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Status Updates posted by randomreviewerbros

  1. Wow I haven't posted a status for a while...

    1. Naota Takizawa

      Naota Takizawa

      Say my name baby.

  2. Happy New Year! Have a great 2015 everyone!

  3. Been a little inactive on here lately :/ Haven't had much time to be on here, hope to be back very soon!

  4. "Take a look and see what just breezed through the door" "I didn't know the circus was in town!" BTTF Part 3

  5. You a fan of the Colts?

    1. Burnmad


      Uh, no, don't really like sports.

    2. randomreviewerbros
  6. "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when only one remembers to turn on the light"- Dumbledore, Prisoner of Azkaban

    1. Pohatu: Uniter of Stone

      Pohatu: Uniter of Stone

      I was going to post something about Takanuva, but I couldn't think of something good enough.

    2. randomreviewerbros


      haha you should, how about, "Kohli head you could have been Makuta bones"- Jaller "Could have been, but, I'm not"- Takanuva

      Ive always loved those lines haha

  7. Hey there Delilah whats it like in New York City

    1. Eyru


      well i'm a thousand miles away

  8. We are the Niners! Don't get in our way! Team of the 80s! Yeah we came to play!

  9. Are you a Niners fan???

    1. Great Being Velika
    2. randomreviewerbros


      Nice man, so excited for the season!!! Go 49ers!! We've had a shocking preseason though :/

  10. Thanks for supporting our YouTube channel! (I only just read the post where you said you were a huge fan of our channel)

    1. LimeFlavouredLibertarian24


      Do you have a Tumblr account?

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