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Blog Entries posted by Light

  1. Light
    I'm here in line right now! XD
    Just look for the guy wearing a red, Polish baseball cap.
    (if anyone says I didn't bring interesting hats...)
    Anyway, hope to see some of y'all!
  2. Light
    (okay, crediting this to Princess Grrr)
    After a year of dodging every blog war by hiding...
    I'm confessing something. In terms of most things, I'm... Well, acceptable to nearly everyone.
    Before I start this off, I need to make something clear.
    I'm a conservative Christian.
    Don't think of industrial magnates or high and mighty evangelists. I'm a fifteen year old guy with his own internal demons, who struggles to cling to love and deal with depression.
    My references to the Kaithesean Demon? That's who I'm terrified of becoming.
    That said, I've managed to survive for years without annoying anyone politically. Because I believe that my beliefs are mine, yours are yours, and slamming mine in your face isn't going to do anyone any good.
    I love you. I love each and every one of you. It doesn't matter. You may annoy me from time to time, but I don't want anything to happen to you. Anything. You may not believe me, but I do. Cruelty is not a part of me.
    Princess, how to say this...
    It doesn't matter what I believe, if I think you're in the right.
    You're doing something incredibly, incredibly good. You're standing up for who you are, and what you believe.
    You're far stronger than I am.
    I salute you.
  3. Light
    My sister owns a mermaid fin for swimming in.
    So she was swimming around in this public pool the other day, and this adorable little girl runs up to me. Couldn't have been more than four or five.
    Our conversation:
    Her: Did you see the mermaid? Did you see the mermaid?
    Me: Yes, actually. She's my sister.
    Her: Really?!?
    Me: Yes. I was born without a tail, unfortunately.
    Then she gave me this look and walked off.
  4. Light
    A thousand people in the street
    Singing songs and carrying signs
    Mostly say, 'Hooray for our side'
    -For What It's Worth, Buffalo Springfield.
    ^This is truth.
    I... I don't really have a cause or a group. I mean, I have allies. People I respect. But... I'm not a member of a political party. And I'm tired. Tired of people assuming that I'm fully one way because I believe part of it.
    Which is why I'm an ether ghost. I keep my mouth shut and head down.
    It took a friend of mine on Skype two months to figure out my political philosophy. And I had to tell him.
  5. Light
    I hate the word loot.
    A full list of what I got:
    Nexus 5 as a combination birthday-Christmas. (Yes, my birthday is in July, no, this doesn't have sanity)
    Google Play gift cards.
    Packing peanuts. My cousin packed a gift card in peanuts.
    The pun war has begun.
    A ton of wrapping paper (my other cousin has way too much time on her hands and decided to wrap my gift card in like fifteen different layers, all different patterns).
    A hundred dollars worth of guitar lessons.
    A trip to Great Wolf.
    Phone case.
    Doctor Who socks.
    And, finally, a harmonica. I don't know what seized my aunt to get me a harmonica of all things, but I like it.
    My family on the other hand...
    There's only so many times one can hear a horrendous first line of Let It Be without wanting to kill the harmonica player.
  6. Light
    Instead of talking about why I'm not in the best mood today, let's play a game.
    Here's the idea: I start with a line that somehow makes sense but is at the same time nonsensical, like my current status: "Unfortunately, I noted as I stared at the red and white striped banana on my coffee table, it most likely would not taste like a candy cane."
    Then the first commenter posts something that's a continuation, such as "Nevertheless, I picked up the colorful object and peeled it, biting into it gingerly."
    And the second would say something like "I was right. It tasted like a banana."
    Comprendé? Okay, good. Proper grammar would be incredibly nice, and keep it a little wacky. I'll start off:
    "Margaret," I said as I entered the room, "Turtlenecks made from green lace are not proper business attire."
  7. Light
    Ooh, and this is educational too. There's a theory which states that anything can be connected with six steps. For example, soldiers and teddy bears.
    Soldiers make me think of guns which makes me think of hunting which makes me think of woodland creatures which makes me think of bears which makes me think of teddy bears. That's five steps, but the point stands.
    So here's how this game is gonna go. I'll start off one, then the second person tries to link what I give and posts two random objects of their own, and so on and so forth.
    So, to begin. Commas and planets. Go, amigos.
  8. Light
    Oh, this is gonna be fun.
    So, with the start of the new term I have Spanish 3 and English 2. I can't understand the first and my dad is doing his best to rectify that but... An extra hour and a half of homework every night is killing me. That, among other reasons is why I'm not as active. Yay.
