey, that's not a kid, it's--!"


    Before the boy could continue further, he was interrupted by the sound of a Larvitar coming out of its Pokéball. Amelia smirked.


    "Harvey, Stealth Rock."


    As soon as the kids had been blasted back by the spikes of stone, she returned the little reptile to its Pokéball, casually tossing it in the air a couple times before resuming her slothful pose.

  18. I got a question for everyone. I have an Espeon with this moveset:



    Shadow Ball

    Dazzling Gleam

    Hidden Power Dragon


    Do you guys think that Dazzling Gleam makes Hidden Power Dragon redundant, seeing as Dazzling Gleam is super effective against 3 types and HP Dragon against only one that DG covers anyways?

    Solution: Join Rise of the Rockets and have six move slots available. :P


    In seriousness (well, I AM serious about joining RotR, but I digress), I'd say definitely replace HP Dragon, just be sure to pick a new HP type that'll cover what Dazzling Gleam won't. ;)

  19. -==IC: Amelia Zann==--

    Sina sniffed the air, then looked up, scampering back to her lazing Trainer. "Snee," it whined, nudging Amelia away from her daydreams.


    "Sina? What is it, girl?"


    A tall figure stepped into the alleyway, his identity obscured by the harsh angle of sunlight. "Excuse me."


    "Hm?" Amelia jumped to her feet, hand hovering innocently near her pocket, where her other Pokéballs resided. "Something you wanted?"


    "Huh? Oh. Well, no. Yes, actually. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you, but since you're here--we're looking for people and Pokémon to help building the new seaport facility. If you're interested...?"


    "No thanks." Amelia sat back down and leaned against the wall, crossing her arms behind her head.




    "I said no thanks."


    Sina joined the man in giving Amelia a strange look. "But...why not?" the man asked.


    Amelia gave him a contemptuous look. "Look. You want someone to sneak around, find stuff that's not supposed to be found, I'm your girl. You want secrets? I know plenty. But boring stuff? That's beneath me. I leave that to boring people."


    The man clenched his fists and growled, but Sina responded by spreading her razor-sharp claws. Thinking better of tangling with the Sneasel--particularly such a strange-looking one--and not wanting to tire his own Pokémon, he stormed off in a huff.


    Sina shot Ameila a withering look. "What?" Amelia replied. "It's the truth." The Sneasel shook its head and went back to rummaging.


    OOC: Open for interaction, by the way, if that wasn't clear--if you can stand her. :P

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