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Jakura Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Jakura Nuva

  1. Wow, it's truly been ages since I was last on. Well, not much has happened. At all...

  2. "I stared into the face of darkness... and darkness stared right back."

    1. Ghidora131


      Wassup, darkness?

  3. Unity. Duty. Destiny. AND MOUNTAIN DEW!

  4. ~~Nuva Status Restored.~~

    1. Ghidora131





  5. #MakeTahuANuvaAgain

    1. Ghidora131


      We would... If he was here

  6. What's on my mind? What a question! Yet to begin to comprehend the thoughts cascading through my barin at this moment, you have to ask yourself: do you really want to know?

  7. 80s rock? WTH is wrong with me?!

    1. Ghidora131


      Why the hamburger? No clue.

  8. Hey, Tapio! How have things been?

  9. What's on my mind? What a question! Yet to begin to comprehend the thoughts cascading through my brain at this moment, you have to ask yourself: "do I really want to know?"

    1. Ghidora131


      What's on all our minds? Brain waves...

  10. Not allowed to join TTV... FOREVER ALONE

    1. Ghidora131


      (Sad corny mu8sic starts playing) I'll go get the tissues.

  11. What's on my mind? What a question! Yet before attempting to comprehend the thoughts inside my brain at this moment, you have to ask yourself: "do I really want to know?"

    1. Ghidora131


      You're driving me crazy! Make it stop!

      (turns Hypemobile off a cliff)

  12. Happy New Year, everybody. Here's to our first year without BIONICLE since 2014.

  13. Is the LEGO Exo Suit a good set?

    1. Ghidora131


      It is, in my opinion, a good set, but look at the instructions first, most people can build everything with the parts they have(except the turtle).

  14. Okay, an update of sorts on my statuses - from now on, statuses of mine reaching over ten replies not relating to the topic will be locked and/or deleted, and replied that stray too far from the topic will also be deleted. A good discussion is just that - good. But when it's filled with an imaginary fight between two BZPers... well, it gets annoying. If the status is meant as something fun and/or interactive, then rules will be different; but the bottom line is, random stupidity in my sta...

    1. Jakura Nuva

      Jakura Nuva

      ...tuses will be eliminated.

  15. Won't be on very much for the next three days or so.

    1. Ghidora131



  16. Eurobricks isn't too bad.

  17. 100% Clever, 0% Classy

    1. Ghidora131


      100% Kevlar, 0% sassy

  18. Back from vacation, ladies and gents!

    1. Ghidora131


      Boo. Get the rotten tomatoes.

  19. Anyone know how to fix my profile picture so that it's not so grainy?

  20. RIP, Leonard Nimoy :(

  21. I have encountered Protodermis...

    1. Ghidora131


      It buuuuuurrrnnnss!!!!!

  22. Looks like my two most favorite game series in the universe haven't failed to provide!! http://bigthec.at/ --- scottgames.com

    1. Ghidora131


      Man, that FNAF one

      I can't wait for it

      I really can't; I'll probably be dead

  23. Congrats on winning in BS01's contests, Ghidora! Hopefully you can see this, even if you can't reply.

    1. Ghidora131


      Well, I couldn't go to my profile, so I couldn't.



  24. "My peanut." - Captain Jack Sparrow

    1. Ghidora131


      DYK: Black six hates Macadamia nuts.

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