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Makuta of Time

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Posts posted by Makuta of Time

  1. I suspect you mean The Phantom Pain. As you said, it's strongly thought to be Metal Gear Solid V, actually... there are a few videos and other pages about it. The most basic proof is this: see the gaps in the letters in the title? "Metal Gear Solid V" fits in there perfectly. Due to the craziness of the trailer (demonic unicorns and flying death whales) this might not make sense, but people have mentioned that the weird stuff is likely a series of hallucinations from Psycho Mantis.


    Your right about the whole dream thing. This could be hallucinations from Psyco Mantis. Also that guy that you always see,the one with bandana/eye patch goze, could be Snake.

  2. If you have seen the video of The Phantom Pain. Then this is the place to be. I will not post a link to the vid,because it contains images that may be inappropriate to some viewers.(Don't want to break the code now do we? :bigsmile: )


    Though there have been speculation over the game itself. People are saying that this could be Metal Gear Solid V. If I'm doing anything wrong please let me know so I may make my corrections. Tell me what you think.


    Note:The title of this topic is Phantom of Pain, When it should be: The Phantom Pain. I forgot how the game was called. Sorry. ^_^

  3. The story is about Bionicle. It takes place in Spherus Magna before the Shattering. I have also tried making this into a book series, by me writing it. So far it's slow.


    Mainly it's about a group of toa who are fighting a war against an evil for over 1,000 years now. They can't seem to end it no matter how many battles they won. Also they have the aid of matoran and agori tribes that they befriended.

  4. I have Rocka XL, Fangz, Furno(2012), Evo(2012), Nex 3.0, Toxic Reapa, My self moc Toa Flaredrick(his left hand broke about 2 months ago) :crying: , Toa Seria, a skrall moc whose name I forgot, I revamped matoran of fire whose name I also forgot, Hibreed Bat, Furno bike( no rider), HF moc, Freisa, and my po-matroan Nexus.

  5. What was life about before the war. Was it peaceful, aggressive, horrid? Did Matoran really exist in the robots that housed them, like the one Mata Nui was? If so, the responses you give me will help reshape my story line of what happened 8,000 years ago before the Shattering. I'll enjoy reading your comments and reply to your comments, as soon as possible.


    Oh and if this topic is already out please let me know so I may make the correction. Thank you.

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