    On a personal level, I've fallen for a girl who's just amazing. I mean, she's pretty and smart and... This is the first person outside of my family who I can really talk to, and to be honest... I've said stuff to her I've never told even my dad. The problem is that I'm trapped in that area of not knowing if she thinks of me as a really good friend or would like to be something more... I really should stop fiddling with this relationship stuff.
    I'm in the middle of wanting to beat the living stupid out of some people we know but my inhibitions won't let me, so that's always fun and frustrating.
    My knee has been giving me trouble this past week. I'll be walking up stairs at school at it'll nearly give out then be fine five minutes later.. I'm only fifteen, this shouldn't happen.
    As for BZP, I've got a lot of stuff I want to finish but am not sure about. Is anyone still interested in the Adventurer's Guide to Mata Nui? I might try it agai if I get the time. I need to rejoin the BZPRPG, actually staff Marvel: Rebirth, finish Twisted.
    Life is fun out here in east Tennessee.
  9. Light
    I'm Nick, by the way. Some of you may know that, others... Well, now you know. And knowing's ____ the ______. (fill in the blanks correctly and you get an imaginary cookie)
    Anyway. Songs on this list will be judged on lyrics, artist (like how well they fit the song) influence, how good they sound to me, and most importantly, how well they can be heard over my home insinkerator. I may not list all of these off, but meh.
    Note that I will not be bashing songs unless I drink an Amp (crazy things happen. Crazy things). So, no worries about me yelling about how not fantastic a song that you personally like is. To each his own.
    Now that the rules are set...
    My first is an awesome song, done by none other than the King himself, Burning Love. The live video for this has the record for the most viewed broadcast by a single entertainer. And I mean, come on. It's Elvis Aaron Presley. In his heyday. This song... Lyrics are pretty great, singer's awesome, sounds amazing to me. One problem.
    Can't be heard over an insinkerator full of sweet potatoes.
    Of course, nothing except death metal on highest volume can be, so meh.
    This is Nick, signing off. I may do more in depth things later, but it's late. Also, it's Burning Love. Listen to it.
  10. Light
    So, I'm back. Fell asleep without doing one of these last night.
    Tonight we have Black Planet by Sisters of Mercy, as requested by Ryuujin/Robert Smith.
    The song reminded me of a book series I read once, about a man-made moon/satellite named Atherton. The name for the Earth in it was "The Dark Planet".
    That didn't help my recall of the song's name, I assure you.
    I'll be getting to the rest of you all's requests tomorrow. Double special again. Tomorrow is final day for name voting too, so get those in.
    This is Nick, signing off.
  11. Light
    So, here I am again.
    Now, don't the rest of you worry, I'll get to your requests soon enough. But tonight, I thought I'd stick with something I know real well.
    Tonight's song is Hey Jude by none other than the Beatles. Paul McCartney's voice blends extremely well with this music, and it's just beautiful. Definitely go with the Beatles version though: without the others, it just doesn't seem right.
    This is Nick, signing off. Phone's about to die. I'll probably edit more in later, as i really didn't do this justice.
  12. Light
    So, an apology/explanation.
    I've gotten a new phone, as my old one's power button jammed. I still haven't ironed out all the wrinkles, so my music app... Well, let's just say it glitched the first time I checked a request. Tomorrow (or today. I hate being up after midnight) I'll have my laptop and I'll check out all those awesome requests. I'm also doing a double special tomorrow to make up for the day I missed, so yay.
    For tonight, we have Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. Rawrmouse suggested it to me twice, once to use as my Mass Effect TBRPG* theme song, and once after my brain dropped it from the list of songs for my blog. So, thanks to her.
    Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised by Radioactive. It's no secret (well, it may be, depending on how long you've known me) that I'm a classic rock/60s/70s/80s kinda guy. I don't mean that other music is bad, just that it doesn't do much for me. Anyway, I digress. This was an exception to that rule, and I thought it fit my RPG rather well. I can't really comment on how good the singer is, just that his voice fits well and the song sounds good. Definitely worth at least one listen.
    Also, I couldn't do this without you guys. Shoutout to Vorex for song #2 (sorry, forgot to say that yesterday). Keep the requests and comments coming.
    *coming to an OTC near you as soon as Spink and Makaru approve it. #shamelessad
  13. Light
    Okay, so tonight's song is Boys Don't Cry by The Cure, requested by Robert Smith (if I remember right, you don't like being called by your old usernames, so... Anyway). I approve of this song. Sounds great, there's a guitar (you don't realize how much that means to me).
