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Posts posted by Dorkpool

  1. I've gone on about this elsewhere, but here's my idea for Bionicle's return: Don't make it a return of Bionicle, make it a sequel to Bionicle. The fact that it takes place in the same world as Bionicle is something that's only ever hinted at, because this is a new LEGO constraction line that just happens to have easter eggs for older fans.


    So, our hidden background: Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Mata Nui robot crash-landed on what was once called Spherus Magna, and its camouflage activated, creating an enormous mountain range. (For the purpose of this series, let's say he landed face-up instead of face-down.) One end of the mountain range resembles the island of Mata Nui, in the form of a vast plateau, but it's never spelled out explicitly. Possibly, the Matoran and Agori merged together into a single race over time, and those can be our protagonists—LEGO can handle that however they like.


    With this as a backdrop, you can tell whatever new stories you want with your main characters. On the rare occasion that characters go deep underground beneath the mountains, perhaps you can find ruins of dead cities and islands, but you don't have to explain it other than to say that those who lived there once are gone now. I think this approach would embrace the mysterious spirit of classic Bionicle, but it would allow for completely different stories to be told in a setting that's basically new. We wouldn't have to worry about young fans getting confused the way they did with Bionicle's crazy-complex story, but it would still be built on a solid foundation.

    That's...that's genius.

    • Upvote 1
  2. (I posted something about this in something on LOMN)

    I looked up something on LOMN, and heard that there were rumors involving the World Trade Centers (and considering that this was around 9/11, perhaps the attacks themselves).

    I have no idea what that's about. Does anyone have any idea?


    This is a tad off topic, but still somewhat on topic. I was reading more about the game, and heard something about a WTC thing. This is the quote:

    "The rumors that were reported to me included large numbers of programming bugs, inability to meet LEGO® quality standards, and, rather disgustingly, possible similarities to the WTC disaster. The WTC link is completely untrue, and whatever sick individuals thought it would be amusing to start spreading that sort of rumor really need to stop"


    Doing a tad bit more research, I think it has to do with the Word Trade Centers.

    But what were they talking about involving the WTC? Anyone know?


    I don't think you're allowed to link to that site.


    I've heard the 9/11 connection before, but it doesn't make any sense to me. What does a destructive terrorist attack on a city's buildings have to do with biomechanical warriors walking round an island fighting infected animals to reach magic masks?


    There wasn't an official statement/report on the cancellation at the time, nor did anyone actually involved in the game ever discuss it publically, so exactly why it was cancelled has always been a bit of a mystery.


    I'm not allowed?


  4. This is a tad off topic, but still somewhat on topic. I was reading more about the game, and heard something about a WTC thing. This is the quote:

    "The rumors that were reported to me included large numbers of programming bugs, inability to meet LEGO® quality standards, and, rather disgustingly, possible similarities to the WTC disaster. The WTC link is completely untrue, and whatever sick individuals thought it would be amusing to start spreading that sort of rumor really need to stop"


    Doing a tad bit more research, I think it has to do with the Word Trade Centers.

    But what were they talking about involving the WTC? Anyone know?

  5. BIONICLE had a lot of different songs, but no album for them. Granted, you can get the songs and make a playlist of them or something (which I've done, and am in fact listening to), but there's no official album.

    Should there be?

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