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toa newnia

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Posts posted by toa newnia

  1. IC: MezraMezra wandered to the next table in the bar, looking to recruit beings for the Nui Bank. "Would you like to...." His voice trailed off as he noticed the fight that was erupting between the Toa of Magnetism and the Plasma Matoran. Why don't I see what I can do, thought Mezra. "What seems to be the problem here, folks?" he asked to the assembled beings, even as he dodged the backswing from the Matoran's strike.IC: WhentenuaWhentenua was getting nervous. His charge hadn't come out of the bar yet, and it had been over an hour. He activated his infrared vision. He saw a grim sight. Mezra was facing down a Matoran, Toa, and an assembly of other beings. Sometimes Mezra isn't very smart, he thought to himself. "Come on, Kryza. We're going to pull our employer out of a tight situation - that he's made for himself." The two stepped inside.

  2. IC: ShazructorShazructor walked into the middle of the Koro. If this is what Mezra wants me to do, I guess I'll do it. He affixed the carving which he had been carrying onto a tree in the center of the busiest area. It read:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CALLING ALL BEINGS!TIRED OF GETTING YOUR WIDGETS STOLEN?WOULD YOU LIKE TO STOP HAVING TO CARRY AROUND SO MANY PIECES OF STONE ALL THE TIME?The Nui Bank, a public service devoted to helping every being, is now opening! You can deposit any number of widgets in this bank! You will receive a carving of how many widgets are in your account, and it can then be given to any representative of the Nui Bank. The rep will give you the amount of widgets that you request, and then update your tablet. It's an easy way to keep your widgets safe from bandits. PLUS:For every 100 widgets you deposit, we'll give you a FREE widget! For 200 widgets deposited, you'll get 2 widgets! And it doubles each time, so...When you deposit 300 widgets, you'll get 4 free!THE NUI BANK IS ALSO HIRING NOW! IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WORKING FOR THIS EXCELLENT PUBLIC SERVICE, CONTACT SHAZRUCTOR.The Nui Bank requires a one-time fee of 20 widgets to use.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shazructor wondered who would reply...

  3. IC: MezraSure, why not, he thought. I'll take the plunge and go in the inn. But first...Mezra walked for a few minutes, then came to a place where two powerful beings waited. One was a Toa of Ice, the other a Skakdi with bright green armor. "Back me up, you two. I'm going into an inn to see if we can find any criminals who want to rob us. Or maybe even a being who wants to join! Anyway, if anyone in there tries to get me...you know what to do."Satisfied, Mezra walked back towards the Koro, tablet in hand. About 50 feet behind him, two tall beings followed.Mezra walked boldly up to the inn doors and opened them. He stepped inside, and went to the first table. There were three beings there, one a Skakdi, who seemed beautiful and terrifying all at once. "Would you like to join the Nui Bank?" he asked them, holding up the tablet.

  4. IC: MezraMezra saw the Matoran and Skakdi turn the corner, after they had declined to join. He reflected on the missed opportunity to hire those two as guards. Ah well, he thought. There are always more. Besides, with Kryza and Wentenua stationed right near here, I don't think the bank is in much danger from bandits.Mezra continued to walk up and down, showing the tablet to everyone that passed. "Join the Nui Bank today!" he cried.

  5. OOC: Mezra's actually a matoran, but it's ok, it was my fault since I didn't give the link to my character. We'll let it slide.IC: MezraMezra noticed the Matoran and Skakdi of Iron walking towards him. He wasn't about to pass up a business opportunity. "Hello, friends!" he called. "Would you like to join the Nui Bank? Read all about the benefits on this tablet!" He thrust a tablet at Pantak.

  6. OOC: In Ta-Koro...IC: MezraFinally! I'm done carving that annoying sign. Now I just have to do it 5 more times...Mezra stood back to admire his work. There was now a carving in the center of Ta-Koro which read:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CALLING ALL BEINGS!TIRED OF GETTING YOUR WIDGETS STOLEN?WOULD YOU LIKE TO STOP HAVING TO CARRY AROUND SO MANY PIECES OF STONE ALL THE TIME?The Nui Bank, a public service devoted to helping every being, is now opening! You can deposit any number of widgets in this bank! You will receive a carving of how many widgets are in your account, and it can then be given to any representative of the Nui Bank. The rep will give you the amount of widgets that you request, and then update your tablet. It's an easy way to keep your widgets safe from bandits. PLUS:For every 100 widgets you deposit, we'll give you a FREE widget! For 200 widgets deposited, you'll get 2 widgets! And it doubles each time, so...When you deposit 300 widgets, you'll get 4 free!THE NUI BANK IS ALSO HIRING NOW! IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WORKING FOR THIS EXCELLENT PUBLIC SERVICE, CONTACT MEZRA.The Nui Bank requires a one-time fee of 20 widgets to use.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mezra wondered who would reply...

