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Posts posted by TFGalvatron


    By the way, love those previews. You get an idea of how it looks like in-game.

    Thanks! :)


    By the way, I snazzed up galvatrons textures so that they can be used for modding:


    Hope you don't mind galv!

    Oh not at all!

    I just resized them so they where easier to see.

  2. I'm no expert graphic artist, but If I can make anything In minecraft, it's skins. I'll give it a shot! :)


    I've made the skins, but I'm not sure how the masks will work. Since I can't put a mask of every colour on, I left the helmet blank.

    Download here:

    Wow! those look really good. very accurate to the original textures.

    good job.

  3. Those look so cool.


    You seem pretty skilled at making textures. Maybe you could make a Bionicle texture pack in addition to the mod. The second mask holder thing would make a great dispenser (or maybe a furnace, with that lit up texture).

    yeah. i do make texture packs, and i was planning on making a faithful 32x32 compatible pack for this modification.

    Do you have work on pmc or minecraftforum?

    umm. no. not yet. im still working on my major texture pack project. and im not sure how to make a minecraft forums account.

  4. Those look so cool.


    You seem pretty skilled at making textures. Maybe you could make a Bionicle texture pack in addition to the mod. The second mask holder thing would make a great dispenser (or maybe a furnace, with that lit up texture).

    yeah. i do make texture packs, and i was planning on making a faithful 32x32 compatible pack for this modification.

  5. The topic seemed a bit inactive, and I havent put out any textures in a while, so I decided to make these:

    bio_mod_textures..._whatever_number.png far left=Makuta stone blocks. Next to it= Mata nui stone blocks. and the others I thought would be a mask holder block sorta like an item frame for the masks. and the lit up one is just like a jack o' lantern.

  6. Here is the barraki squid!leechsquid_pic.jpg
    well, Barraki isnt probably gunna be in this moderator for a long while.But it looks REALLY awsome anyways :)
    With great respect to TFGalvatron, who made an amazing rahkshi model, I think this one might be better, it is a bit more real to the set.Here is a picture.I also tried to do the kind of triangular pattern the set has on its back, although you probably can't see it.I'm not very good at making textures, so here is the texture map.
    Looks really nice. It could be a bit more menacing. I really like the spikes on the back of it.
  7. TFGalvatron, those mobs are awesome!The neat thing is that my brother actually owns the Nui-Jaga set (a present from me :P) so I have a detailed perspective on what Nui-Jaga look like. Great job, and thanks!
    Do you think I should make other rahi such as the Tarakava and Manas?
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