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Gears The Toa

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Posts posted by Gears The Toa

  1. IC:

    He than began to think about his new client. He was a rater eccentric matoran, always muttering about time travel and the "Ascension of the Supreme" . Or maybe his client was crazy" He then had another Iruni Combo, while wondering if he should investigate his clients home, to see what he was talking about.

  2. IC:

    Lone knew he had to work tomorrow, and this headache would mess him up. So he heated his body up until all the alcohol burned. It hurt, but he was sober.

  3. IC:

    Lone said " I am a bodyguard, I saw your hand move" "Anyway, that's pretty neat, all I have is my false arm thornax launcher, and it's not loaded".

  4. IC:

    Lone saw one person(Trunai) raise a projectile weapon and then lower it. He moved over and said "Hi, stranger, what type of gun is that?"

  5. IC:

    Lone then asked for and received 3 more,and again flipped them over. Even when slightly tipsy ,he still was sharp

    OOC: I am going to add a new character soon, stay tuned.

  6. He then said "Drinks for everyone on the house" as the alcohol affected him. He was going to have the mother of all headaches tomorrow

  7. IC:

    Lone lifted them in the air with his telekinesis, opened his mouth and poured them all in at once, then said "You're right, they actually were moderately strong, I expected a bit less, well done"

  8. IC:

    Lone then thought he could do with a drink, so he walked to the Jaga's Sting, to see some poor soul getting the "sting". He didn't care though. he then asked to see the specials.

    1. [b]Name: Lone Flame
    2. [b]Gender:He
    3. [b]Species:Toa of Fire
    4. Kanohi: None
    5. Appearance:http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=5783936
    6. Powers:Mastery of most flame; Increased strength,Telekenisis
    7. Weapons:Flame Staff; Clockwork thornax launcher
    8. Abilities:Fire control, can use most technology; Is a skilled fighter
    9. Weaknesses: Extreme Cold;Electricty: Anti-Psychic Shields
    10. [b]Occupations: Bodyguard
    11. [b]Personality: He is curious, but also is very antisocial.
    12. [b]History: He was a toa on a far-off island, fighting off hordes of vortixx, when he lost his arm. He then moved to the city, to guard wealthy matoran

    • [*]Name:Ceannteidil[*]Species:Matoran/Toa (He is a fusion of 2 matoran and 1 toa)[*]Gender:Male[*]Powers and/or weapons:Club, flame sword,super-strength,[*]Alignment: Good or evil, depending on what his two other heads say[*]Personality and history: He was once three who challenged Makuta. His staff of fusion made them one. He ran to the caves, to hide from himself. He was in a trance-like state until something woke him up.He is generally in a foul mood, and also is pessimistic, but curious.[*]Description:
    https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/105545390919710857997/albums/5850776077481452017/5850776073228072178?authkey=CLCTvLyJ-Yizcw[*]Weakness:He is indecisive as he is multiheaded. He cannot swim and is slow due to his size and weaponry. He also is weak against air, which can unbalance him


    • [*]Name: Deadmerc[*]Species: Toa of fire[*]Gender: Male[*]Powers: regeneration of lost body parts, has a multitude of daggers, two twin protodermis katanas, and a midak skyblaster, adapted for more storage, and can tell past of people he meets, and fire-related powers[*]Alignment: Good, but sometimes unintentionally.[*]Personality and History: He is cracks wisecracks at his foes and taunts them most of the time due to mental disorders caused by experimentation done on him by the Dark Hunters for stealing some money to but medicine for his brother. During this he gained his regeneration ability,but also many mental problems, as they tried to give him telepathy and foresight which backfired, only giving him the ability to tell the past, or what he calls "hindsight.[*]Description: He wears a red helmet with black around the eyes, and has that color scheme all over his body.He has the Jaller ignika body peice, with black on the sides, as well as black. He has black shoulder pads and red arms, as well as black feet on red legs with black upper armor. [*]Weaknesses: Beheading and insulting him better than he insulted you.

  9. IC:Ceannteidil

    He then started to walk back, as he realized he had struck down two stalagmites. The sound he had heard was just an echo. He then began to go up a nearby passage, all while wondering why he left his cave.

    OOC: I am glad to be here, this is fun.

  10. IC: Ceannteidil

    He started to walk, and kept walking. Suddenly he heard voices saying something that sounded like "I will help you". He suddenly was in front of two beings. His left head told him to fight, and so did his right head. So He aimed his flame sword and swung his club, his flame covering both of them and his club hitting one.

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