  7. Name: MezraSpecies: Ta-MatoranAlignment: Chaotic Neutral/ Chaotic Evil (He goes back and forth. Sometimes he tries to mislead matoran and toa, other times he merely manipulates for his own benefit. Either way, he is always looking for how, with a few words here and a bit of information leaked there, he can disrupt a complex system.) Mask: Powerless Kanohi IdenGender: MaleAppearance: Mezra's armor is red, as per being a Ta-Matoran. He is somewhat small and weak compared to most matoran.Weapons: Mezra uses no physical weapons of any kind, but he uses his vast intellect to manipulate and sway foes to his cause.Possessions: Mezra has quite a few widgets, which he has gathered from various swindles and the like. He also has a number of carvings that show him to be an official representative of the Nui Bank. More about the Nui Bank later in this post.Powers: Mezra has the natural Ta-Matoran resistance to heat. However, as mentioned in the biography, he has the ability to convince others that certain evil acts might not be so evil. For instance, he can convince a Toa to take a low-importance artifact out of a Suva and give it to him. He also has a mental shield that negates any mental attacks.Traits: As said before, Mezra is extremely smart and cunning. This enables him to deceive many beings into thinking that he is still a regular Ta-Matoran. He acts like one, talks like one, and throws himself into danger like one. Almost no one knows that he has the bit of shadow in his mind, with the exception of one being in each Koro and one in the Kumu islets. These are the other representatives of the Nui Bank. (They are my other characters who will be created soon. Or if anyone is interested they can ask to be one.) Mezra can appear to be in pretty much any mood, no matter what he is really feeling. He occasionally gets overconfident in his grand schemes to take over everything. He is very weak physically however.Biography: Mezra used to be a regular Ta-Matoran. Then an encounter with a mad Vortixx who had a piece of equipment that was imbued with shadow changed him. He gained no physical shadow powers, but his mind was altered forever, giving him increased mental faculties and the ability to convince people to do slightly evil acts, as mentioned above.Weaknesses: Mezra is weak to any kind of physical attack.NUI BANK: (I can remove this if you reject it, mods...but I think that it would add a cool new element to the BZRPG. You know, people get a job, they raid the bank, there's a forgery racket, and so on...)The Nui Bank is Mezra's personal creation, funded out of pocket. It functions like a real-world bank for all intents and purposes, but the only form of currency accepted is Widgets. The Nui Bank has the following traits/aspects:- You can withdraw Widgets from any representative of the bank, providing that you have a carving with authorization- For every 100 Widgets stored, the bank will give them an extra widget. This doubles for every 100 widgets you put in. For example, putting in 200 will give an extra 2. 300 will give you an extra 4.- Beings may apply to be workers for the Nui Bank. More on this if someone asks about it.- The Nui Bank does not have a central location. Withdraws are done by asking a rep, as said above. Most of the widgets that are deposited into it are placed in a safe house located in Ta-Koro. As the bank grows, there may be a central location.- Robberies:The safe house isn't too easy to find, but a dedicated robber should be able to locate it by asking around. (Anyone who has been approached by one of the reps and seemed interested will probably know something about this, go ahead and be creative guys! I'm not gonna be too picky. Also there is always the option of kidnapping a rep and what not...do whatever you can to find the safe house! Think up anything that you think would work, I'm not gonna GM.)Reps are not invincible, obviously, and could be robbed while on their way back to a safe house.-The safe house:It looks like a mud hut from the outside. Inside, it looks like one too. Except if one walks in the fireplace, which opens a panel in the wall which leads to a staircase. In the staircase, there are pressure plates that detect if a being is going down. If the being does not press a hidden pressure plate in the wall within 10 seconds after the floor ones have been triggered, an alarm bell will sound inside the vault room. At the bottom of the stairs, there is a protosteel door that is locked with a magnetic generator which is on the other side. Past the door, there are 4 rows of high-security vaults which are locked with bar locks. The rows have 8 vaults each. They can be unlocked with a lot of brute force, pressing the corresponding pressure plate on the unlocking panel which is behind 4 foot thick stone walls, or smashing the power generator that runs everything. There is a thermal vision camera in the center of the room that rotates 90 degrees every second. All the security systems are powered by a power generator which is located in one of the vaults. The place is kept by two Vortixx technicians. (Two of my characters who will be made shortly.)-The bank's true natureThe Nui Bank is truly a place to store illegal items of any and all kind. No questions are ever asked. The items(s) in question can be withdrawn by coming to the safe house, the location of which is told to anyone who deposits such an item in the bank. The fact that the bank provides this service is not widely known, and only advertised in some of the bars in the Kumu Islets, and even then only by word of mouth.The bank also gets items for people. It then holds them for the client until the proper payment is made. This is also only advertised by word of mouth and in the Islets.