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Toa Imrukii

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Status Updates posted by Toa Imrukii

  1. You know what's great? When you're playing EUIV, and the game crashes and you go back and now your Ironman Save can no longer get achievements. THAT MAKES SENSE.

    1. The Hip Historian Iaredios
    2. Toa Imrukii

      Toa Imrukii

      I don't even know man. I was irate.

  2. I have been thinking so much about the travesties of mankind, and just how futile a species we are in realizing the error of our ways. In short all I can say is: Hatred Breeds Hatred, and Hatred is a Plague. We are misguided, and so are our faiths.

  3. Well, I was going to go to Easter Sunday with my family... Until I saw where we were going...

  4. That awkward moment when there is literally nothing happening on the site.

  5. Trying to delete an unwanted template on wiki, just imposible. So screw it, made a new template, just ignore the old one.

  6. Trying to delete an unwanted template on wiki, just imposible. So screw it, made a new template, just ignore the old one.

  7. Trying to delete an unwanted template on wiki, just imposible. So screw it, made a new template, just ignore the old one.

  8. Trying to delete a unwanted template on wiki, just imposible. So screw it, made a new template, just ignore the old one.

  9. "The face of a man who has pet a bunny so much that it died."

  10. I like your profile pic, what's it from?

    1. Otos


      Hi, just search in Google images "Light deity" and it would appear. I too don't know where is it from XD

    2. Toa Imrukii

      Toa Imrukii

      It kinds reminds me of a concept of the Element Lord of Fire a bit. It's cool.

    3. Otos


      Thanks, yeah something with that name said the picture.

  11. Ask Lan: Do you like Pudding?

    1. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      As long as it's vanilla.

  12. I am starting to be dearly concerned for a close friend of mine on the forums.

  13. I am back from my endoscopy, fortunately everything is fine. So we know now that it was my gallbladder.

  14. Just so that everyone knows, I am going to be having an endoscopy. I've never been under in my entire life, here's hoping it goes well.

  15. Jumping Around, Lurking Around, Nothing's Happenin'.

  16. Realization has set in, THE Mike Raznick, composer of the scores for JtO followed me on SoundCloud.... I have no words.

  17. Welcome to BZPower.

  18. Why do I have to feel sick to my stomach this night? I just want to sleep.

    1. Jakura Nuva

      Jakura Nuva

      I actually know how you feel, dude. I went from having a severe head cold to stomach issues within a few days' time. It's not fun. :P

  19. Where is the Unity?

  20. Sometimes I look back on my past, the friends I used to have, the people I used to know, the places I used to go. Then I look on my life now, and realize it isn't that bad.

  21. After a one month absence from BZP, I have Returned.

    1. Zahaki


      Welcome back

    2. Toa Imrukii

      Toa Imrukii

      It's good to be bad, hopefully I can feel that way throughout the next months.

    3. Toa Imrukii
  22. Everyday I wake up, still feeling that void in my heart.

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