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Posts posted by krikanalo

  1. But I'm sure there's another reason why that name stood out, and it comes off the same idea. :shrugs:

    kinshasa is the capital of the democratic republic of the congo and a naming choice like that isn't something you normally see with bionicle OCs, let alone the actual toyline itself


    but besides that... interesting chapter, if a bit short. very compelling. i liked the dialogue.



    “Indeed, I am an old fool”



    forgot to put punctuation marks at the end

  2. hmm. interesting story. very cerebral and compelling. i would've liked to see more out of the premise, admittedly, since you wrote it so well, but i can't say i'm not happy with what i got.


    a few errors, like such:


    "Sheath your blade, even if you could use it, you'd have been vaporized if it reached a foot of me." he smiled as I complied. "Thank you for the information."

    • change sheath to sheathe
    • change the comma after "Sheathe your blade" to a period, since the sentence is a run-on otherwise
    • capitalize "He"

    but nothing too major. all in all, very well done.

  3. Where did I break the fourth wall?

    huh. i swear the golden being was messing with the narration. maybe i'm confusing this story with another.


    great chapter, by the way. i especially liked the introduction of kinshasa. clever inspiration for a name, that.

  4. another well-written chapter. keep it up. the fourth wall breakage (?) was a bit confusing, but you made it work.


    A golden face looked from behind the bars, which he unlocked. He simply held out his hand to the Toa.

    Tacker took it.

    best lines



    To then treat this as a female-only trend ignores the underlying problem of a lack of an equal sample size. There's only one female in the group but five males --

    I admit I'm coming into this conversation a bit late, but wouldn't the lack of female characters seem to imply an overarching sexist theme in the narrative?


    yeah pretty much


    the great beings were so sexist that they couldn't even bother to add in more and make the ones that are already there more personable


    man what is even up with those guys

  6. great chapter. really well paced.


    After all, how could you steal a Spirit?

    that's a good question, actually. very thought-provoking.


    But if the Skakdi had a mind-control device, best not to take any risks.

    What I wouldn’t give for a Matatu, but then I wouldn’t be able to escape.

    these two sentences read kind of awkwardly imo. maybe you should add some extra words or punctuation marks to make them flow better.


    Instead, he calmly walked over to the being. Twenty Skakdi pointed weapons at him. Tacker ignored that and calmly extended a hand to the being.

    hoo hoo hoooo :B well played tacker

  7. aaah, nicely done! this was a great story- really well written, characterized, paced, and described. it might not be the finish to the story that you (and I) were hoping for, but it sure as heck makes for a nice elaboration on it- as disciple previously mentioned, i especially like the last line! makes for a nice full circle book-end, if you will.

  8. another great chapter. keep it up.


    “Remember, Tacker, most Toa have to fight to defeat their enemies. We have to fight to make sure that there are enemies left to fight."

    best line. interesting interpretation of an average toa's mindset.


    "Tacker" Kali grumbled.

    no punctuation mark at the end of the line of dialogue


    It was clear that the Toa and the other defenders weren’t out to kill him, merely to figure out what he was doing

    why did the font suddenly get so small? (in the actual story, anyway. i didn't render it here)

  9. interesting start. your pacing is good, there's a lot of vivid details, and the original characters you've made are developed well and (i presume) interact well with the canon ones. i will follow!

  10. perhaps the solution is not eliminating their juvenile jokes and gags, but rather embracing them

    that's a very good point. a lot of tv series, book series, and comic books nowadays (i cite gravity falls and the TMNT reboot as specific examples) have a nice balance of action and humour and they work really, really well. hero factory and legends of chima would probably be a lot better received if they stayed lighthearted, but tried to be a bit more serious now and then; from what i've seen, HF has tried to do this. i'm not too sure about chima.

  11. another great chapter. i'm interested to see why onua suddenly fell unconscious- perhaps all toa have been attacked by marendar?


    "You know, you couldn't be further from our Teridax. You any good with that stick of yours?"

    this line i especially liked, for some reason. i guess it was just funny to see how casual onua was being towards a guy whose alternate universe counterpart was once his archenemy.

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