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Highly Suspicious Person

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Posts posted by Highly Suspicious Person

  1. IC: Akree


    After an awkward silence that lasted far too long, Akree saw Prei make a slightly confused face at somebody nearby. The Skakdi turned to see a toa staring at the sun, and called out "You probably shouldn't be looking at the sun like that. It cooks your eyes if you do it too much."

  2. IC: Prei

    IC: Akree, Po-Koro

    After spending at least a month in the Po-Koro Sentinels, it suddenly dawned on Akree that he barely knew any of his fellow guards. He decided that the best way to rectify this would be to approach the first other Sentinel he saw and say hello.

    The first one he spotted was that purple toa who hung around the doughnut shop a lot. Akree walked over as casually as possible and began "Uh... Hi. You're that guy who likes doughnuts, right?"

  3. IC: Akree (Po-Koro)


    Akree walked through the Koro. Wait, that's not right. Akree patrolled through the Koro. Much better. The skakdi had noticed that he was acting much more like a real Sentinel now, and if the dirty looks were anything to go by, the citizens of Po-Koro had noticed too.


    He didn't understand the newfound hatred of the Sentinels. There had always been bad eggs among the guard, and Akree's orders had changed little. He wondered if the people were really that easily manipulated. "They must have noticed that they're just being played" he thought to himself. "I mean, they couldn't possibly be that stupid, right?"


    OOC: Open for interaction

  4. 'Tis I, DoctorCouch. I'm back again, hopefully for more than a week this time.


    Could anybody give me a rundown on recent important events in the RPG? Knowing what's going on might help me get back into it now that my IRL problems are mostly taken care of.



    And as an aside, I also wish you the best of luck recovering, Shadowhawk.

  5. IC: Cimond


    Ah. It looks like they finally got through. Cimond got up from the vantage point he'd been lying on since the start of the battle and started towards the gates. Honestly, he was starting to have second thoughts. The battle was still raging, and he doubted he could survive long if somebody from either side took a dislike to him. No, stop being so pessimistic. Just reach the koro, gather up the rest of your things, and maybe help some civilians escape. He doubted that people would trust him, but really, simply not going on a killing spree would probably help Makuta's reputation here.


    The matoran neared the gates, and prepared to slip into Ko-Koro.

  6. IC: Cimond


    Oh. Kitano was that kind of Makuta follower. A while ago, Cimond had realised that he could fit almost everyone of his faith into neat little categories, and while he wasn't entirely sure what that implied, he now knew that this toa was part of the 'Calculative sociopath' group. Ah well, it could be worse. Cimond knew how to stay alive around people like that: They tended to be predictable. If the matoran could simply prove himself useful, Kitano was very unlikely to murder him.


    Cimond trudged off into the snow, following the toa.

  7. IC: Cimond


    Cimond's face lit up. "Ah, yes. Echelon. I remember him. He seemed very competent. I would gladly go with you." He rummaged around in the sack he was carrying. "As for food, I have enough for a few days. Probably two days if shared between two people... No rope, though." The matoran gave a small smirk as he took out a small bag of widgets. "This I got from someone who was in the process of kicking me to the ground. I thought I might have some little revenge on the brutes." He put everything away and brought his attention back to the toa. "So, is that all acceptable?"

  8. IC: Cimond


    Cimond could hardly believe it. What luck, to come across another of his faith so soon! "I'm afraid I am the source of that angry mob. I assure you though, that if I had a choice, I would have remained hidden." He frowned. "The worst part of all is that I don't even know how they found out. I had nothing incriminating in my dwelling, and kept the secret as best I could." He shook his head. All this grumbling was getting him nowhere, and was probably boring the toa. "But enough about me. What brings you here, friend?"

  9. IC: Cimond


    Cimond turned his head towards the shout. The matoran squinted as he tried to recognise what looked like little more than a dark blob from this distance. "Err... Yes. Yes it is." He began walking towards the shape, which seemed to be a toa of some kind, now that he was closer. "And what might your name be, friend?" Cimond called out.

  10. IC: Cimond, Ko-Koro


    Walking out of the Ko-Koro, Cimond suddenly received a blunt impact to his back. He hit the ground face first, which got more than a few laughs from the small crowd behind him. The matoran who delivered the blow seemed ready to start kicking his prone form, but a Sanctum guard pulled the offender away, before looking back to Cimond and scowling. "Well? Do you want to get ripped to shreds by the entire Koro? Move it, ya Makuta-worshipping scumbag." The Makuta-worshipping scumbag reponded by scrambling to his feet, grabbing the few belongings he had managed to keep, and sprinting off into the snow.


    OOC: Open to interaction outside of Ko-Koro, or possible Rahi mauling if a staff member is feeling cruel.

  11. IC: Akree


    He wasn't sure when, but at some point Akree had stopped running and started sneaking. It would have been an odd sight, someone clad in full Sentinel gear staying low to the ground and trying to remain silent. But Akree knew that an explosion like that was unlikely to be an accident, and simply barging into a scene of organized crime generally caused more problems than it solved, so he just kept quiet and kept going.


    The skakdi stopped moving entirely when he heard voices coming from around a corner, very close to the source of the explosion. Suspiciously calm voices. He clutched his spear tighter and crept closer, hoping to overhear what they might have been saying.

  12. IC: Akree, Po-Koro


    Akree was on patrol, and was once again marching through the koro. He had almost mastered walking in a way that made him look important and authoritative, even though all he was really doing was wandering around and occasionally yelling at someone who was doing something wrong. There had been abou-




    Akree instinctively turned his head towards the source of the loud noise, and wasn't pleased by what he saw. It seemed that a pillar of smoke had begun rising from somewhere on the outskirts of the city. Presumably there had been an explosion of some kind. "Ah well, I suppose I always knew I'd have to do my job eventually." he muttered to himself, taking off in the direction of the smoke.


    IC: Krazov.


    Krazov frowned. No payment wasn't exactly good, but eh, wherever luck led him. He shrugged. He'd had worse jobs.

    "Alright, whatever. Wherever luck leads me."

    He looked at the other one, the Sentinel fellow. Seemed capable enough, he supposed.

    "How about you, friend?"

    Not really a friend, per se, but more like an aquaintance. But best to be friendly.


    IC: Jokaro (Po-Koro)


    Obviously this was getting nowhere. The Skakdi newcomer made the Po-Matoran uncomfortable, and, with him now distracting the Sentinel, Jokaro slowly and surely made his escape from this... tedious situation. Carefully sidestepping the two hulking Skakdi, Jokaro wormed his way along the wall until he was able to slip out of sight...


    OOC: Bleh, I need to post more frequently. Work and sleep have dominated my schedule. And will probably continue to do so.


    IC: Akree

    "Me?" Akree was surprised. The thought of joining this movement, or whatever it was, had never really occurred to him. "Well, I'm not sure about the 'no pay' thing. But if this collective gets off the ground..." Akree trailed off as he realised that Jokaro was now absent. "Hey, where'd he go!?" He glanced around, searching for any sign of the matoran, but without luck. "Great. Well, I'm pretty sure this organisation of his isn't dangerous or a threat, so I might as well continue my patrol. Goodbye, err, other Skakdi." he nodded to the other Skakdi before walking off.

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