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Blog Entries posted by Light

  1. Light
    So, here I am again.
    Now, don't the rest of you worry, I'll get to your requests soon enough. But tonight, I thought I'd stick with something I know real well.
    Tonight's song is Hey Jude by none other than the Beatles. Paul McCartney's voice blends extremely well with this music, and it's just beautiful. Definitely go with the Beatles version though: without the others, it just doesn't seem right.
    This is Nick, signing off. Phone's about to die. I'll probably edit more in later, as i really didn't do this justice.
  2. Light
    Ever felt that fear?
    The fear you'll never be good enough, never be strong enough, never compare-
    That she's just too good for you, just too beautiful, just Up There...
    Longing to know that
    No matter what you can see
    No perceived inadequacy
    You may be able to leap
    Up There.
    Trying not to fall
    Heartbreak below, that rift under you
    Taunting, beckoning
    And you'll be flying, flailing, falling
    Just wondering if this chunk of a song was any good XD
    Comments appreciated.
  3. Light
    A thousand people in the street
    Singing songs and carrying signs
    Mostly say, 'Hooray for our side'
    -For What It's Worth, Buffalo Springfield.
    ^This is truth.
    I... I don't really have a cause or a group. I mean, I have allies. People I respect. But... I'm not a member of a political party. And I'm tired. Tired of people assuming that I'm fully one way because I believe part of it.
    Which is why I'm an ether ghost. I keep my mouth shut and head down.
    It took a friend of mine on Skype two months to figure out my political philosophy. And I had to tell him.
  4. Light
    So, an apology/explanation.
    I've gotten a new phone, as my old one's power button jammed. I still haven't ironed out all the wrinkles, so my music app... Well, let's just say it glitched the first time I checked a request. Tomorrow (or today. I hate being up after midnight) I'll have my laptop and I'll check out all those awesome requests. I'm also doing a double special tomorrow to make up for the day I missed, so yay.
    For tonight, we have Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. Rawrmouse suggested it to me twice, once to use as my Mass Effect TBRPG* theme song, and once after my brain dropped it from the list of songs for my blog. So, thanks to her.
    Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised by Radioactive. It's no secret (well, it may be, depending on how long you've known me) that I'm a classic rock/60s/70s/80s kinda guy. I don't mean that other music is bad, just that it doesn't do much for me. Anyway, I digress. This was an exception to that rule, and I thought it fit my RPG rather well. I can't really comment on how good the singer is, just that his voice fits well and the song sounds good. Definitely worth at least one listen.
    Also, I couldn't do this without you guys. Shoutout to Vorex for song #2 (sorry, forgot to say that yesterday). Keep the requests and comments coming.
    *coming to an OTC near you as soon as Spink and Makaru approve it. #shamelessad
  5. Light
    I hate the word loot.
    A full list of what I got:
    Nexus 5 as a combination birthday-Christmas. (Yes, my birthday is in July, no, this doesn't have sanity)
    Google Play gift cards.
    Packing peanuts. My cousin packed a gift card in peanuts.
    The pun war has begun.
    A ton of wrapping paper (my other cousin has way too much time on her hands and decided to wrap my gift card in like fifteen different layers, all different patterns).
    A hundred dollars worth of guitar lessons.
    A trip to Great Wolf.
    Phone case.
    Doctor Who socks.
    And, finally, a harmonica. I don't know what seized my aunt to get me a harmonica of all things, but I like it.
    My family on the other hand...
    There's only so many times one can hear a horrendous first line of Let It Be without wanting to kill the harmonica player.
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