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toa grimlock

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Posts posted by toa grimlock

  1. IC: Skulk


    "Sorry it's been a rough few days. Especially today." he said being completely serious, though he was sure the matoran was thinking he was still being sarcastic.

  2. IC: Skulk


    "Don't forget I was about to leave, maybe find a more worthwhile job then whatever these guys will probably pay. But thank you." he turned to look at the matoran, "Oh nothing just a fight between a mercenary and a Makuta worshiper." he said being sarcastic again.

  3. IC: Skulk


    "Do not speak for me Dravennica. You know nothing of my past. You know nothing about what I believe. I will however apologize to this Echelon fellow." He whipped his head towards the Vortixx and Skidaki, "As for you two, do not fool yourselves into thinking I was apologizing to you two. THAT was for my deceased friends, whom I promised I would live on for all of us."

  4. IC: Skulk


    Skulk reeled from the kick to head. He looked over to the Vortixx "You are the only one who's ever made me fear for my life. I still consider you a piece of trash. But a respectable piece of trash." he said staggering to his feet to fallow.

  5. IC: Skulk


    "How dare you belive its you who I'm appolgizing to-" Skulk fell silent as an ice spike came near his throat. He could hear Dravennica yelling something about this not being the time for drinks. He was no longer willing fight.

  6. Ooc: woops was thinking of them as actual graphing guns. Changed it to make more sense.




    He heard the arrow fall to the ground. The look on his immeditly changed, he knew now this was a fight he wouldn't win. "I- I'm sorry, I failed you," he muttered as he accepted that he was probably going to die. He screamed as the razor shrap stones slice him all over

  7. OoC: with his crossbow. His arms are free arent they?


    IC: Skulk


    "Oh bravery has nothing to do with it, you cultist swine." Skulk felt knife embed itself in his back. Good. Sure he was in agonizing pain but now he could fight them in hand to hand combat

  8. IC: Skulk


    Skulk tried to make iron weights on feet but quickly decided to make an arrow instead and shot it at the Skidaki's chest and then he gave in and let himself be dragged back. "You see I have one problem with that, I won't be the one screaming."

  9. IC: Skulk


    Skulk was now enraged and without thinking said "I mean you no disrespect sir but, WHO THE DO THINK I AM! If you are trying to scare me, I only fear one thing and that's not being remembered for anything. And how dare you call me vermin, yes I've murdered, but I've never destroyed the lives of everyone in a city." he raised his hand and created a row of large sharp iron spikes between him and vortixx and began to walk away. He stopped and looked back "You all can die in a hole, you s." And continued on his way out. He may be considered evil but he still had morals.

  10. IC: Uzan


    Uzan had had enough of these bugs. She jumped off the platform head first with her sword point straight at the ground. She slammed her sword into the ground and covered the ground around her in super heated plasmatic goo. She was trying to kill as many as she could. She new that even if all the bugs on the ground were killed more would just take their place. She didn't care. She was now more enraged then ever before in life.

  11. IC: Visalk


    Visalk walked up the stairs something was compelling him to continue. When he reached the top he started being drawn to the end of the hall. He could have sworn he heard a voice calling to him " here. Down here your answers lay here." he was oblivious to everything else going on.

  12. IC: Skulk


    "Ooo. So scary" said skulk sarcastically, "Didn't realize mentioning him was a no-no." Skulk grabbed the sword and twisted it and the arm holding it in the wrong direction, trying to cause pain. "If the way I talk, the way all the beings I've killed have begged for their lives, really matters then I'll gladly take my services elsewhere."

  13. IC: Skulk


    "Little bit of both I guess," he said "I'm not used to organizations that don't worship Mata Nui so it just feels like the right thing to say when trying to convey emotions. Jeez I shoulda grabbed some Booz before I left the city. Yes I do love my booz."

  14. IC: Uzan


    Uzan saw the Gukko fliers land and started trying to move to the platform. If anyone had been watching they would have been laughing, it looked like she was trying to swim in the air. "oh sure that worked. Good thing Artem's around," she muttered to herself .

  15. IC: Guvla


    "Um yes I believe has the right idea. I only came 'ere to 'elp another Ta-Toa." she said frantically.


    IC: Visalk


    Visalk lowered his sword, and bowed before the Ga-Toa "My apologies ma'am," he said "If Lumira doesn't mind extra companions we are searching this apparent." he turned back to the stairs.

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