- Other updates as people want them.Name: KryzaSpecies: ToaAlignment: Chaotic evilMask: Kanohi MatatuGender: MaleAppearance: Kryza has white and silver armor. He is more muscular than the average Ice Toa, but appears to be somewhat dim-witted.Weapons: Kryza carries an Ice sword that looks big, ugly, brutal, and unrefined. It's meant to be more of a weapon than a work of art. He also has a knife in case the fighting gets up close and personal, although it rarely does with him.Possessions: Kryza has tablets that show him to be an official representative of the Nui Bank.Powers: Kryza, like all other Toa of Ice, can control the element of ice. He uses it in a more brutal fashion than other Ice Toa might, however. For example, if there were a wall, Kryza would probably pummel it until it fell down rather than make a bridge to go over it.Traits: Kryza is strong and tends to think with that strength as well. This is very different than most Ko-Matoran and other Ice Toa, but for some reason it is how Kryza works. Kryza does whatever he wants, and mostly it doesn't bother people.Biography: Kryza started out as a by-the-book Toa, but soon realized that the Toa Code was too restrictive for his liking. He became a mercenary for a few years, then found Mezra. He was recruited by Mezra and began working for the Nui Bank, as a security guard. But why Kryza would accept a bank security job after having freedom as a mercenary is a mystery.Weaknesses: Kryza's mind is weak to mental attacks, and he is terrible at thinking his way out of challenges.Name: ShazructorSpecies: SkakdiAlignment: Chaotic NeutralGender: MaleAppearance: Shazructor has grey leg and arm armor and a black chestplate and faceplate. He is definitely one of the more muscular Skakdi around, as well as taller than the average one.Weapons: Shazructor carries a Nynrah Ghost Blaster. It was made secondhand, and as a result is quite inaccurate. He also doesn't have very much ammo for it. But it still is just as effective as a regular one if it hits. He also uses protosteel knuckles in order to make his blows harder.Possessions: Shazructor carries tablets that show him to be a representative of the Nui Bank.Powers: Shazructor can use the elemental power of gravity when combined with another willing Skakdi's elemental power. He has the power of telescopic vision.Traits: Shazructor is here for one thing only: killing other beings. He is extremely cold and more than willing to use lethal force even when unnecessary. He is not the brightest, but not the dumbest.Biography: Shazructor was trained from a young age to hate all living things, and not to hesitate to kill. He found all manner of mercenary jobs, and currently works with Mezra. His basis for working with him is that he is allowed to terminate any bandits or robbers.Weaknesses: Shazructor is weak to elemental powers of almost any kind, the exception being gravity.Name: WhentenuaSpecies: SkakdiAlignment: Willful GoodGender: MaleAppearance: Whentenua has bright green leg and chest armor. His mask and arm plates are darker green. He always has a vine or two wrapped around him. He looks somewhat unthreatening and appears relaxed almost all the time.Weapons: Whentenua carries a staff made of wood that has been infused with The Green.Possessions: Whentenua carries tablets that show him to be an official representative of the Nui Bank. Ha also has a number of carvings that are fragments of his home fortress.Powers: Whentenua can use the power of The Green when paired with another willing Skakdi. He also has the power of Infrared vision.Traits: Whentenua is gentle and kind when calm. He seems like an old sage. But when he gets angry, he unleashes his full force without hesitation. He is also smart and wise.Biography: Whentenua was raised in one of the southern islands in his home tribe. It was attacked by the Visorak Horde, and completely wiped out - except for him. He made his way through the world until arriving on Mata Nui. There, he found Mezra and helped to found the Nui Bank. He believes that by helping this public service, he will be at peace. He is the only one in Mezra's company who does not know that Mezra has the bit of shadow in his mind.Weaknesses: Whentenua has trouble acting tactically, and might not do the best thing in a situation if there is an easier way to do it instead.Name: CevnixSpecies: VortixxAlignment: NeutralGender: FemaleAppearance: Cevnix has jet-black armor with circuits all over it. Her armor is always sparking and flashing, making it somewhat hard for her to sneak up on anyone.Weapons: Cevnix uses a small dagger as her only weapon.Possessions: Cevnix carries tablets that show her to be an official representative of the Nui Bank. She also has a thermal vision camera which is currently mounted in the Nui Bank's safe house, and a magnetic field generator, also in use at the Nui Bank.Powers: NoneTraits: Cevnix is an elderly inventor, and acts like it. She is very pragimatic and mysterious, never showing others how her complex machines work. She is somewhat cold, and easily annoyed when others don't understand something that she's explaining.Biography: Cevnix was raised on the island of Xia, where she learned all about the inventor's trade. She then made a decent bit of widgets by selling her inventions, and voyaged to Mata Nui to start a buisness there. It was not successful however, and so Cevnix became a thief for a few decades. Then she met Mezra and helped him create the Nui Bank's safe house. She continues to happily work for him.

  8. I lost my Hahli Mahri's arm, Carapar's arm, one of Hydraxon's arm things, my Ackar AND my Skrall :(And also, when I made Jovan from hahli/nuparu/hewkii, Hewkii's little ball thing for his head never reappeared.

  9. I enjoy it very much, however, I can't seem to defeat zaktan.
    ;) Try leveling to 50 first, using the powerful ice launcher and some other powerful ion launcher, put a ton of points into technique and then - oh god, I really have played too much of this game haven't I :P
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