    I also need to ask is this. What should my username be next time?
    I'm thinking either "Time" or a singer/musician's name. Thoughts?
  14. Light
    So, tonight is a double special.
    We got The Boys Are Back In Town by Thin Lizzy ( requested by me), and Lonely Boys by the Black Keys, as requested by Flaredrick and Legolover.
    Also, my prospective usernames:
    Tom Jones
    Elvis Presley(2 1/2)
    Mark Knopfler(1)
    Keith Richards(1/2)
    Eric Clapton
    Keith Urban(1)
    Bon Scott(1)
    Bon Jovi(1)
    ? (Open to suggestions, or vote for one of the above)
  15. Light
    So, tonight is I Remember You by Skid Row. Filled out my requests, so I used one of my own.
    Also, updated list for usernames:
    Tom Jones
    Elvis Presley(2 1/2)
    Mark Knopfler(1)
    Keith Richards(1/2)
    Eric Clapton
    Keith Urban(1)
    Bon Scott(1)
    Bon Jovi(1)
  16. Light
    *mimics radio voice*
    So tonight on Music Picks we have D'yer Mak'er by Led Zeppelin.
    I apologize, I've not checked on requests today (spending the day doing housework will do that to you) but I will tomorrow. Keep the requests and username votes coming.
    This is Nick, signing off.
  17. Light
    So, tonight we have Open Your Heart by Crush 40, as requested by JiMing. I didn't realize this, but I did hear (and like) them before. They're responsible for my favorite songs on Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games.
    (feel free to correct me if I got any of that wrong, I'm tired)
    I'll be checking more requests tomorrow. This is Nick, signing off.
  18. Light
    Tomorrow is the beginning of my greatest endeavor.
    Tomorrow, I begin my attempt to pass Spanish 3 H without taking Spanish 2. Fun times.
    Tomorrow, I really hope we have a snow day. XD
  19. Light
    Since, evidently, I control the highest ranked guard in Po Koro, I wanted a show of hands for who has chars.
    And this is a discussion place too.
    Naona (off adventuring)
    Commander Tillian (long story)
  20. Light
    I got my PSAT scores back yesterday. I actually managed to net a 216, which is four points above the qualification number for National Merit Semifinalist.
    I'm a sophomore, so it doesn't count. Bleh. Well, at least I have practice.
  21. Light
    I'm currently trying to finish Twisted, my long-in-development OTCrpg. Before English 2, the crusher of dreams, kicks in. Glorious.
    To those waiting: I'll be a bit longer, but if I can skip out of my profiles it shouldn't take long.
  22. Light
    Okay, this is a serious entry, and while I may make jokes, this is truth.
    In ten days I will be entering the public school system for the second time.
    The first time was in sixth grade, and it lasted for nine weeks, interspersed with spells of crying myself to sleep at night. I'd just lost my mom, been thrown into the school because she was my teacher.
    The only way I held together was with the help of two or three awesome people I met at Alcoa Middle School, and the knowledge that at the end of those nine weeks, I was free.
    I would fall asleep at night, crying and praying over and over to just skip the next weeks or pass through them in a daze.
    Let me be clear: Even if Alcoa was a bad school, I was nearly impossible to bully at that age. Things just flew straight over my head, and I was excessively good at blending in. I got good grades, never really had to work hard.
    I'm not quite sure what I hated so much, but I think it was the knowledge that I wouldn't be doing this if mom was still around. I guess I kinda associated it with her passing, but...
    I'm also really bad at adjusting to systems if I think they're illogical. I used to do my math homework in music because all we did was watch Michael Jackson videos.
    And then I was fussed at. Because I was supposed to be learning something from that.
    So you understand why I'm apprehensive- I don't want to live through that again, especially seeing as I can actually be embarrassed now.
    Any tips? Maryville is a really good high school, one of the best in the state, but I'm still worried.
  23. Light
    Ever felt that fear?
    The fear you'll never be good enough, never be strong enough, never compare-
    That she's just too good for you, just too beautiful, just Up There...
    Longing to know that
    No matter what you can see
    No perceived inadequacy
    You may be able to leap
    Up There.
    Trying not to fall
    Heartbreak below, that rift under you
    Taunting, beckoning
    And you'll be flying, flailing, falling
    Just wondering if this chunk of a song was any good XD
    Comments appreciated.
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