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Posts posted by NickonAquaMagna

  1. Good to know.


    Here's a preview of tomorrow's chapter. I REEEEEALLY like how the closeup of Calor turned out. Everything he ever knew or thought he knew about being a Toa, the very ideas of what that means, just went down the toilet. And keep in mind, this so far in the future, it's a world where people have forgotten all about the likes of Tuyet and Nidhiki, so it's not like there's a precedent for the atrocities Piras has just committed. So yeah... Calor is understandably afraid. And sad.



    • Upvote 4
  2. I've been following this for a while, and while I love it, I do have a couple nitpicks about the last two chapters.

    While the thing about Piras' mask was nifty, back when they were a toa kaita, the kaita used shielding powers to protect the matoran, and Piras was wearing his new mask when the Kaita came apart.

    Second, the part in the latest chapter when Piras... ignited the plasma? Plasma isn't flamable. If anything, it IS fire.

    Regardless, I have been very much enjoying this, and can't wait for more!



    Piras has two masks now, and can switch between them like the Toa Mata could back in the day.


    Also... Plasma is basically a gas superheated and transformed into a fourth state, at which point it stops being a gas. I just figured that... when Sein projects it from his body or summons it, there must be a split second, some intermediate period where it hasn't actually become plasma yet, so that Sein doesn't scorch or blow himself up as he did here when Piras heated the gas and forced it to become plasma early, when it had barely even left Sein's body. Does that make sense, or does it not work?

  3. Yep, Always knew that the Toa Miro were evil on return. (I think that was obvious)


    Anyway, That was another great chapter, like always. Although it does bring a question up... when all the other villages learn of the Toa Miro's evilness, might they declare war against them, perhaps?


    There will be some resistance, though there's probably a fair few already following Piras' every word, after being mesmerized by his speeches an' all.


    What the...


    Insane chapter. In a good way for the readers. Not so much for the characters. I did like seeing a maskless Toa, and it looks like Ahkmou will get a new mask. I like that since the Rau isn't exactly one of my favorites.


    The big shocker of this chapter was really crazy though. Excellently done. We all knew he was evil, but...still. You managed to make it shocking. Sein is also now one of my favorite characters. He seems to be the only Miro who fully stayed...sane.


    Pun absolutely intended.


    Good pun. As for maskless Toa... yeah, they don't look like they did back in the day (or like Ahkmou, being so old, still does), huh?


    That chapter was insane. It made me share in the Toa Novus' feelings of helplessness and confusion toward the end, though, as if the whole world has now turned against them. It also left me repeating the phrase:


    Run, Calor. Run...



    And it's only gonna get worse from here.



    You know, someone commented on DA saying the lyrics of Disturbed's "who taught you how to hate" perfectly encapsulated the rush of emotions in Sein's fight with Piras.


    I strongly agree. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CElh72Sf--c

    • Upvote 1
  4. Chapter 10 is online! >> http://nickinamerica.deviantart.com/art/Bionicle-Nova-Orbis-Return-Chapter-10-566196532




    DANG, huh? Soooooo many crazy things happened in this chapter. We get to see the true nature of the dummy masks, not to mention a good look at a modern Toa's face, Toa on both sides are making their next move, and... and... yeah. >sniff< That just happened.

    That's it for today, folks. Take some time to process this defining moment.


    Feedback is always appreciated.

  5. I'm thinking the creatures themselves have functions of their own, wings that flap and claws and stingers that slash and jab an' whatnot, and when they fuse with the Toa, their function probably connects to whatever function the Toa's own new torsos have and when you activate the Toa's function, it also activates the creature's function.


    That's what I theorize, anyway. That would be pretty darn cool, if combining them actually gave them MORE functions instead of hindering them. I'm thinking Gali will probably get a hydropack of sorts, and the others will just get extra arms or wings or whatever.


    I hope I'm not saying too much.




    Edit: A bit of leaked info in there.



    Oh my gosh, Eurico Silva is driving me CRAZY. I've spent the last hour and a half just replying to his obnoxious comments on youtube, and now I have a headache. Anyone else being badgered by this creep?

    Easy solution: ignore him entirely. ;) Whether he has a legit opinion or is just trashing something, if he's annoying you, just stay away.


    EDIT: Just found what you're talking about. Take 'im down, Nick! :P



    He's... insufferable. He just won't stop until I accept his "reality" that it is NOT OKAY to like anything about G2. And yeah, it'd be easy to just call him a troll, but... no. He really does believe in every thing he says to a fanatic degree. It's crazy. Like... he's completely flooded my video reviews of the new sets and killed any discussion that could still potentially be had. His cat's face is everywhere, now.

    • Upvote 2
  7. The teaser trailers for each of the characters were fun to watch. I got a 'Jack and the Beanstalk' vibe from Axl's video and an 'Excalibur' vibe from Clay's video.


    But my favorite would probably be Lance's, but only because of the title of its video. 'Smile while you Fight.' I don't know why, but it, well, puts a smile on my face just thinking about that line. :P



    See, that's the kind of character-driven gem I can get behind.



    I don't see what the beef is with past/future mashups like this. I've gotta give them props for trying. To me, this is like if people in medieval times kept advancing to the point where they have this technology, but just couldn't ever bring themselves to give up the fashion, trappings and architecture of the time. In other words, the tech changed, but the culture stayed exactly the same. What's wrong with that? Is it really such a silly idea?


    of course there's somthing wrong with it, but Lego isn't going to go into the details like witch-burnings, class prejudice, and the black plague. :b


    I got the impression that none of those things exist in this universe. They seem to be ditching the BAD stuff about Medieval times - witch burnings, aristocrats, disease, lack of flush toilets - and keeping the good things like swords, bludgeons, shields, castles, catapults, and possibly some sense of honor.


    It's basically just Ninjago with a castle aesthetic instead of a ninja aesthetic. No culture was really borrowed, just the design aesthetic. 


    And Bionicle is a good-old past/future blend too, if more subtle about it than this theme. I don't think saying past/future blend discrimination is automatically bad is a valid point, because Lego has pulled it off successfully before twice. 



    Yeah. Playing MNOG nowadays, knowing what I didn't know back then, it really feels tragic seeing how advanced the Matoran used to be, with their airships and ivory towers, and then in the game, they've regressed to basically being tribesmen or even... cavemen, their old culture completely dead and forgotten at the time.

    • Upvote 1
  9. I don't see what the beef is with past/future mashups like this. I've gotta give them props for trying. To me, this is like if people in medieval times kept advancing to the point where they have this technology, but just couldn't ever bring themselves to give up the fashion, trappings and architecture of the time. In other words, the tech changed, but the culture stayed exactly the same. What's wrong with that? Is it really such a silly idea?

  10. I do like the idea of this weird future world where we've either gone backwards in some ways, or we just developed very differently. The idea of a scorned Jester turning to black magic for revenge is pretty cool, but I hope he doesn't spend his every waking moment laughing his head off and mugging the camera. That might work on little LITTLE kids, but anyone near the age of ten will want a more compelling villain than that.


    I also hope the "jokes" aren't all going to be that petty, self agrandizing "Yeah, we're, like, SO all that, aren't we, guys?" brand of humor. That gets really annoying, really fast.


    Ninjago set the bar pretty high with its show. Chima failed to meet hit. Let's hope this one reaches closer.

  11. On that first scene:


    In Ba-Koro, a figure heard Piras's words, saw the look in his eyes through the slits in Trux's mask, and scoffed.



    I didn't know Piras was in there with Sein. :P


    Whoops! Looks like I got my wires crossed, there. Fixing that now.

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