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    Tana Nui
  • Interests
    For the most part Bionicle. Ever since I was a little kid, I loved the story behind it. I always thought that one day, I could be like my favorite Toa, Tahu.

    As of late, I hadn't really been involved in the Bionicle community until last summer when I got an original Tahu figure from my cousins I was visiting at the time. Since then, I've been doing what I can, and been listening to TTV a lot.

    As for my personality, I'm more on the strange side of things. But, I'm also a perfectionist at the same time. Everything has it's place as long as I'm the one who put it there. My dresser is cluttered with random things, but I can always find what I want as long as no one else touches/ moves it.
    I am not one to take illogical risks, and can not do ANYTHING without thinking first. I have always enjoyed doing imitations, and now hope to be a voice actor, should things go well. Bionicle has inspired me to write a tale of my own with slight influences from the books. But, anyways, that's pretty much me.

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  1. Welcometo BZP :), where the mods close every topic they don't like! and don't run in with BlackSix, or you may be bannnned!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ldd2000


      I'm just kidding around :)

    3. -Windrider-


      also that windrider


    4. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid



      Nah, He's a nice dude. (aiming for brownie points here. :3)

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