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Tyrion Archer

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Year 09

About Tyrion Archer

  • Birthday 06/10/1996

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  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    My life revolves almost entirely around aspects of pop culture such as:

    Video games - favorites include The Witcher 3, Grand Theft Auto V, the Mass Effect trilogy, and GWENT: The Witcher Card Game;

    TV and web shows - Game of Thrones, Archer, Red vs. Blue, RWBY, and the Avatar franchise to name a few;

    Movies - superhero and sci-fi flicks for the most part, along with the occasional fantasy, comedy, drama, thriller, heist, and even romance film;

    Music - primarily modern metal, hard rock, soundtracks from movies, games and shows, and a small dose of rap;

    And, of course, the amazing Bionicle franchise that I grew up with like most of us here.

    These aspects of pop culture speak to me in ways that other things often do not, and I like to express myself by making well-timed references to them (which, admittedly, often fall on deaf ears due to obscurity). Since I'm frequently bored by the world I live in, I enjoy submerging myself in these much more interesting fictional universes which I feel give more meaning to my life. My free time is rarely spent performing things that would be considered productive or social, and I like it that way for the most part. It might not be an optimal way of life, but it's a way of life nonetheless.

    I also enjoy working with computers and am currently in training to do that for a living.

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