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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Underscore

  1. Underscore
    Today marks the 4th year anniversary of my joining of this website, and thus I have been granted the Kanohi Kanuma, mask of handsomeness =D

  2. Underscore
    I don't see a lot of movies. In fact, I only saw one at the theaters in 2016 (it was either Independence Day or the Purge (can't remember), but I remember not being too impressed). Well, I went to the theater for the first time in 2017 today, and saw Rogue One. It was a great movie. It succeeds in creating a new story with new characters, but still ties in nicely with the rest of the Star Wars movies.
  3. Underscore
    Well let's see. There was the whole election mess, Brexit, Trump, the immigration crisis, Orlando, Paris, Belgium, Alton Sterling and Fernando Castile, and much, much more..
    Not to mention a whole string of celebrity deaths, including Carrie Fisher, who just passed today
    Also, Muhammad Ali, Leonard Cohen, Alan Rickman, David Bowie, Prince, and Harambe
    So in conclusion, 2016 was god awful. And there's still 3 days to go. What could it have in store for those 3 days?
  4. Underscore
    Once again I have full sovereignty over this blog, thanks to Alternis Dim.
    So, hi. Over the next 6 months, I'll be filling this little corner of the website with my personal happenings =DDDdddf
    toodleoo for now
  5. Underscore
    So today I went to go see Insurgent, and was again enraged that it didn't really follow the book. But I found it better than Hound of the Baskervilles. I mean, at least the time period's right.
    Otherwise, if I don't compare it to the book, I thought it was very well done (better than most movies I've seen), and I'm definetely looking forward to seeing it again.
  6. Underscore
    Yesterday appeared to be my 2 year anniversary of having a registered account on BZP! (not including the one that got wiped) And I wasn't even online...
    Look at that avohkii...

  7. Underscore
    So today my english class finnished reading Hound of the Baskervilles, and then we watched the episode (the Bennedict Cumberbatch version).
    It didn't even resemble the book at all! I was mad.
  8. Underscore
    I've always been curious to know how many posts I had in G&T, and apparently I have 956 at the current time. I must say, though, I thought I was higher.
    So...like, yeah...pretty cool.
  9. Underscore
    So, because I can and I need something to blog about anyway, you should come, sign up and tell all your friends about Bionicle Mafia: Damage Control over here in G&T that's taking forever to fill all the spots!
  10. Underscore
    Yay, I'm premier! I have a blog now!
    The one and only downside there is to having a blog is now I have to think what to blog about. So, uh, now's your chance to tell me what to blog about!
    (Also, thanks to -Wind- for hosting the contest in which I so happened to win and the reason I'm writing this in the first place)
  11. Underscore
    As you might know, members have so generously been given the ability to create topics in G&T!11!!1!!
    Which is good, because I have been planning a game to host and don't really need a co-host. It should/possibly/maybe/you know how I am with getting to things be posted soon!
  12. Underscore
    Provided it's not a math problem, a self-help question, advice, normal every day queries, a ridiculous question, a question that makes no sense, a plea for something, a request, or written in english.
    So go on, ask me anything!
  13. Underscore
    So I decide to take a momentary break from camping and check BZP at an internet coffee shop, and discover some new fad in the blogs.
    What is going on?
  14. Underscore
    Okay, this is getting rediculous. Not only do I think I just misspelled "rediculous", but "Staff Survival II" now has 4 pages worth of posts and 1 week worth of posts. I couldn't read this fast if I was under some deadline pressure for school. If 4 pages = 1 week, what will it look like after 3 months????!
  15. Underscore
    Saw them live yesterday. One of the most amazing and unique groups out there.
    I'd strongly recommend everyone check out this recording of another of their performances. Way different experience live though, I must say

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