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Timelady Gallade

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Posts posted by Timelady Gallade

  1. Bundaaaa, i think your inbox is full. Can i have perfect female noibat called Wingflap? I can give you a shuckkle. ( I have so many right now)



    EDIT: Your gonna have to trade me at around 5 pm GMT, i have school until 3.30 and im often home late.


    Edit Numero Duo: Does anyone have a ditto safari?

  2. So I've been hanging at a Fairy safari for a few days now. Finally saw sparkles and some glorious blue hair after 402 encounters. At last, I have a shiny Kirlia! She's got Synchronize, Bashful nature, and not 2, but 3 perfect IVs, in HP, Special Attack, and...Attack. So okay, she functionally only has 2 perfect IVs. Still! This is one amazing Pokemon and I could not be happier.


    My only gripe is that I was aiming for a fabulous male Gardevoir, but I don't even care anymore. She is too good.

    I thought you could only male Gardiour's in Gen 3...

  3. Note on Wonder Trade:

















    If you are going to send 1st-route Pokemon, at least send Scatterbug so I can collect the different forms of Vivillon... >_>

    Didn't get anything too exciting in Wonder Trade, though I got a Marill with perfect IVs in HP and Attack w/ its egg moves, so I guess I have somewhere to start breeding...




    Hmmm... nope never heard of that Pokemon before... =P

    Does it evolve from Blade? xP

    I got a Blastosie there. :P


  4. This is going to be the best day ever. And I will fully embrace it, because nothing like this will happen again until 75 years from now


    I'm gonna be 61 then... D:


    I'm so gonna get a selfie of myself with my rainbow scarf and brown fisherman hat. ^.^ Or maybe not.... :P


    BBC Iplayer man, utilise i- WHADDYA MEAN NON-BRITS CANT USE IT?!

    Use a proxy connection.


    I live in Britian. xD



    Anyone gonna see and Adventure in Space and Time?

    EDIT: Seen it, cried my eyes out.

    Also got seeds if doom on dvd from Cex for 8 quid. :D

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