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Jakura Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Jakura Nuva

  1. By Odin's beard!

    1. Ghidora131


      Egad! Odin's beard!

  2. Uuuughh.... So bored.

    1. Ghidora131




      Trolol XD

  3. Omega Tahu can launch his mask at you.

    1. Ghidora131


      -Encountered wild spider-thing-


      Which Pokémon will you choose?


      "Go, my face!"

  4. 400 posts? Did you guys know that this is nearly twice as many posts as I had when I jumped back on a month or so ago? And that was over the span of a year. Hooray for hype!

    1. Ghidora131


      Boo. Get the rotten tomatoes.

  5. Tahu: Uniter of Fire is on his way to my home - my first 2016 Lego/BIONICLE set!

    1. Ghidora131


      I already bought Kopaka and Umarak

  6. Today's a good day for video games - it's the 20th anniversary of the N64, and the 25th anniversary of Sonic the Hedgehog! Happy birthday to both!

    1. Ghidora131


      I don't own an N64 and the only Sonic game I have is colours



  7. Hello exhaustion my old friend...

    1. Toa Imrukii

      Toa Imrukii

      *hands you painkillers and putting cup*

  8. For the record, it was the other guy.

    1. Ghidora131


      Good. I have to give him this million dollars. Stay here a second.

  9. Pronounced (Juh-KOO-ruh)

  10. Merry Christmas, BZP! Hope everybody has a great holiday season!

  11. Five years on BZP as of yesterday! (Let's pretend I haven't been basically inactive for a year.) The Olmak spinny's looking just fine.

  12. Sun is shinin in the sky... Oh yeah, I won't be on for a week, guys - going on vacation!

  13. (Re-post) Any friends of mine play World of Warcraft? I'm trying to decide on a new server (PvE or PvP) to join.

  14. Six years as of two days ago, I participated in the biggest April Fools joke by joining this site. Thanks for the Faxon spinny!

  15. Unity. Duty. Destiny. ...AND MOUNTAIN DEW

  16. Unity. Duty. Destiny. AND MOUNTAIN DEW

  17. "Jakura Nuva, Toa of Obliviousness XD." - MaxBionicleManiac

  18. What's on my mind? What a question! Yet to begin to comprehend the thoughts cascading through my brain at this moment, you have to ask yourself: do I really want to know?

  19. #OmegaTahu #BionicleReturns2015

  20. What's on my mind? What a question! Yet to begin to comprehend the thoughts cascading through my brain at this moment, you have to ask yourself: "do I really want to know?"

  21. Hey, guys, make sure to check out TheThreeVirtues on YouTube for reviews, in-depth discussions and hilarious/informative podcasts for Lego and Bionicle! Subscribe to them, they're awesome!!

  22. What's on my mind? What a question! Are you sure you want to know?

  23. I looked at the trap, Ray.

  24. #OmegaTahu #BionicleReturns2015

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